When Harry and others followed Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest, Eisen had already seen all this through the observation mirror.

At noon, when Hermione told him that Harry had been punished for detention, Eisen had already expected what would happen that night.

In fact, Eisen also thought about whether to secretly follow Lin for a trip, to experience the feeling of traveling in the Forbidden Forest at night, and to fight against Quirrell who has been possessed by Voldemort. But after careful consideration, Eisen dismissed the idea.

On the one hand, Eisen felt that his goal was the Sorcerer's Stone, so there was no need for extra complications. If someone found out, he would have no way of explaining his abnormal behavior of not sleeping in the middle of the night and sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.

On the other hand, if Eisen met Quirrell and fought against him, he didn't know what would happen afterwards, but there was no way to guarantee whether Voldemort would steal the Philosopher's Stone as planned.

After all, if Eisen killed Quirrell directly, the plot would be completely messed up. Even if he didn't kill Quirrell, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't change his plan after being discovered by Voldemort.

Therefore, no matter what the situation is, it is unacceptable for Eisen who has not yet obtained the Philosopher's Stone.

However, when seeing Harry and the others in the observation mirror, Eisen couldn't help sighing again. Although he can teleport anytime and anywhere within a five-mile range with the observation mirror and Apparation, he can't do it in Hogwarts school.

If it's where the Anti-Apparition Charm isn't applied, then Eisen's two abilities work perfectly together. Unfortunately, he doesn't have permission to Apparate at Hogwarts.

"So, if it's a Portkey, will it have the property of teleportation?" Eisen's eyes lit up, and then he muttered, "It's still very possible, I have to write this down!"

After keeping this kind of thing in mind, Eisen turned his attention to the observation mirror again.

At this moment, Harry and Hagrid appeared in the mirror, while Malfoy, Neville and Hagrid's pet Fang were no longer around. Obviously, they have been grouped.

Hagrid and Harry stared at the ground as they walked along the path deep into the Forbidden Forest. The moonlight shone on his face, and it could be seen that he was still quite anxious.

A few minutes later, Eisen saw Hagrid and Harry encounter a centaur in a clearing. Judging from the way Hagrid stepped forward to shake hands with the other party, he knew the other party.

Eisen knew that this should be the centaur Ronan.

However, Harry on the side was stunned. Because he had never seen such a creature. Above the waist is a human, with red hair and beard, but below the waist is a reddish-brown horse.

After talking to Ronan for a few words, Hagrid pointed to Harry, as if to introduce each other. However, while talking, Ronan looked up at the starry sky, not knowing what to see in the dark night.

Eisen turned his gaze away, and found that there was nothing to be seen except the bright moon and the bright stars. However, after thinking that the centaur has the talent of divination by observing images, he is relieved. Maybe, Ronan really can see what Eisen can't.

Hagrid continued talking to Ronan, but soon became impatient.

However, before he could make any other moves, he was startled by the second centaur who sprang out of the jungle. He opened his bow and set his arrow, and when he was about to aim, he discovered the identity of the other party.

Then Hagrid greeted the other party again.

Apparently, Hagrid was an old acquaintance to many of the creatures in the Forbidden Forest. However, after a grumpy word, Hagrid just dragged Harry away.

They were walking in the dense forest, as if a lion would rush out of the darkness at any moment. When turning a small bend, Harry suddenly grabbed Hagrid's sleeve and pointed in one direction.

Eisen's eyes turned with his thoughts, and he found red sparks flickering suddenly in the direction Harry was pointing.

Afterwards, Hagrid looked anxious, and hurried away after saying a word, while Harry was left where he was. However, it didn't take long for Hagrid to come back with Malfoy, Neville and Fang.

I saw that Hagrid reprimanded Malfoy angrily, and then left directly with Neville. As for Harry and Malfoy, they were directly grouped together by Hagrid.

Walking forward, maybe it was because the Forbidden Forest at night was too scary, so Harry and Malfoy stayed together without arguing. When passing by a clearing, Harry showed a surprised expression and pointed to the bushes at the edge of the clearing.

Looking away, Eisen noticed that a white corpse was shining, it was a dead unicorn. To be honest, Eisen had seen goblins and phoenixes in the wizarding world earlier, they were obviously beautiful names, but they were so ugly that Eisen couldn't look directly at them.

After seeing the appearance of the unicorn this time, it was the first time that Eisen felt that this magical animal was indeed very beautiful.

But unfortunately, the unicorn in front of him is dead. And he also knew that the unicorn was killed by Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort.

Naturally, Voldemort's purpose was to prolong his life by drinking the unicorn's blood, so that he would have enough time to steal the Philosopher's Stone. In that way, not only can he be resurrected successfully, but he can also get powerful power.

Before Harry could do anything, a hooded figure emerged from the darkness, crawled to the unicorn's body, and began to drink its blood.

"Would something really happen?" Looking at this scene, Eisen knew what was going on. But will Harry really be as safe as in the original plot? Eisen wondered if he would trigger the butterfly effect.

But what happened next made Eisen relieved. After Malfoy and Fang ran away, when Harry faced the imminent danger alone, he was suddenly rescued by the centaur Firenze.

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By the way, Firenze also had Harry ride him, sending him to Hagrid's side.

Seeing this, Eisen immediately put away the observation mirror. That's right, Harry should have known from Firenze that it was Voldemort's idea to hit the Philosopher's Stone.

Then the next plot can basically be on the right track. If nothing else, Eisen felt that Harry would tell Hermione and Ron what happened to him when he returned.

That way, if they could think of him, he would have access to the Philosopher's Stone.

Sure enough, early the next morning, the trio took advantage of breakfast to tell Eisen what happened to Harry last night.

"So, you think Snape didn't steal the Sorcerer's Stone for the sake of getting rich, but for the sake of mysterious people?" After Harry finished speaking in a low voice, Eisen asked back what he meant.

"That's right, only Voldemort would do that. He doesn't care if he gets cursed by drinking the unicorn's blood, because as long as he gets the Philosopher's Stone, he can be fully restored!" Harry's eyes sparkled, even excited All stood up.

"The centaur said that the You-Know-Who will enter Hogwarts and kill you?" Ron had a look of panic on his face, and unconsciously lowered his voice when he looked at Harry.

"However, everyone knows that the only person the You-Know-Who has always been afraid of is Dumbledore. With Dumbledore here, the You-Know-Who would not dare to come in! Besides, whoever says what the Centaurs say must be right?" Hermione analyzed calmly. After one pass, it was concluded that Hogwarts was safe with Dumbledore in it.

As for what Harry said, about the centaur's prophecy that Voldemort would kill Harry, in Hermione's view, that was magic that even Professor McGonagall found unreliable.

Of course, Eisen agreed with Hermione about the centaurs' prophecy.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Snape, he has no chance to steal the Philosopher's Stone!" At this time, Eisen gave a relieved answer to the trio.

Although Harry was still very worried, his mood had calmed down a little.

In fact, Eisen was fine if he didn't stare at Snape. Because it wasn't Snape who was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

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