【Newt: A master teaches a gifted student, and then the student becomes a dark wizard. Isn't this Voldemort?】

【Voldemort: How dare you call me by my first name?!】

【Grindelwald: Hahaha, with all due respect, this is too similar. Albus, I told you long ago that teaching without discrimination is not suitable for some students.】

【McGonagall: Oh, it seems like every magic school is the same.】

【Grindelwald: I bet you five Galleons that your student Anton will eventually enter this school. That Ancient One looks like you, a man who teaches without discrimination.】

【Albus: I don't need you to teach me how to deal with students. Besides, if the Ancient One abandons a talented student because he is worried that the student will become bad, he is a mediocre man without any vision. 】

As soon as the voice fell, the door of Kamar-Taj opened again, and the wizard Mordo brought Strange in.

"This is your room"

"Next to it is the bathroom. If you have time, you can meditate for a while."

"The Ancient One will summon you later.

Strange thanked him immediately.

Mordo placed a note on the table.

Strange took a look and saw only one word on it.


"What is this? Is this the spell I'm going to use later?"

Mordo looked at Strange in confusion.

"This is the WIFI password here. We are not primitive people."

Seeing Anton finally move into the school, several young wizards finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew very well that if a genius wizard like Anton did not receive proper magical education, he would probably become a very scary Obscurus.

At that time, it might be a disaster for the entire Kamar-Taj.

The screen switched again, and the voice of the Ancient One came from outside the screen.

In the quiet secret room, the Ancient One and Strange sat opposite each other.

"Since the birth of civilization, there has always been a language that builds the order of existence of all things."

"The venerables called him the mantra."

Ancient One drew a circle with his palm, and then the circle continued to outline shapes, and as these shapes continued to fill in.

A shield constructed by countless images appeared in front of Strange.

"This is the shield of the Seraphim, which can defeat the might of an army."

"Spells can also be used to create the most powerful weapon."

Ancient One waved his hand and the shield transformed again, forming a scarlet spear.

Energy continued to erupt from the tip of the spear, and Ancient One waved his hand again.

The spear dissipated.

Finally seeing the complete Eastern spell, the group members in the chat group started another round of heated discussion.

【Dumbledore: It looks like he is wearing a piece of super armor, but he doesn't need a wand to help him. And the concentration of magic power makes him seem even stronger.】

【Dumbledore: These Eastern wizards are doing a pretty good job of defending against the dark arts.】

【Grindelwald: As a former master of the Dark Arts, I agree with Albus. The wizard only needs to wave his hand to do it, which is much more convenient than a wand.】

【Voldemort: What a pity! I don't know if this thing can withstand the power of Avada Kedavra.】

【Mag: You'd better be careful, You-Know-Who, that woman doesn't look easy to mess with. 】

Seeing the magical spell, Strange was completely attracted by the magic of the Ancient One.

But he still asked doubtfully:

"But, how can I become as skilled as you, Master Ancient One?"

Ancient One asked:

"How did you become a doctor of neurology, Mr. Strange?"

"I went to medical school for twelve years."

Gu Yi smiled:

"That's it"

"Hard work and practice are the essence of magic"

【Ron: That makes sense! Only by studying hard can one become an excellent wizard. From today on, I will practice 200 Expelliarmus every day and strive to be as cool as Anton.】

【Snape: Hard work and practice are indeed useful, but Weasley, isn't it time for you to change your wand?】

【Ron: Kamar-Taj doesn't even need a wand to cast spells! 】

As the two were talking, the scene jumped again.

They had arrived at the library of Kamar-Taj, which was similar to the great library of Hogwarts.

It was filled with books and magic books.

Large pieces of pages were piled up like mountains. The library had no assigned areas, and all kinds of magic books were mixed together.

Strange walked to the table and asked an oriental wizard:

"Hello, I want to find some classics."

The oriental-looking mage was a little confused. The books in front of him had piled up into a small mountain.

"Have you read the Magic Codex, the Key of Solomon, and the Tome of One?"

Strange nodded.

"Just one day?"

Strange nodded again.

"Trained in medical school"

"Who was the first Master of Light?"

"Master Vishanti, composed of three great masters"

"They are Osit the Almighty, Agamotto the All-Seeing, and Hogs the Old."

Strange answered fluently, and the King looked a little surprised.

"I read so many magic books in one day."

"You have a good memory, Master Strange."

"Come with me"

【McGonagall: Read 17 books in one day? And memorize them all! God! If the kids in our academy were this studious, I would buy Professor Snape's shampoo for a year.】

【Snape:......Even I have to admit that Anton's talent is indeed amazing. Being down-to-earth is the quality that a good mage should have.】

【Albus: Well, an excellent memory is indeed a quality that an excellent wizard should have. Our requirements for students' memory are a bit low.】

【Harry: No, I hate memorizing.】

【Ron: That's amazing. Like Hermione, Anton was also a genius who loved reading in his previous life.】

【Hermione: Ron?! Like me, you call me a nerd and Anton a genius?!】

【Ron: That's because you're a girl. Girls who love reading are nerds.】

【Hermione: What kind of nonsense is this?】

【Hermione: But in this case, Anton can read so many books in one day and recite them by heart. He can indeed be called a genius.】

【Hermione: Unlike some boys I know, whose books are still in their bags.】

【Ron: It's definitely not me! It's definitely not me!】

【Snape: Lazy, ten points deducted from Gryffindor】

【Hermione: So where is this Master Wang taking Anton? 】

In the picture, Anton follows Master Wang through a long corridor.

Master Wang points to the bookcases on both sides and introduces Anton carefully.

"These are the spellcasting tomes used by mages."

"I recommend you start with Introduction to Magic"

"By the way, how is your Sanskrit?"

Strange spread his hands.

The wizard said:

"It doesn't matter, there are online translators anyway."

Strange picked a few books and then looked at the wall.

On the wall, there were some black books with sheepskin covers and big eyes on the pages.

All of them indicated the weight of the pages.

Strange walked towards these pages unconsciously.

"What is this?"

Master Lao Wang glanced at it and then answered:

"Those are the personal collection of Master Gu Yi."

"As well as the private books written by the supreme masters of all generations"

"No one can understand him except the Sorcerer Supreme."

Strange took down a book with the biggest eyes and asked the Sorcerer Lao Wang:

"What is this?"

Seeing this book, Master Wang's expression suddenly became unsettled.

He asked in surprise:

"This is the Book of Cagliostro, the study of time."

"Some of the pages were stolen by a wizard who was originally here."

"The fanatic, Casillas."

When the mage Lao Wang mentioned this name, his expression was a little ferocious.

"He's a total asshole."

"Betrayed the Ancient One, betrayed the magic of light!"

After saying that, he threw the book in front of Strange and left.

As for this Casillas, everyone in the live broadcast room began to speculate.

【Grindelwald: Based on my many years of experience as the Dark Lord, this Calrissius must be young and promising, talented, ambitious, hate the rules of light magic, and then betray his master.】

【Voldemort: Yes, you said a lot】

【Grindelwald: And, a nose】

【Voldemort: You old man! I challenge you to a duel!】

【Ron: I don't know why, but I feel like laughing.】

【Albus: Mr. Weasley, the Dark Arts are not a funny thing. Even the Dark wizards in Kamar-Taj are equally dangerous.】

【Albus: I am very worried about that world now. I don't know what kind of monster this Casillas is.

The scene jumps again and comes to a temple that no one cares about.

In the temple, dark wizards dressed in red robes chanted spells in front of a bonfire.

"Great Demon King, we are willing to serve you, we are willing to pray to you"

"We dedicate this world to you."

These dark wizards had red runes on their heads and dark blue blood around their eyes.

They all looked horrible.

Ron, who had just found it funny, was immediately frightened.

【Ron: These dark wizards are so scary】

【Grindelwald: Can you call this a dark wizard? Oh my god! Each generation is worse than the previous one.】

【Voldemort: Hahahaha, it seems my men are quite tasteful.】

【Voldemort: These low-level dark wizards must not have much power, and their masters are probably just ants. 】As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, the picture on the screen suddenly zoomed out again.

Until the deep sky.

In this place, the planets are as small as sesame seeds, and the huge star clusters are as small as freckles on a person's face.

The picture keeps zooming out and stretching.

In this vast starry sky, two cold eyes appear in the center of the picture.

This huge monster made a sound.

"My servant, I have heard your call"

"The rift between dimensions has opened, I will come at some point"

"Believe me, it is not far away."

After saying this, all the wizards in the live broadcast room fell silent.

They really couldn't imagine that the demon king served by that crappy black wizard was actually an entire dimension!

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