Chapter 307 Training

Charlotte smiled and replied, "Next year I can learn everything you can teach me. I have done enough for Slytherin Quidditch, and then I should have a good rest."

Charlotte told Professor Snape everything that was on her mind, probably because Professor Snape liked such straightforward people, so he didn't take it seriously.

Professor Snape gave Charlotte a meaningful look and said, "It's okay, you can do whatever you want."

Charlotte watched as Professor Snape nodded slightly, closed the door and left.

Charlotte hummed a ditty, picked up the Nimbus 2001 next to her, and ran to the Quidditch training ground happily.

In the distance, he could see the "Two Four Seven" players in Slytherin Quidditch uniforms practicing on the field.

It is not difficult to see that all the players trained very seriously today.

Slowly walking towards the Quidditch training ground, the sharp-eyed Steve saw Charlotte walking towards the court. Immediately signaled to all players to land on the ground and wait for Charlotte to come to the field.

The members of the Slytherin Quidditch team immediately obeyed the order and landed on the ground, showing respect to Captain Charlotte.

Charlotte saw all the team members working hard in training, so she asked softly, "Everyone worked hard today, how about the freshmen? Are the freshmen still used to it?"

When Steve heard what the captain said, he immediately took a step forward and said, "This year's freshmen have trained very well. As long as they strengthen their training, everyone will be excellent."

Charlotte said it was just wonderful.

Then, he took out the Nimbus 2001 and prepared to participate in the Slytherin Quidditch team training with all the players.

Suddenly, a very good-looking black-haired girl came over with a flying broom and looked at Charlotte with a smile. This girl looks so charming that people can't help but want to look at her.

Luo Xiang looked at this girl in surprise, because this girl was simply too attractive, but he saw that this girl was wearing the school uniform of La Wen Claude. Then he opened his mouth and said to the girl, "Hello, who are you?"

The girl also looked at Charlotte and replied, "Hello, I am a Chinese, and my name is Zhang Qiu."

Charlotte raised the corner of her mouth, smiled, got up and said, then I will call you Miss Zhang, what's the matter?

Zhang Qiu also smiled, touched his hair naturally and said, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Charlotte was puzzled, seeing that the members of the La Wen Keluo Quidditch team came towards them one after another, but they didn't dare to face Charlotte directly, they just listened secretly.

Charlotte looked at the girl and said, "What are you waiting for me?"

Zhang Qiu never left Charlotte's eyes, he said, "Yes, I have been waiting for you."

Charlotte became even more curious, and said, "Since you have nothing to do, do you simply want to see me? But we don't know each other."

Ms. Zhang smiled and said, "Yes, maybe I just admire you."

Steve and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team felt incredible, which was obviously a naked confession.

Charlotte turned and glanced at the players, who lowered their heads.

Ms. Zhang said shyly, "I am La Wen Keluo, a fourth-grade student. I have liked you very much since you first came to school, and I didn't join our Quidditch team until now because I wanted to see you."

"So that's the case, what's the reason?"

Miss Zhang said slowly, "Maybe I think the two of us get along better, so I paid attention to you very early."

After Zhang Qiu's words came out, a group of team members became even more frustrated. Perhaps in the eyes of the team members, Zhang Qiu belongs to that kind of goddess-level person, but their goddess actually likes others, and even confesses to others in front of them, they are simply too disappointed.

But Charlotte said disapprovingly, "I will no longer participate in the Quidditch competition next year, and I plan to quit after finishing this year."

The members of the Wen Crow team were extremely happy when they heard Xiangluo say this, because they had been tortured by Charlotte in the past two years. Charlotte's departure is undoubtedly the best news for them.

Although the members of the La Wen Keluo team are very happy in their hearts, they still don't show it so much in front of Charlotte. …

But the members of the Slytherin team behind Charlotte are not so happy. Their favorite captain will quit their team next year, which shows how disappointed they are.

One team is happy, but the other team is very disappointed. Charlotte didn't even think of this scene. La Wen Keluo's team members? Looking at the Slytherin team's players with shame

But Charlotte disapprovingly said it was okay. Maybe he doesn't understand how important he is to the whole team.

In the eyes of the players, Quidditch is so important, but in Charlotte's eyes, it doesn't matter.

Steve and his group stood behind Charlotte with displeased faces.

Ms. Zhang immediately looked at Charlotte with a pleasant face and said, "Little big brother, the members of our team are not mean or mocking you."

Charlotte also looked at Ms. Zhang and said, "It's okay, anyway, it's my own decision that has nothing to do with anyone."

Zhang Qiu looked at Charlotte lovingly and smiled sweetly.

Charlotte looked at Zhang Qiu and asked, "Why, do you think I am an unreasonable person?"

Zhang Qiu stunned for a moment and snickered and said, "That's not right. After all, you are so good, you give people a sense of superiority. You are the best student at Hogwarts 2.5 students. It's not unreasonable, even if we see you It's a little far away hahaha."

Charlotte also laughed when she heard it, "Hahaha, so everyone sees me like this."

Zhang Qiu looked at Charlotte seriously and said, "The glorious deeds of your old man, probably everyone in the world knows, everyone must think you are a person who is out of reach, but now I think you don't seem to be so difficult to get along with, even It’s also very flattering.”

Zhang Qiu's small eyes have been looking at Charlotte, showing no stinginess in his love for the whereabouts.

Soon, everyone in the colleges knew about Miss Zhang’s confession on the court. Miss Zhang is a beautiful woman in La Wen Keluo who is excellent in all aspects. Although Charlotte is also very good, this confession still caused a sensation. .

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