At the end of the row in the hall, the tall, thin, long-haired Pierce trembled and stood up awkwardly.

He had escaped the control of the Imperius Curse, but his hands were already dirty. He was not a determined person, so he automatically became a Death Eater.

Now that he was named, everyone was looking at him.

Well, it was really hard to wash it clean.

Pierce glanced at Fudge and Lucius who were sitting at the front of the seat.

Ahem, it didn't seem to be a big deal.

So Pierce immediately took off his mask firmly, stepped out of the line, bowed and shouted.

"My Lord!"

Shaw said lightly.

"You should punish these people in the middle according to the law, and send them to Azkaban quickly after a surprise interrogation. If they make random accusations, do you know how to deal with them?"

Pierce was delighted. The new Dark Lord came here to give him credit. This was to train him. Wouldn't he not have to look at Yaxley's eyes in the future?

He immediately knelt on one knee.

"Sir, I understand that I must punish these traitors severely and make this matter perfect."

Shor asked Pierce to suppress those who were already crying and shouting, and then he stood up.

He had already used the methods of showing strength, showing off, and showing off his status. The next step was naturally to draw big cakes and set rules.

Shor's eyes became more sincere, and his voice was friendly.

"Friends, you should be both familiar and unfamiliar with me, Shor Black, but you should be familiar with my ideas.

Although I have noble blood, I never discriminate against others.


You are all adults. Today we will not talk about feelings and ideals, but only about pros and cons.

The idea of ​​blood supremacy is outdated!"

As soon as this statement came out, the reaction on the scene was directly polarized. Those with old ideas gnashed their teeth, and those mixed-blood errand runners were inexplicably excited.

Shor was not surprised by such a reaction. Seeing that those old-fashioned pure bloods who gnashed their teeth did not stand up, he was disdainful in his heart.

Then he directly exposed it.

"I know many of you are indignant, but look at your companions around you. Those who truly believe in pure-blood supremacy are now a minority!

Pure-blood? Ask yourself, how many of you are truly pure-blood here? We are all insiders. There is no need to quibble. The real pure-blood has long been wiped out.

Okay, I said that today we will not talk about sentiment and ideas, but only about the pros and cons.

Muggle wizards and half-blood wizards in the magic world now account for more than 90% of the wizard population.

If anyone really dares to use the banner of pure-blood supremacy, he will definitely be surrounded by enemies.

Failure is the only outcome, just like Voldemort ten years ago.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is not learning lessons.

I don't care how many people here are dissatisfied, just hold it in. Maybe someone wants to wait for another Dark Lord to come back and make the decision?

Then you Don't dream. Since your master and I are in a cooperative relationship, our ideas are naturally synchronized, and I can take whatever I want from you.

Now I declare that from now on, the Death Eaters will only be judged by their abilities, regardless of their bloodline. Whoever is stronger and more capable is noble!

Death Eaters are no longer the Death Eaters of the past.

After we seize the Ministry of Magic, we will create more jobs and fair promotion channels, and give werewolves and vampires freedom and equality under strict constraints.

But everything is difficult at the beginning. Within the next month, we will first conduct an internal survey of their strength and ability to handle government affairs. The capable will be promoted and the mediocre will be demoted. Whoever is partial to others and who hinders our progress will die!"

After Shaw said this, he pointed his wand to the sky, and a green beam of light as thick as a thigh directly blew through the ceiling, revealing the moonlight outside in the flying stone chips.

Lucius didn't even bother to think about Shaw's words. He felt really distressed and had a headache watching the beautiful and gorgeous dome of his hall shattered.

The other dozen or so pureblood supremacists were pale.

If the foundation of the Pureblood Society was destroyed and another Dark Lord did not make the decision for them.

If they did not want to get involved, they had no choice but to emigrate.

As for the remaining Death Eaters, half of them did not care, and the other half were extremely excited.

The power structure and promotion channels of the Death Eaters organization were really simple and crude.

The top positions were almost occupied by the twenty-eight purebloods, who were all big bosses regardless of their abilities. If a half-blood wanted to get promoted, it would be a genius like Snape.

The next level was the new purebloods, who had not married Muggle wizards for three generations.

The next level was the half-bloods, and the bottom runners were those nameless dark wizards and wanderers, who were basically Muggle wizards, werewolves, vampires, etc., and they were not even qualified to have the Dark Mark.

These people had almost no channels for promotion. Even if they made great contributions, at best they would be rewarded with some money and become a small boss.

This phenomenon can almost be reflected in the Ministry of Magic, which is almost the same.Just a little better.

So it's no wonder that most people at the scene are happy.

A dozen stubborn people looked here and there, feeling even more uncomfortable after being isolated.

Wingo Greengrass, this time, was the first to respond than Lucius, who was still worried about the ceiling. He immediately stepped out of the line and knelt on one knee, saying devoutly.

"Resolutely support all decisions of Lord Black!"

Lucius was stunned. Good guy, this guy really fought for his daughter, and quickly followed and knelt on one knee.

"Resolutely support all wise decisions of Lord Black! The Malfoy family is willing to sacrifice everything!"

Then, almost two hundred people followed.

"Resolutely support all decisions of Lord Black." *N

The few remaining people saw this situation and had to follow the crowd. In the end, there were only a dozen stubborn guys left, um, and two stray werewolves and Snape.

In the corner against the wall, Kingsley pulled Tonks and whispered anxiously.

"Kneel down, or you'll be exposed."

"Let me kneel down, Shaw? I won't do it even if you kill me!"

"Why are you so stubborn? We have to successfully transmit the information here!"

"Then kneel down. I'll die anyway. Ouch, why did you cast a spell on me?"

"If you don't obey orders like this next time, don't expect Auror training."


Shaw was quite satisfied with the approval rating, which was also within his expectations.

After more than a year of investigation, he had long understood the shortcomings of the magic world and the dissatisfaction of low-level wizards.

If it weren't for the wizards' good self-sufficiency, the Ministry of Magic would have been overturned in ordinary society.

The eating habits of pure-blood wizards in the magic world are really ugly.

Shaw looked at the dozen or so Death Eaters who were still unwilling to give up, and smiled sincerely.

"It's okay if you don't agree. You can just step back in the future. I believe the Chamber of Commerce will also have a share for you, and you will not lose your dividends in the future."

People are creatures that like to think too much.

Obviously, Shaw's words were sincere, but to these dozen people, it became a threat.

It meant that if they didn't join, the Chamber of Commerce would be deprived of their shares.

But now a large amount of money has been invested, and the remarkable results have been seen. Whoever is stupid will withdraw, and they have been waiting for the money.

Shaw was stunned to see these dozen people immediately kneeling on one knee and loudly expressing their loyalty, and he was almost confused.

Shaw finally looked at the last person standing, Snape, and smiled and didn't care.

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