【In chat group】

【Harry: I've never seen anything so big in my life. Is this a creature from the magical world?】

【Ron: Impossible! We don't have anything like this in the wizarding world!】

【Newt: Can that thing really be called a wizard? It's as big as a world! If that monster came to our world, we would be completely powerless to resist it.】

【Mag: Crazy, that dark wizard is really crazy, actually summoning such a demon lord】

【Grindelwald: These dark wizards look lousy, but the lord they serve is amazing】

【Grindelwald: Oh, who said those things were ants? Why don't you fight against these ants?】

【Voldemort: Monster, I really don’t know what the dark wizards in those worlds think. Those crazy things may have no reason at all.】

【Ron: Seeing this thing makes me feel like the Dark Lord has a kind face】


【Albus: Don't be afraid of the unknown, but don't let your guard down.】

【Albus: Although the monster is powerful, he is bound by extremely strong magic and obviously does not have the ability to descend to the Blue Star.】

【Albus: We can still rest assured. 】

After typing this line, Dumbledore immediately put down the screen in his hand.

Thoughts surged in his heart.

According to his understanding of magical creatures, the monster should not be underestimated.

The way it can maintain its own power is probably to directly consume the planet, or all the souls on the planet.

Although it is not the same blue planet, he can still feel the strong oppression of this thing.

He needs a plan, a plan that can protect the world.

While hesitating, Dumbledore suddenly looked at Anton.

Faced with such a monster, the black-haired boy was still calm as usual.

He now urgently wants to know a result. Has the monster been released?

Did Anton in that world defeat him?

It seems that he can only continue to watch.

The influence of the terrible monster made several wizards who were watching the live broadcast room a little nervous.

After all, in the wizard's world, in addition to the female ghosts and ogres that can be seen everywhere, the most terrible monster is just a dragon.

But when the monster has expanded to an entire dimension.

It is not just a matter of being able to be solved with a magic wand.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they even focused more on the screen than before.

After all, everyone wanted to know how to solve this problem.

The video switched to an empty square.

A large number of magicians in apprentice uniforms stood here, practicing breathing and preparing hand gestures.

It was obviously a training ground for practicing spells.

Strange was among the magicians, practicing spells.

""Ring of Raggadore."

Countless wizards chanted spells, and yellow rings unfolded in front of them.

This familiar scene made the wizards feel particularly close.

【Chat group】

【Mag: Well, it seems that Kamar-Taj's teaching of spells is similar to ours, both are academy training.】

【Snape: The magic power of that ring is not weak. They don't use magic energy to solve the problem, but control the magic energy themselves.】

【Snape: This is really different from those mainstream wizards】

【Dumbledore: Magic has its pros and cons. As long as you can control magic, you can become an excellent wizard. But the excellence is always the same. Look at these students. Their mental state is very good.】

【Snape: Their students are stronger than us. I have not seen any fool who can't cast this magic. It should be quite happy to be their headmaster.】

【Snape: I even want to ask this school if they still accept resumes?】

【McGonagall: Severus? You're the Headmaster!】

【Snape: I'm kidding, I'm kidding】

【Cassandra: I feel a little uncomfortable after hearing what the dean said.】

【Snape: It's ok little girl, I'm not talking about our school】

【Ron: It must be from the Hufflepuffs next door. They can even make mistakes with Transfiguration spells.】

【Newt: Indeed, I feel that they all have the qualities of a Hufflepuff, strong and sincere. 】

The camera zoomed in and focused on Strange.

The wizards in the live broadcast room had already witnessed the wizard's extraordinary skills in reading.

Now they were looking forward to his spellcasting.

After all, with Anton here, Strange's ability as a wizard must be good.

In the crowd, Strange chanted a spell

""Ring of Raggadoor."

He waved his hands in the air, and his gestures kept changing. His carefree manner when casting the spell made the wizards around him nod their heads frequently, waiting for a perfect Ring of Raggadoor to be born from the void.

But the next second, all the wizards watching were stunned.

Although Strange kept waving his arms in the air and even shouted the spell three times, the Ring of Raggadoor still did not appear.

Not even a spark appeared.

However, the wizards in the chat group finally felt a sense of familiarity.

【Chat group】

【Snape: Ha, a long-lost feeling of intimacy】

【Ron: Brother Anton, we are almost the same.】

【Hermione: Don't compare Anton to you. That was Anton in his previous life, and this was his first day of school, and he eventually became the Sorcerer Supreme.】

【Ron: Then Harry and I are almost good friends.】

【Harry: I got 90 points in Transfiguration】


【Albus: Phew, I am finally relieved. If the students of Kamar-Taj are so excellent, then I should consider improving my teaching methods. 】

Seeing that Anton did not react, the wizard Mordo who was in charge of teaching simply took out the teaching aids.

On the table at one side, there were things that looked like finger sleeves, but they were different from finger sleeves. There was an iron sheet hanging on top of them.

Master Mordo handed the magic tool to Strange and explained:

"In the process of casting spells, we often need to use magic tools to help us gather strength."

"This hanging ring can help us travel through time and space."

"As long as you focus your mind and think about your destination"

"Then, keep drawing circles."

As he spoke, Master Mordo used the ring in his hand to draw circles. A circle with sparks of fire formed in his hand.

In the middle of the circle was another destination.

After that, he ordered the mages to practice on their own, and then distributed the rings.

Soon, many mages used the rings to draw portals one after another.

Some portals led to sunny beaches, some to deep canyons, and even some to bustling cities, with cars passing by.

Mordo walked past one mage after another, nodding his head.

""Well, not bad."

Finally, he walked to Strange's side.

Strange was still drawing circles, but the portal he imagined did not appear. Not even a spark appeared.

For this situation, the people in the chat group were not surprised.

Instead, they felt it was somewhat normal.

【Albus: The teaching here is a bit too eager for quick success. Even Salazar Slytherin and Merlin didn't learn magic in one day.】

【Albus: What's more, Anton has been a Muggle for more than 30 years. This is only his first day in contact with magic.】

【Grindelwald: Even at Durmstrang, we learned Expelliarmus first, then Cruciatus.】

【Grindelwald: This school doesn't understand gradual progress】

【Snape: Somewhat normal, but also a little weird. According to Anton's qualifications, he shouldn't be at this level.】

【Ron: It's normal. You know, geniuses are not good-looking at first, and then after continuous hard work, boom! They become amazing overnight!】

【Hermione: That's true, but why do I feel like you're hinting at yourself?】

【Ron: I'm talking about Anton's past life! Absolutely!】

In the picture, the sun was setting.

The wizards in the square went out to eat, gathering in groups of three or four.

Only Strange was still in the center of the square, trying hard to draw circles.

But there was still no spark.

Seeing that he was still trying hard, the wizard Mordo behind him shook his head and turned to run into the room of Master Gu Yi.

As soon as he entered the room, Gu Yi asked back:

"How's Master Strange?"

"I tried very hard, but to no avail."

Gu Yi nodded.

Mordo asked in return:

"Master Ancient One, Mr. Strange, are you really suitable for magic?"

Ancient One did not answer, looking at the square.

And the magnet, Strange is still drawing circles.

Ancient One smiled and said


It seems that I can make him a real mage in just one day.

"Master Ancient One! Are you kidding me?"

"one day!"

"It took Vishanti three days!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also very confused.

You know, Strange has never been exposed to magic at all. Apart from accepting magic in his mind, he is still a Muggle in operation.

But this is also the norm for all novice wizards.

A genius like Merlin did not become a wizard in one day.

This woman actually said that it only took him one day to become a wizard.

It was almost like telling a Grimm fairy tale.

At this time, the screen of the live broadcast room paused again.

【Q&A begins】

【What method will the Ancient One take to make Strange a real wizard?】

【The main body is a question-and-answer question, and there is no standard answer】

【The one who chooses the answer closest to the correct answer wins.】

【The timer starts now】....

Gryffindor common room.

Harry looked at Ron, Ron looked at Harry.

They both looked at Hermione.

Then they shouted at the same time:

""Hermione! Help me!"

Hermione looked at the question helplessly.

She thought about it quickly.

Although the question was complicated, it still had certain rules.


Hermione slapped her head.

"I figured it out!"

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