In the preparation room next to the operating room,

Strange kept washing his hands. This was a way for him to relieve his inner stress.

His mentor had passed away suddenly, and there was a lot of mess waiting for him.

He was confused.


Christine walked to his side and looked at him tenderly.

"You don't look well."

"It's okay, I'm just a little sad."

Kristen hugged him gently and comforted him in a gentle voice:

"It's okay, she passed away peacefully."

Christine's embrace was extremely soft and had a pleasant aroma.

At this moment, Strange really wanted to hug her forever.

But when he thought of what he was about to do, he let go of Christine.


"Where are you going?"

Strange's expression became determined.

"I have to do what I have to do."

Christine paused

"I'm waiting for you"

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I'm worried."

Strange hugged Christine again, and suddenly the nurse's voice came from outside the door.

"Doctor Christine, there is a patient who needs you."

Christine looked out the door, and then looked at Strange who was about to leave.

Suddenly, she kissed him like lightning.

The kiss between the two lasted for more than three minutes.

But in Strange's feeling, the kiss was like eternity.

Christine looked at him deeply and then left.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards were caught off guard by this sudden dog food.

【Dumbledore: What a beautiful love!】

【Dumbledore: War often gives rise to some sincere emotions】

【Newt: That's right, Rita and I met during the war.】

【Grindelwald: Indeed, I envy them both a little bit.】

【Grindelwald: It's a pity that the devil has not been eliminated and the devil is still lingering】

【Voldemort: When you say this, have you forgotten that you were once a demon, too, Gellert?】

【Albus: There are microsecond differences between demons, such as whether they have noses or not.】

【Cassandra: Hahahaha, ten points to Professor Dumbledore!】

【Voldemort: I! I! Will stop talking!】

【Ron: It's hard to justify them not getting married.】

【Harry: Has anyone seen Hermione? She just ran off somewhere.】

【Harry: Blushing like an allergy】....

In the corridor of Hogwarts, Hermione's face was flushed and her heart was beating non-stop.

Although she knew that the past life and the present life were two different concepts.

But, but.

Seeing Christine being kissed by Anton on the screen, it was as if she was being hugged and kissed by Anton.

And she took the initiative to kiss him!

This is too embarrassing!

However, in the shyness, there was a strange joy.

An idea jumped into Hermione's mind.

If this is true, it is not bad.

Thinking of this, Hermione's face became even redder.

No! I can't go on like this!.......

On the screen, after saying goodbye to Christine,

Strange put on the scarlet magic cloak.

In a flash, he passed through the magic door and came to the collapsed Sanctum Sanctorum.

At this time, Master Wang also led the wizards of Kamar-Taj to gather, and everyone held a deadly weapon in their hands.

Everyone has made up his mind to face death.

At present, the Sanctum Sanctorum in Hong Kong is the last barrier. If it is breached again, the whole world will become a delicacy between Dormammu's lips and teeth.

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, Master Mordo was crying constantly.

His faith has collapsed.

He never thought that the Ancient One, who was above life in his eyes, would collude with dark magic.

Even all her previous doctrines were completely false.

He couldn't imagine it.

Strange came through the air and gave advice to the wizard.

"Master Mordo, Dormammu's followers have arrived in Hong Kong, we need you."

Mordo cried:

"What's the point? Even the Ancient One is using dark magic, so what's the difference between us and Dormammu?"

"Master Gu Yi absorbed dark magic to protect the world"

"She also indulged Casillas and allowed him to expand his followers"

"This is all her fault."

Strange put his hand on Mordo's shoulder.

"Master Mordo, the Ancient One sacrificed himself for us"

"The purpose is to prevent Dormammu from getting involved in this world."

"Now, the Lunton Sanctuary has fallen, and the Niyo Sanctuary has been attacked twice."

"You know where these fanatics are going."

Modu nodded, and a picture of a city appeared in his mind.

"Hong Kong"

"We can't let this world be in crisis again."

Strange drew a portal, Mordo paused and stood beside it.

The portal appeared, and the two rushed into it without hesitation.

They plunged into the land of Xiangjiang.

But the scene in front of them undoubtedly surprised them.

The dark wizard had been here, and this prosperous metropolis was in ruins.

The houses around were on fire, and the sound of ambulances kept ringing.

There were even people running around on the streets.

This natural disaster-like scene shocked the two.

Strange looked up at the sky.

Above the Sanctuary of Xiangjiang, the stars were shining with colorful brilliance, and the dark sky was no longer there.

Mordo lost his voice and said:

"Star colors?"

"We are too late, the Sanctuary of Xiangjiang has already fallen!"

In front of them, Casillas was laughing triumphantly, and his followers followed closely behind him.

"Unfortunately, you are still a step late."

"But you can still witness the coming of my Lord."

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room shouted regret

【Ron: This Master Mordo is really something. He failed at the critical moment! Couldn't he have suspected it earlier?!】

【Harry: This makes me angry too. Why would I doubt my friends at the most critical moment?】

【Newt: Maybe he has his own reasons. No one can accept that his teacher suddenly has a dark history.】

【Ron: I can accept that a great wizard is mainly judged by his present】

【Ron: Take our Professor Dumbledore for example. If Professor Dumbledore had made friends with dark wizards, or was even a dark wizard himself, it would not diminish his greatness.】

【Grindelwald: Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!】

【Newt: Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough! Let's change the subject. 】

On the screen,

Mordo's eyes were downcast, and his face looked defeated.

"We lost, Strange, Dormammu is coming."

Strange said calmly:

"Not necessarily."

Casillas' smile suddenly stopped when he heard this answer.

He asked in surprise:

"What do you mean?!"

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