Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 47 Final Exam

As the final exam approached, the trio became more and more busy. Unlike Harry who was worried all day, Hermione and Ron didn't worry about the Philosopher's Stone at all.

After all, Hermione and Ron hadn't had the horrible things that happened to Harry in the Forbidden Forest. Also, they didn't have the same burning pain as the scar on Harry's head. Even when he was sleeping at night, Harry would still be awakened by the previous nightmare.

However, as time passed, when Harry passed the corridor on the fourth floor every day, he would find that Lu Wei was still lying behind that door, alive and well. Clearly, things weren't getting out of hand.

Of course, Eisen was also secretly observing all of this. In order to cope with what is about to happen next, Eisen even shortened the time for studying alchemy a lot.

Every day when not practicing the spell, Eisen keeps an eye on Quirrell through the viewing glass. Yes, although he still had occasional glances at Hermione and Harry and the like, and what Snape was doing, the main target was Quirrell.

Since the observation mirror made by Eisen indirectly observes the characters by observing the terrain environment, he is not afraid of being discovered by Voldemort who is possessed by Quirrell.

Soon, the time came to the first week of June, and students began to get busy with final exams.

For Hermione, all the exam subjects are a sure thing. Whether it is a practical test or a question-and-answer test, there is no problem at all.

In answering the exam, in order to prevent the students from cheating, the teacher will give them some anti-cheating quills specially used for the exam. Obviously, these quills with the anti-cheating spell can prevent students from cheating to a large extent.

For practical exams and Charms subjects, Professor Flitwick will pull the little wizards over one by one, let them chant spells to cast spells on Pineapple, and let Pineapple walk across the table with a tap dance. For the Transfiguration exam, Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a mouse into an exquisite snuff bottle. The exquisiteness of the snuff bottle is directly linked to the score.

Of course, whether it was Harry or Ron, the worst thing for them was the Potions exam. Because Snape would stand behind them and stare, just waiting for them to make a mistake!

Of course, Eisen also contributed his own strength to the difficulties of the exams for young wizards. However, the astronomy class exam is very simple. It only requires a simple drawing of the star chart of the solar system.

In Eisen's view, this is basically no problem for young wizards who have been in school for a year. After all, including several major planets in the solar system, the names of the satellites of all the planets do not have much content.

The last subject of the exam is History of Magic. The one-hour exam time is not only not torture but a relief for many young wizards. Because after an hour, they can play happily for a week.

Following the ghost of Cuthbert Binns, the little wizards couldn't help cheering when they put down the quills and rolled up the answering parchment. For them, it's free to play until next week's exam results.

"The test content is much easier than I thought." When the little wizards came to the sunny place outside, Hermione couldn't help but still chattered to Harry and Ron, "I don't need to memorize the elves." History of the Rebellion and the Werewolf Code of Conduct in 1673."

I thought Ron and Harry would show impatient expressions again, but they didn't expect their attitudes to change drastically this time.

"Yes, I think Professor Eisen's question sea tactics are really good, and I feel a lot easier during the exam." Harry rubbed the scar on his forehead, agreeing with Hermione's point of view, but feeling an inexplicable sense of foreboding .

"Even the practical test is still so bad, but it doesn't matter, we won't know how bad the test is until next week, there is no need to worry about it now!" Ron nodded, and when he saw Harry's movements, he even took a picture Pat him on the shoulder.


Harry clutched his forehead and gasped suddenly. Before Hermione and Ron's expressions changed, Harry shouted angrily, "I really want to know what this means—my scar has been hurting, it used to hurt, but I don't think it's like this now Frequent attacks!"

"Why don't you go and see Madam Pomfrey, Harry!" Seeing Harry's angry look, Ron directly suggested.

"But I'm not sick—" Harry didn't think he was sick, "I think this should be a sign that danger is coming—"

"Harry, take it easy--" Ron said and yawned, there was no way, it was too hot in June. Not only Ron, but even the other little wizards couldn't cheer up.

"Hermione was right. At Hogwarts, as long as Dumbledore was around, no one could have thought of the Sorcerer's Stone. In any case, we found no evidence that Snape had found a way to subdue Fluffy. The last time he I almost got my leg bitten off, and I won't be in a hurry to take another risk." Afterwards, Ron continued to comfort Harry.

Nodding his head, Harry agreed with Ron's point of view. However, for some reason, Harry still felt an inexplicable unease. Later, he told the two of his uneasiness.

"That must be your delusion. You must be worried about the exam. Yesterday you were asleep and talked about the exam. But the exam is over!" Ron said with a smile on his face. Obviously, he thought Harry was under too much pressure.

However, Harry himself was sure that his uneasiness had nothing to do with the exam. So what is going on? When Harry saw an owl flying in the sky towards Hogwarts Castle with a note in its beak, Harry remembered that Hagrid had written him a letter. Hagrid——

In an instant, Harry's face turned pale, as if he had thought of the problem. Even the two little friends beside him didn't care about it, they just jumped up and ran towards Hagrid's hut.

"What is he going to do?" Hermione and Ron looked at each other, and then hurriedly followed without having time to ask further questions.

When Harry came near Hagrid's hut, to his surprise, he found Hagrid sitting on a chair outside the hut, peeling pea pods.

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"Harry, the exam is over?" Hagrid smiled and greeted Harry, who was still panting in a hurry, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Okay, thank you." Ron, who came after Harry, was not polite to Hagrid at all. However, before he could continue, he was interrupted by Harry, "No, Hagrid, we are in a hurry. I have something to ask you. Do you remember the night you won Norbert at poker? The stranger What do people look like?"

Harry said, his tone full of urgency, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"I don't know—he won't take off his cloak!" But Hagrid gave a disappointing answer. After seeing the astonishment on the faces of several people, Hagrid raised his eyebrows, "It's nothing It's so strange, there will always be some strange guy patronizing the Pig's Head Bar, and that person may be a dragon vendor."

"Then did he mention Hogwarts to you?" Harry's heart beat suddenly quickened.

"I don't know, maybe I mentioned it, he kept buying me drinks - let me think!" Obviously, Hagrid was almost drunk by the other party at the time.

"He asked me what I did and I said I was a gamekeeper here - and he asked what animals I was watching and I told him. I also said I wanted a dragon - and then he Said that I have a dragon egg in my hand, if I want it, I have to play cards with him. But he said that I must find out my strength, otherwise after the dragon egg hatches, it will run around and cause trouble. I said, I Even Lu Wei managed it well, a dragon is nothing at all—" Hagrid recalled everything that happened back then with difficulty.

"Then is he very interested in Lu Wei?" Harry, whose heart was beating fast, seemed to think of something, and the color on his face was gone.

"That's right, I was very interested, so I told him, a big dog with three heads, how can it be so easy to meet? But in fact, Lu Wei is easy to deal with, as long as you know how to calm it down , put some music on it, and it'll fall asleep—" Hagrid's recollection came to a screeching halt, and then the look of horror appeared on his face.

"I shouldn't have told you these things. Hey—where are you going?" Before Hagrid could finish his words, the three of them galloped away like wild horses.

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