A black wizard could no longer hold back his killing intent, and thrust out the magic blade in his hand.

He aimed directly at Ancient One's belly.

Ancient One formed his hands into a shield, and easily pushed away the magic blade, then smashed it on his head.

The dark wizard was knocked unconscious by Ancient One's powerful blow.

Seeing his companion being killed in seconds, the remaining two wizards rushed towards Ancient One from the left and right.

However, Ancient One did not dodge, and raised his double shields to defeat the two.

In just a few seconds, the three black wizards were beaten by Ancient One and unable to resist.

The power of the Supreme Sorcerer suddenly became apparent.

【Chat group】

【Ron: So strong, this Supreme Sorcerer also looks like a master duelist】

【Flitwick: He is more than just a duelist. Based on my years of dueling experience, this wizard must have duelled hundreds of times.】

【Flitwick: This combat awareness and magic power are definitely the result of years of accumulation.】

【Flitwick: Speaking of which, it's rare for someone like Anton, who has absolutely no dueling experience, to be able to fight them for so long.】

【Dumbledore: Good coping strategy, and it protects students】

【Dumbledore: In this respect, she is better than me. This past life of mine has taught me a truth: no matter what kind of education you give, it is possible for you to produce bad disciples.】

【Grindelwald: That's true. Don't blame yourself, Albus.】


Seeing that his three men were easily dealt with by the Ancient One.

Kaecilius instantly had evil thoughts. He signaled to the believers around him with his eyes, but his hand was already on the blade.

The believer approached and immediately entangled the Ancient One's movements.

And Kaecilius seized the opportunity.

Taking advantage of the Ancient One's slackness, he stabbed at the Ancient One.

The blade entered his body, and the Ancient One's magic instantly failed.

Kaecilius kicked out and kicked the Ancient One into the portal.

All these changes happened extremely quickly, and Strange and Mordo immediately caught up.

At this time, the Ancient One had fallen from the mirror world into the real world.

He fell straight down from the high tower.

He fell heavily to the ground.

This sudden change scared everyone in the live broadcast room.

【Ron: No!! Ancient One! How could this happen?!】

【Harry: That Dark wizard used dirty tricks!】

【Mag: Damn it, it's really damn bad. I wish I could get into this screen right now.】

【HARRY: Can she be saved, Mr. Dumbledore?】

【Dumbledore: I don't know. Perhaps the magic in the East is more powerful than ours.】

【Dumbledore: But I know one thing, this Ancient One must have foreseen this day.】

【Dumbledore: The ending of dying to protect his students and fight against evil】

【Dumbledore: She was very pleased.】

【Voldemort: A high-sounding speech. 】

A few people looked at the screen with a glimmer of hope.

On the screen, Strange was pushing the bed with Ancient One, shuttling around the hospital.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Ancient One's lifeline was already extremely weak, almost turning into a straight line.

At this moment, Strange saw a figure.

It was the transparent Ancient One.

He did not hesitate to split his soul and body into two and hurriedly chased after him.

""Master Gu Yi! Master Gu Yi!"

Gu Yi stood on the magic curtain wall of the building. The night sky of New York City was right in front of her. The lights of thousands of houses were shining, and the night was like a curtain.

"You have to go back, Master. You don't have time."

Gu Yi said calmly:

"Time is relative, Strange."

Her voice was not necessarily tired.

"I spend too much time observing the future"

"I have seen thousands of futures, this future, that future, even the most unforeseen future."

"Too much too much"

"I have prevented many terrible futures, but I have forgotten the present.

She turned back to look at Strange, her expression very relieved.

"I already knew the ending now."

Strange was a little surprised.

"Then why didn't you dodge that knife?"

Gu Yi nodded and smiled:

"This is fate, Strange, you can't avoid it"

"You know what I see in your future?"


Gu Yi continued to smile


"There are endless possibilities in your future"

"You have a talent stronger than any other wizard, and real ability."

Strange was a little shy after being praised.

"Master Gu Yi, thank you."

Gu Yi continued:

"You are outstanding not because you desire success, but because you are afraid of failure."

At this time, the figure of the Ancient One was gradually dimming and becoming transparent.

Strange stared at this mentor in a daze. Her time has come.

"Well, my mission is complete, now the Sorcerer Supreme is you, Master Strange"

"As long as you, Mordo, and Master Wang work together, you are enough to protect the world."


"Don't feel bad for me, Strange."

"I have long been tired of using dark magic to prolong my life."

The night has seeped into the blood of the Ancient One, and her figure can no longer be seen in the darkness.

She sighed and said:

"By the way, protect the Eye of Agamotto. Dormammu is not your final enemy."

"I have foreseen that in the endless future"

"There is a truly terrible tyrant who has no love and wants to destroy the world."

Strange hurriedly asked:

"Who is the tyrant?"

But there was no response in the air.

The Ancient One disappeared into the darkness, and there was no trace of him.

In the chat group, a group of wizards expressed regret.

【Harry: What a shame! Ancient One is such a good teacher. She seems very kind.】

【Ron: Oh】

【Hermione: Don't be too sad, this is the ending that the Ancient One chose herself.���The End】

【Dumbledore: I respect her very much. Not everyone has the courage to face death.】

【McGonagall: Indeed, she has the true qualities of a Gryffindor.】

【Meg: I hope our students can do the same, face death calmly and do the right thing】

【Snape: She is a brilliant wizard, that's all I can say】

【Newt: Phew, I'm also saddened by the passing of such a great wizard.】

【Newt: But everyone, is that big-eyed devil about to come to the world?】

【Newt: Also, what exactly is the tyrant that the wizard mentioned? 】

When Newt asked this question, everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly remembered something.

The current crisis is not over. Not only is the black wizard alive, but even the monster is about to appear on Blue Star.

And there is also the unknown tyrant.

Everything now depends on how the new Supreme Sorcerer Anton makes a decision.

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