Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 75 Dumbledore Is Confused, Did Minerva Take The Wrong Medicine Today? (Please Subscribe!)

"That's right, this is the test product I made yesterday!"

Kyle took out a dozen more magic scrolls from his messenger bag.

Of course, it is said that it is a scroll, but it has not yet been perfected, and it looks like a variety of things now.

Fantastic animal bones and hides and everything.

"Just take this as an example..."

Kyle picked up one of the rolled hides.

A little bit of magic has been injected into it.

A "cleansing spell" was invoked.

The magical animal blood accidentally stained on Kyle's robe was instantly cleaned up.

"As you can see, Professor, this is a scroll of "Cleansing Charm"."

After casting the spell, Kyle put the hide back on the table.

However, the bright ancient runes originally written in blood had become dim along with the entire animal skin.

"Merlin's beard!"

Seeing this scene, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

This is really shocking.

Wizards these days rely heavily on wands.

Even McGonagall taught this master of transfiguration.

Once you leave the magic wand, you lose 80% of your strength.

But now if you have this magic scroll, it will be different.

Even if the magic power is lost at a critical moment, there will be a certain amount of self-protection power.

Cassandra on the side also looked at Kyle in astonishment.

She'd thought Kyle was thinking about some "big shit" prank prop again.

Who would have imagined such a powerful invention.

Potions, Herbalism, Charms, and Magizoology...  

Cassandra had seen Kyle excel in several disciplines.

But never expected that Kyle is so good at alchemy.

[Ding! Heartbeat detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】



Kyle looked at the name of the emotional chest that appeared in the system for the first time.

Look at Professor McGonagall and finally set your sights on Cassandra.

The latter exchanged a glance with Kyle, then suddenly blushed and lowered his head.

"Son, can I have one for a try?" At this moment, Professor McGonagall shyly made another request.

"There's no dangerous magic stored here, is there?"

She wanted to try the effect of the magic scroll for herself.

"Of course there is no 28. They are all very simple magic."

"You are free to pick it up and pour some magic power into it, or more simply, imagine two words to inspire.

Kyle felt the need to get on good terms with Professor McGonagall.

Maybe at some point he will draw out talents like "Transfiguration Mastery".

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall was relieved.

To be honest, she was really afraid that Kyle had stored some magic in it like the Killing Curse and the Cruciatus Curse.

But even so, she didn't dare to use it on herself.

Pick up a "magic scroll" in the shape of an animal bone.

Professor McGonagall turned to look out the window.

Thinking about inspiring.

It is not too simple to use emotions to mobilize the use of magic power.


Just listen to a loud bang!


It's just an ordinary "Thunderbolt Explosion" spell.

The bad news is...

This magic scroll was made by Kyle from dragon's blood.

The wall targeted by Professor McGonagall's magic scroll spiraled straight up into the sky.

The bitter autumn wind blew directly into the classroom.

The little wizards in the classroom were frightened by the scene before them when they heard the movement.

They saw Professor McGonagall pointing what appeared to be a wand at the wall.

Merlin up.

what's the situation?

Professor McGonagall blew up the classroom?

【Ding! Thirty-one fear emotions detected!】

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting five silver treasure chests and twenty-six bronze treasure chests!】

Professor McGonagall is also confused!

She didn't expect that a magic scroll in her hand would have such great power!

"Son, is that what you're talking about is simple magic?" The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Professor McGonagall turned to look at you.

Good guy!

Before class, in order to prevent the brat from causing damage in the classroom, she specially warned her before class.

Don't take out the wand...

The result is now good!

Did the Transfiguration classroom not escape this section, and it was still destroyed by her own hands.

The only response to her was Kyle's surprised expression.

"Professor, you don't think the spell of thunderbolt explosion is very difficult, do you?"

Professor McGonagall: "???"

No, what you said is simple, not referring to the power of magic.

It refers to the difficulty of release????

[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】

Principal room

I didn't see the bear boy for two and a half days.

Dumbledore felt that the sky at Hogwarts was exceptionally clear.

Life seemed to have returned to its previous calm for a while.

In order to set off the good mood at this time.

Old Deng made himself a cup of black tea specially.

Then he took out the desserts that Kyle sent before.

This is the spoils of war with the brats, and Dumbledore felt that these desserts and candies were much sweeter than the ones he bought at the Honeydukes candy store.

A bunch of sweets are on the table.

I took a sip of black tea.

Old Dengtou had to choose the cockroach heap first.

It's a candy that crawls across tables like cockroaches.

With a smile on his face, he picked up one and put it in his mouth.

Dumbledore began to taste with his eyes closed.

Bite it down!


A sour and slightly bitter taste filled the whole mouth!


Old Deng suddenly opened his eyes.

its not right!

Cockroach piles are sweet candy.

Where is the juice?

And the sour, bitter taste....

Subconsciously looked towards the pile of cockroaches.

However, I saw a few strange cockroaches suddenly appeared from the pile of cockroaches that had been enchanted and could only crawl back and forth within a certain small range.............

Not to mention beyond the scope of the magic setting, it is still climbing down the table......

Think back to what you just tasted.

Dumbledore: "???"

[Ding! Anger detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】

I didn't wait to spit out the cockroach in my mouth.

The whole castle suddenly shook.

Through the window, a castle wall could be seen flying straight out.

Dumbledore was momentarily stunned.

A bad premonition came directly to my heart.

"Albus, are you there?" After a while, Professor McGonagall's anxious voice came from the door of the principal's office.

have to!

The bad premonition came true directly.

Old Deng glanced at the school schedule of the first-year Slytherin wizards posted on the wall.

This was specially prepared by him.

In an instant, I guessed which classroom the wall that flew out belonged to.

"Minerva, needless to say, I already know why you're here!" Dumbledore rubbed his forehead in distress.

This must be another brat making trouble and blowing up the classroom!

"You know everything?" Professor McGonagall was a little surprised.

"Of course, don't worry, I will definitely punish Kyle this time!"

"I'll put him in confinement, or let him write a review!"

"And fifty points for Slytherin as punishment!"

Dumbledore gritted his teeth.

Can't go on like this!

He felt like he was in the shadow of the cockroach pile now.

More importantly, first Snape, then McGonagall.

Old Deng didn't know how many people would come to him every three days to protest and complain.

It made me feel like I couldn't sleep well.

This punishment was already the harshest for little wizards.

He believes that Professor McGonagall will be very satisfied after hearing it.

Not only was Professor McGonagall not satisfied after hearing this, but his tone suddenly increased several times.

Even the ceiling trembled.

"Punish Kyle? Why?"

"Albus, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Did the headmaster of Hogwarts fall into your hands, just to let you punish the students properly?"

Professor McGonagall slapped the table.

The words directly made Dumbledore's brains not enough.

No, what's the situation?

My best friend took the wrong medicine when I went out today?

The script is wrong...

Two days ago, he was clamoring for a strict education for Kyle, why now...

"Um, didn't he just blow up your Transfiguration classroom?" Dumbledore asked suspiciously.

As soon as the words came out, I saw that Professor McGonagall's righteous and confident momentum disappeared in an instant.

"I'll talk about the transformation class classroom later.

"I will pay for the repair costs, just give me the bill!"

"I'm going to tell you about Kyle's new invention!" Professor McGonagall quickly changed the subject.

"This kid has invented again?" Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's right, just now, in my transformation classroom!"

"Did he also have a deep study of Transfiguration?"

"Um, that's not it, it's about alchemy!"

Dumbledore: "???"


"Son, come in, don't stand outside!" Professor McGonagall shouted towards the outside of the principal's office.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore!" The brat then poked his head in.

A guilty conscience.

no way..….……

Originally, I followed Professor McGonagall and prepared to claim credit.

As a result, I saw the news that the system treasure chest had been credited halfway.

Reflecting on what he had done during this period of time, Kyle immediately locked on the contribution of the treasure chest.

So I couldn't be straight for a moment, and I didn't feel strong anymore!

When Old Deng saw the bear boy, he subconsciously thought of the cockroach he ate just now.

Glancing at the pile of cockroaches on the table.

I was about to speak, but you preempted me.

"Professor, I really want to suggest that you clean the office well."

The bear boy glanced at Old Deng's desk with disgust.

"As the principal, how can you be so careless about hygiene?"

"Look, all kinds of candies and desserts are left everywhere, and they have already attracted cockroaches!"

Hearing this, Dumbledore's blood pressure surged instantly...

This is another familiar routine of anti-customer-oriented.

Just about to speak up.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall cast a disgusted look.


[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】

after a long time

"Son, is this the new invention you're talking about?"

"I just told you briefly that ancient wizards used ancient runes to recite spells. Can you make this magic scroll based on this?"

After listening to the good news from Professor McGonagall.

Look at the dozen or so magic scrolls on the table.

Dumbledore asked in disbelief.

"That's right, Professor!" Kyle stood behind Professor McGonagall intentionally or not.

It seems to be a performance of respecting the teacher.....


I didn't bring Fox with me when I went out today, for fear that Lao Deng would turn over old scores.

"Oh, Merlin's beard, this is really amazing."

After getting an affirmative answer, Dumbledore immediately set off a storm in his heart.

What a terrible talent is this?

With just two sentences, a magic scroll was created that could change the pattern of the wizarding world.

"Dumbledore, I think you know the value of this new invention, and you must give this child the reward he deserves." Professor McGonagall said seriously.

"Kyle is a good boy, we have never had such a gifted student at Hogwarts.

This thing was made in her class.

It is destined to leave a name in the history of magic......

Professor McGonagall could all imagine it now, hundreds of years from now.

When the new batch of young wizards study the history of magic, they will see it in the book.

"Kyle Mephisto, who invented the magic scroll in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class in the fall of 1991..." 970

"Of course, of course I know Kyle's a good kid."

"Son, can you tell me what kind of magic is being made now?" Dumbledore nodded, then began to think.

With this invention, can Kyle's Medal of Merlin be upgraded by one level.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head secretly.

Unless the ancient runes can be popularized, this kind of magic scroll is mass-produced like the new life potion.

Otherwise it is still difficult.

"Um, fluorescent spell, cleansing spell, blazing flames, thunderbolt explosion, flocks of birds, armor body protection, besides your weapons..."

While talking, Kyle took out the corresponding magic scroll from his bag, and when he got a black animal bone, he quickly put it back into his bag.

Then just change it up.

"No more, that's all!"

"Professor, you know, I actually don't know much magic."

"Moreover, spells like Transfiguration and Flying Curse require too much information to be made into scrolls."

After finishing speaking, the bear boy looked at Lao Deng with a pure face, without blinking his eyes.

You don't know much magic?

It's okay not to say it, but Dumbledore immediately realized something was wrong.

"Can you show me that bone you just took out?"

"Of course, Professor!" Kyle took out the animal bone that had just been taken back "indifferently".

"Just think about the stimulation in your heart, and what's stored in it will be released.

"What kind of magic is stored here?" Dumbledore looked at the bones.

There are ancient runes written on it, but the writing is the same as the soul painting, and it is completely unclear what is written.

He smelled dragon's blood on it.

"I forgot too, but I can assure you that the above is definitely not black magic!"

When Kyle heard the question, he immediately showed a nervous expression.

"Professor, let's try another experiment, this one might not be very good."

"It doesn't matter, that's it."

"But what if something happens?"

"Don't worry, kid, no matter what happens, I won't blame you!" Old Deng showed an expression that was as expected.

There must be a black magic on this.

But as long as you don't release it on anyone, you'll be fine.

After speaking, Dumbledore directly mobilized a trace of history.


There was another loud bang.

The magic scroll is activated.

Not the black magic that Dumbledore imagined...

It's a magic called "house collapse".

In the original book, when the trio visited Lovegood's house, this magic appeared.

A source—a Latin spell that means "to dig deep" or "to go down"!

The effect is……………

Blast a big hole in the floor.

A moment later, watching the result of the spell, Kyle shrugged helplessly.

"Professor, I told you to change it!"

Dumbledore: "???"

[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!].

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