Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 121 Basilisk’s Raid

In the next month, Ryan and Hermione spent two or three days every week in the laboratory to practice potion preparation.

The prepared potions are sold through Lien's shop in Diagon Alley.

The manager of the store is Keqi, the third of the three brothers.

At the same time, the medicines in the small group of Kes and Beaver will also be sold through Lean's shop, and Lean will take a 10% commission from the sales.

It can be regarded as a small reward from Lean to Juana. After all, Lean can now drink the tea made by Hermione in the afternoon.

In addition, Rean would sell a bottle of potion refined by Snape to the outside world every two or three weeks. He had a lot of this. He had seized a lot from high-level wizards before, and since he was able to refine potions, he might as well keep this tasteless potion for others to enjoy.

Just keep one or two bottles for yourself for emergency use.

In addition to selling potions, the store also purchases some extremely rare herbs. Although no one has sold them so far, as long as they are available, Lien believes that he will receive them one day.

Perhaps because Lien hid the diary in his pocket, life in the second grade seemed to be much calmer, and no messy things happened.

Except for the daily quarrels between Malfoy and Mr. Savior.

It wasn't until October 15th that Li En realized how powerful the power of fate was.

At noon this day, Rean was walking alone in the corridor, Hermione went to learn tea art with Juana, and the little wizards were resting in their dormitories. The corridor was empty at this time.

Rean walked slowly down the corridor. He needed to go to the laboratory to install the newly purchased medicine cabinet, the trash can with the disappearing spell, and of course a test bench covered with dragon skin.

These were custom-made at a huge cost to Li En.

Just as Lean turned into the corridor leading to the laboratory, Lean suddenly became alert.


Without hesitation, Lien left his original position in an instant.

However, nothing happened, but Lien clearly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was becoming somewhat solemn.

"Who would target me, Malfoy? Impossible, unless his brain is broken." Rean looked around warily and murmured, "Then who is it?"

"Magic Vision"

No matter who it is, there is always magic power in the body. If you open the magic vision and take a look, you will know everything.

The whole world suddenly changed in Li En's eyes. Suddenly, there were a few more blue lines on the oil painting hiding the keyhole, and there were light spots swimming on it.

This is the magic line and the flow of magic. The direction in which the light point swims is the direction of the flow of magic.

"That's not right." Lien glanced at the statue, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Everything around him seemed normal, exactly the same as the magic lines that Lien saw when he first came to this classroom.

"No, there's still the top of the head."

Lean raised his head and looked towards the ceiling.

The entire ceiling no longer had its former glory, and the exquisite murals were now covered in a layer of rich blue light.

"flash" "flash"

Reen's two consecutive flashes directly left the range covered by the blue light on the ceiling.

When the huge magic source saw Li En leaving, he didn't act rashly. He still stayed where he was, seemingly very patient.

After waiting for a while, Lien became impatient. Lunch break is about to pass, and even though this is a remote corner on the fifth floor, if there is any movement, someone will definitely notice it immediately.

And it's obvious that this unknown creature is coming for him, and he is always with Hermione. If he doesn't solve it now when Hermione is not around, why not wait to solve it when Hermione is around?

So Lien didn't want to wait at all, and directly fired a "mental blast".

This is a spell that can cause damage to the soul. Unlike other spells, it can directly affect the soul regardless of being unable to block it.

Soon, Lien saw that the rich blue light began to fluctuate, like a stone breaking the tranquility of the water.

It can be seen from the violent fluctuations of light that this unknown creature is not feeling well at this time.

Lien expected that this mental blast would anger it and make it come out to fight him. Lean was never afraid of a head-on confrontation; but he had to be constantly on guard against possible attacks, which was really tiring, and might even implicate Hermione.

The unknown creature seemed to sense Lien's thoughts and emerged from a small pipe next to the ceiling.

In Lien's magic vision, the blue color instantly shrank into a thin line and emerged from the pipe.

A small emerald-green snake fell from the ceiling, rolling on the ground constantly, and occasionally letting out a roar or two of a ferocious beast.

As if sensing the changes in space, the snake continued to grow in size in Lien's eyes until it filled the entire space.

"Damn it." Rean closed his eyes immediately and turned on his magic perception to prevent himself from staring into the eyes of the basilisk and causing death.

Lean had too many questions in his mind at this time. He had obviously hidden the notebook in his pocket, so how could the basilisk still come out?

"Dimensional Blade"

An invisible blade sliced ​​through the air without causing a trace, and then landed on the basilisk's body, easily cutting off a large piece of flesh.

Blood sprayed out from the basilisk's body and fell to the ground with a "chichi" sound.

Under the pain, the basilisk rolled even more violently.

Lien raised his hand again, wanting to use another dimensional blade to directly end the life of the basilisk, but the basilisk suddenly stopped rolling, shrank in size, and got into the hydrophobic water from an inconspicuous little corner next to it. pipeline.

The dimensional blade was launched from Lien's hand and struck the wall, easily cutting through a corner of the wall.

"Damn it!" Lien cursed angrily, opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him, feeling a little angry.

The first dimensional blade shot was actually aimed at the Basilisk's seven inches, but Lien was not familiar with the world under magic perception, so he missed it.

The voices of the little wizards could be heard upstairs. After hearing it, Lien put the basilisk's flesh and blood into his space bag, and then used a repair spell to restore the appearance of the corridor.

Then, he entered the laboratory with a gloomy look.

Lean needs to confirm the authenticity of the notebook.

After entering the laboratory, Lien took out the notebook directly without paying attention to the things he bought on the counter.

In order to ensure that the notebook would not slip away on its own, Lien specially packed it in a box with a sealing spell.

After Lien opened the seal on the box, he revealed the diary inside.

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