Late in the meeting.

Shaw directly split up the Death Eaters into two kings and five departments.

He established five departments: the Warfare Department, the Administration Department, the Execution Department, the Supervision Department and the Scientific Research Department. There is no legislative department for the time being.

Ahem, Shaw actually wanted to call the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Personnel, and other ancient Chinese names.

And the candidates for the five departments.

The Director of the Warfare Department is Wengo Greengrass.

The Director of the Administration Department is Lucius Malfoy. Lucius has been doing similar things and has done a good job.

The Director of the Execution Department is Pierce, who is considered a newly cultivated "own man".

The Director of the Supervision Department is Yaxley. This man is vicious and has no scheming. Occasionally, he is quite suitable for the job of offending people.

The Director of the Scientific Research Department is Snape, which needs no explanation.

After Shaw and several people explained the scope of authority of each department in detail, they asked them to select and inspect their members from tomorrow.

The Operations Department requires the most personnel, at least two hundred people, and this seemingly greatest power makes many people jealous.

Wingo couldn't stand those wolf-like eyes, and felt that he was put on fire by Shaw.

Shaw actually had no choice.

There were not many talents among the Death Eaters, and there were not a few of his real confidants.

The Greengrass family had enough background and deterrence. Wingo had rarely interfered with the Death Eaters before, and would not form a mountain in a short time, and it would be easy to add sand to balance later.

For example, Shaw has summoned Montague, who has graduated, to come to participate in the Operations Department tomorrow.

When all the members of this department are trained, they can almost be directly incorporated into the Aurors.

Future foreign wars are inevitable and must be prepared in advance.

Whether there will be wars internally depends on the final development of the relationship between Shaw and Dumbledore.

In the hall, many people were dissatisfied with the assignment of Director Shaw.

Except for the purebloods who were the big bosses before, almost all of them have now become second-rate. It is normal for them to be dissatisfied and they are already considering how to protest.

Fudge felt that since he really became a Death Eater, he should have a high position inside, but in the end he got nothing. This person is ignorant and it is normal for him to be dissatisfied.

Borgin and Burke also looked at Snape with a cold face. The Research Department should be his, right? The Burke family is an alchemy family!

Borgin and Burke wanted to speak several times, but was forced back by Shaw's unquestionable domineering eyes.

Shaw took out a set of combat manuals given to him by Vita from the ring and handed it to Wingo through the air.

"This is a training method summarized by combining the Muggle Special Forces and some duel experience. The team members must be trained well."

Then he announced directly.

"Today's meeting ends here, adjourned!"

After Shaw finished speaking, he stood up directly, floated in the water prison where Greyback was imprisoned, and walked towards the back hall.

A group of poisonous snakes on the throne rustled and swam like a gorgeous skirt, following Shaw away. This scene was very strange.

Snape pushed away Borgin and Burke who wanted to stop him and asked for an explanation, and strode after Shaw.

The conference hall was silent for a long time, and no one spoke.

Tonks pulled Kingsley's sleeve and whispered.

"Why don't they leave? My feet are really numb."

"Too many things happened today. I guess you are thinking."

"What is there to think about? Shaw may not be able to return to Hogwarts. He is a dark wizard who had a fight with Headmaster Dumbledore."

"What do you know? Who told you that Shaw is a dark wizard? Have you ever seen a dark wizard who can cast a patronus? And the concept he just promoted is that you are not active and you are not old-fashioned. There is really no problem. In the end, he did not lynch the deserters."

"Huh? It seems so. Is this still a Death Eater?"

Tonks was confused for a moment, and she couldn't understand the actions of this little cousin.

Then she said in surprise.

"No, he wants to overthrow the Ministry of Magic."

Kingsley saw that the others were looking at him, and quickly put a silent and wandless earplug on the two of them.

"You idiot, Fudge is here. If Dumbledore doesn't say anything, the Ministry of Magic will almost be theirs, except for us. In view of your performance in this operation, you have failed the Auror training this year!"

Tonks's mouth was slightly long, and her golden hair immediately turned gray and black...

Lucius looked at Wengo with envy, thinking about whether to arrange a baby marriage.

Then he stood up from his seat, holding the etiquette stick, and looked at everyone with his chin slightly raised.

"I believe everyone has thought clearly about the gains and losses. Following Lord Black, the future will only be bright.

Advise those who have evil thoughts to be quiet and don't go against the trend. Dumbledore is old, and our two demon kingsThey are all the most noble descendants of Slytherin.

Okay, everyone go home and rest first, and remember to come and apply for new positions tomorrow. "


After Shaw released the snakes, he came to Tom's attic.

He looked at Greyback, who had turned back into a human. This guy was now curled up, as if he had only one breath.

Shor ignored him and looked back at Snape who had chased him all the way, and said gently.

"Professor, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Snape's eyes were no longer empty, and he said with a little excitement.

"You resurrected the young Dark Lord, right? You must know where the Resurrection Stone is, right? Tell me! "

Shor didn't expect that Snape didn't care who the Dark Lord was, but went straight to the most important Resurrection Stone.

He secretly sighed that he was such an infatuated man.

But he couldn't do what he wanted.

The Resurrection Stone has too many side effects, and it can't really call back the soul from the world of the dead. It's just a fake soul simulated from the viewer's memory.

And this fake soul will seduce people to death. The higher the obsession in the heart, the easier it is to be fooled.

Shor didn't want to see Snape commit suicide.

Snape saw Shaw's hesitation and his voice became more sincere.

"Shor, I promise you, as long as you can see Lily, I am willing to give everything!"

Shor turned around and looked at the moonlight outside the window, and said in a firm tone.

"Professor, I'm sorry, I really don't know where the Resurrection Stone is. Only Tom, who is also a Horcrux, can sense the whereabouts of the other Horcrux. You should have discussed it with him. "

Snape was stunned for a moment, and after regaining his composure, he spoke in a cold tone.

"I know all about the legend and negative effects of the Resurrection Stone, so are you afraid of my death? Or do you pity me?"

Shor didn't know how to start for a moment. Smart people are always hard to fool, and they are stubborn to death.

Snape's empty eyes flashed a trace of thought, and he spoke again coldly.

"You can't be Dumbledore's opponent, so you were acting before, right? Dumbledore changed his mind about you after seeing your Patronus, right?"

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