Chapter 308 Professor Hagrid

The boys of La Wen Keluo College cast envious eyes on Charlotte, but they also accepted it with pleasure.

But many girls are still very jealous of Ms. Zhang. Maybe for them, Ms. Zhang has more courage than them. They just hope that Charlotte will not accept Ms. Zhang's admiration.

Naturally, Charlotte didn't care about Zhang Qiu's confession. In his view, Zhang Qiu's confession was her own business. Whether Charlotte agreed or not had nothing to do with her disagreement. As for Hermione, there was nothing to say.

Because Hermione is busy with her studies this semester and can't take care of him at all.

After a while, it was time for class, and it was Professor Hagrid's class on the protection of magical animals.

Hagrid took the students to the direction of the forest, and they arrived in a short while. Hagrid said, "Everyone line up in an orderly manner. After standing up, please open your books to page 49. We have started class."

The students were all talking about why the book couldn't be opened, everyone said something to each other, Hagrid said, "Of course you need to pat it 16 and then it can be opened."

Everyone is studying this strange book, like an elf jumping around in his hand.

Neville pondered over the book, suddenly the book seemed to come alive, biting Neville's clothes and running around on him. Terrified.

Upon seeing this, the professor said, "Didn't I tell you to pat it, you want to beat him everywhere but y

Seeing this, Charlotte patted the book lightly, and the book became quiet as expected.

Seeing that everyone's books were quiet, Neville got up from the ground unhappily. He picked up the books and muttered, "What a disobedient little rascal." He patted the books lightly, and his books immediately Quiet.

Charlotte looked at page 49 that the professor had turned to. This page depicted a big monster with an eagle's head and a horse's body that looked terrifying.

Suddenly there was a "hiss" from the forest.

Everyone's eyes were startled, and at the same time they all turned to the side that made the sound. When they saw the monster on the book, they seemed to come out, making whirring sounds from time to time.

Everyone couldn't help but praise how handsome this monster is.

But everyone dare not approach him, after all he is a monster, everyone is not familiar with it, what if he hurts himself, and here, after all, it is a forbidden forest, so it is still very dangerous.

At this moment, Hagrid took out a dead snow leopard from his pocket. Turned around and threw it to the big monster.

This monster didn't admit it at all, jumped up and took a bite, and the snow leopard ate it with relish.

Everyone was stunned by the behavior of this winged beast and envied it.

Charlotte is not that interested in this winged beast. In his opinion, this winged beast was raised by Professor Hagrid. It is not as ferocious as the wild ones. He just raised it in captivity and then trained it.

However, Professor Hagrid is particularly fond of this Hippogriff, and he happily introduced it to the students.

He said, "This winged beast is called Buckbeak, and I raised him from childhood. He is very proud, but you must not humiliate him, you must respect him.

This Buckbeak has been watching the Hogwarts students jumping and dancing with great joy.

But the students are still quite afraid of Buckbeak's winged beast. In the eyes of the students, they have never been in contact with it, and he is so big and fierce. "The students all hid away.

Hagrid suddenly said, "Why are you hiding so far away? Don't you want to get in touch with him? He is very gentle, and he likes you very much."

When everyone heard the teacher say hello to the big monster, the students were terrified and kept backing away, leaving Charlotte feeling even more bored.

Harry didn't know whether he was stunned or something, but he just stood there in a daze. When Hagrid saw Harry standing in front of him, he laughed loudly and said, "It seems that we, Harry Potter, are the only real warriors. , Then Harry, why don't you come and say hello to Buckbeak first.

Harry came to his senses and saw that the students had all stepped back a few steps, and he was the only one standing there. He thought to himself, this is broken, his mind is distracted, so he can only bite the bullet and get on with it.

Harry hesitated for a moment, still a little scared in his heart.

Hagrid said, "Go Harry, he's gentle."

Hagrid walked towards Harry and said to him, "Don't look at Buckbeak as fierce, he is a very docile pet, you have to treat him gently, and he will respond to you gently, go ahead, pet him first, you are very We're getting acquainted soon."

Although Harry was a little scared in his heart, he was not too scared to approach this big thing, so Harry walked towards Buckbeak with strides.

He also walked quickly, and when he was close to Buckbeak, he bowed to Buckbeak. Harry was also a very polite person, but Buckbeak had never seen anyone else except Hagrid. , looked at Harry vigilantly, Harry was startled by the sudden ferocious look in his eyes, Harry staggered and took a step back, making the students who were watching behind him sweat for Harry.

But Hagrid laughed haha, and said, "Harry, don't be afraid, you can touch it a little closer [Nakashi Bibe won't hurt you.

After hearing what Hagrid said, Harry turned his head to look at Buckbeak, and continued to bow. Buckbeak seemed to have relaxed his vigilance when he saw Harry continue to walk this way. After all, his master was also here, and they didn't will hurt yourself.

Buckbeak's eyes became gentle all of a sudden, and he even bowed towards Harry.

Charlotte saw this but didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, this bowing action was just a subconscious action of Buckbeak, and it didn't mean to relax his vigilance at all. Besides, as a monster, it was still aggressive. He still felt that Harry dangerous.

Hagrid who was standing behind laughed loudly, and said, "You are already great Harry, you see that Buckbeak is already friendly to you, try to get closer and touch it."

Harry heard what Hagrid said, and also saw Buckbeak's attitude towards him, so he became more daring, and walked forward with courage.

Walking to Buckbeak's side, he stretched out his hand to touch it. Buckbeak also cooperated very well, and the two looked very harmonious.

Everyone has an incredible expression.

Hagrid encouraged Harry to sit on Buckbeak's back and feel it. .

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