Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 122 Worried Lean

The diary in the box was placed firmly inside, and there was nothing strange about it.

Lean took it out of the box, spread it out on the table, and wrote on it: "Hello."

Come again? The remnant spirit of Voldemort thought depressedly in his notebook.

Li En also asked the same question last time, and after he replied, Li En immediately closed the diary and locked it in the box. It took such a long time to take it out.

Do you know how he spent this time?

Every day I could only look at the pitch black outside, without even a ghost to speak.

This was Voldemort when he was still studying at Hogwarts, and his character had not yet been twisted to that extent. So facing such a claustrophobic environment, Voldemort was actually feeling a little trembling at this time.

This is the same as confinement. Even the strongest warrior will be afraid of confinement, let alone Voldemort who is still in school, even if he has killed one person.

Little Tom hid in his diary thinking about how to answer this sentence.

He had never had contact with Lean before and could not figure out Lean's character at all. But this time I won’t reply with a “hello” like last time.

He didn't want to be locked into a box with a "snap" again.

Lien looked at the diary that had not been replied to for a long time, and his face became more and more ugly. He really couldn't figure out who had such a great ability to avoid his perception, get into the seamless stretch bag on his waist, and open it. The sealed box replaces the diary.

At the same time, the integrity of the seal must be ensured.

Not to mention other things, he learned this sealing technique from the Book of All Laws. There is no way anyone in this world can know it.

Ryan waited another two minutes, and now he gave up completely. It can only be said that the power of fate is so powerful that he cannot resist it.

Just when Lien was about to close the diary, a line of words suddenly appeared:

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to know the truth about the world? Want to..."


The diary was once again closed ruthlessly by Rean, placed in a box, sealed with a sealing technique, and placed in his own traceless stretch bag.

Damn, the notebook is real, so who released this monster?

Rean was sitting next to the console, his expression a little ugly.

Trying to investigate a hidden soul in this magical castle is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Lean?" Hermione's voice rang in Lean's ears, waking up Lean who was thinking about "where did Voldemort's remnant soul come from?"

"Hermione, are you going to have class so soon?" Lean looked at Hermione and showed an ugly smile.

He really couldn't figure out how the basilisk came out.

"Yeah, hurry up, or you won't catch up." Hermione was a little anxious.

This afternoon is Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and that naughty guy Lockhart will take roll call in every class, giving you no chance to skip class.

Once you skip class, Lockhart will punish you by going to his office to help him reply to fans. This was great practical experience from the Weasley twins, who had already helped Lockhart out on several occasions.

"Ah, then I don't think it's a big problem. When Professor Lockhart asks you why you didn't come to class, you only need to say: 'I was fascinated by your books and lost track of time. I hope you are as wise as you can give me some help. One chance to make things right.' That's it. I believe Professor Lockhart will be moved by you."

Although Lean was still joking at this moment, Hermione could clearly feel that Lean was still worried about something.

"Hermione, do you still have the pendant I gave you?" Lean said suddenly, which made Hermione stunned for a moment.

But Hermione quickly realized that Ryan was talking about the pendant given to him for Christmas.

"Of course, I always wear it." Hermione's face was a little blushing, and the little girl lowered her head and said shyly.

"Hermione, remember, don't take it off, Hogwarts is no longer safe." Rean said seriously.

But he was also thinking about whether he should deal with the basilisk. He could only be a thief for a thousand days, and there was no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

It was obvious that the Basilisk's first target was him, otherwise he wouldn't have waited for him at the entrance of the laboratory on the fifth floor. It was very remote and few people would go there.

"Is something going to happen again?" Hermione's senses were very keen. In addition, Rean had told her about Voldemort before, and the little girl quickly associated the two things together.

"Is that that person?" Hermione didn't dare to call Voldemort by his name anymore until Voldemort was still alive.

Lean nodded and didn't say much.

"But Lean, can't you even do anything about it?" From Hermione's point of view, if even Lean can't solve the problem, then there is a high probability that the problem can only be solved by waiting for the principal to take action.

"No, it's just that it's hiding very deep and I can't find it." Rean shook his head, "You must also pay attention to safety these days. The basilisk controlled by Voldemort has already found me once. You are the closest to me. Man, I’m afraid it’s going to get you next time.”

"What!" Hermione yelled.

When the little girl heard "the closest person", her face turned red and it seemed like blood would drip from her eyes in the next second. However, she quickly realized that the basilisk had already approached Rean once.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked with concern.

"No, instead the basilisk was seriously injured. Because of the basilisk's eyes, I could only fight it with my eyes closed, which caused my spell release to be a little off, otherwise I would have been able to kill it." Lien's words were filled with emotion. Full of regret.

Hermione curled her lips. She had read an introduction in the library. An adult basilisk could easily kill three or four adult wizards. It was a powerful magical creature.

And what did Lean say just now? I almost killed it with my eyes closed, but in the end it was my own mistake that allowed the basilisk to slip away.

Hermione didn't know what to say at this time. She opened her mouth and closed it again. She really didn't want to pay attention to this guy who talked so much about Versailles.

"Hahaha, Miss Granger, Mr. Zell, I know you are discussing the knowledge in my books, but I think you can come to my class and listen to me. To be honest, I have prepared for this class. It will definitely open your eyes for a long time.”

A cheerful voice sounded behind the two of them. When Lean and Hermione turned around, they saw Lockhart's iconic big white teeth.

"Sorry, Professor." Ryan and Hermione quickly admitted their mistake and sat down in the classroom.

Lockhart always comes in a pinch, so if you meet Lockhart, it means you are almost late.

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