Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Thirty-Four Spoilers As A Last Resort

"Ah——then what should we do?" After hearing Eisen's words, both Harry and Ron showed disappointed expressions. Harry asked directly with an anxious expression on his face.

"Professor Eisen, why don't you go talk to Professor Dumbledore?" At this moment, Hermione suddenly came up with a solution witty.

"That's right, Professor Eisen. If we say something, Dumbledore must think that we are making up stories to avoid being punished for breaking into the Forbidden Forest. But if the professor says something, Dumbledore will definitely believe it!" Ron, after hearing Hermione's words, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of how wonderful this method is.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

For a moment, the three of them showed excited expressions on their faces.

"However, if I go and tell Dumbledore, he will know about Harry's private entry into the Forbidden Forest!" Eisen showed a half-smile expression, and then looked at Harry meaningfully.

"Then—Professor, you can say that you discovered it yourself, otherwise it's fine!" Harry and Hermione looked at each other, but it was Ron who came up with an idea to let Eisen take the blame.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them looked at Eisen eagerly, as if they really thought the idea was good.

"Well, let me think about it!" Eisen first smiled, then stood up and said something to the three of them, and then pondered.

So, should Dumbledore be told about this? How could he explain everything he knew to Dumbledore himself? Could it be that he misunderstood that he wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so he investigated so much secretly, and then discovered Snape's behavior?

Thinking about it, Eisen frowned involuntarily. Because it wasn't impossible, after all, Dumbledore knew exactly who Snape was.

Since Dumbledore knew Snape wouldn't do it, wouldn't it be too obvious if Eisen said he found all of this himself?

Moreover, once he said that, it meant that he, a passer-by professor with a low sense of existence, would receive much more attention. This is very unfavorable to him.

So, it's fine to go and explain this to Dumbledore, but it still needs to be done in a manner. For example, it must be pointed out that the trio asked themselves for help, so they went to investigate.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to Dumbledore, you wait first!" Eisen said to a few people after going back and forth in his mind. Then, under their surprise eyes, they left the office.

After walking out of the office, Eisen walked towards the principal's office on the eighth floor.

To be honest, Hogwarts Castle is really big. If you want to walk through all the corridors, you have to walk at least dozens of miles. Even simply walking from the first floor to the eighth floor has to be several miles in length.

However, Eisen was not in a hurry, and walked slowly towards the principal's office. On the way, Eisen was still wondering how his telling Dumbledore would affect the plot. However, when Eisen thought that these levels were deliberately set up by Dumbledore for Harry, Eisen felt that there should be no problem.

After all, when it comes to the Philosopher's Stone, there's nothing going on around Dumbledore.

After a long while, Eisen came to the entrance of the spiral staircase. After walking to the end, he saw a shiny oak door with a bronze knocker with a griffin's head on it.

"Cockroach heap" fell with Eisen's password, and the door slowly opened, and then Eisen walked in.

After entering the principal's office, Eisen saw Dumbledore sitting behind the desk at a glance. His silver-white beard was stretched to his chest, and he was wearing a pair of glasses. He looked at the book in his hand that kept turning the pages, not knowing what information he was looking for. After hearing the sound of the door opening, he put down his book and looked at Eisen.

"Oh, Professor Eisen, it's rare to come to my place. What's the matter?" Seeing that it was Eisen, Dumbledore smiled.

In the memories of previous lives, many people have discussed that Dumbledore may be an extremely sinister person. After all, Dumbledore did have a dark side. But Eisen knew that his evil side might have been revealed in his youth. And now, after more than a year of contact, Eisen finds that he has always strictly adhered to a super high moral standard.

In other words, Eisen had always known how decent Dumbledore was. So, he never worried about Dumbledore using Legilimency on him.

Of course, if Eisen dared to be unfavorable to Harry, or unfavorable to other students, then the result would be difficult to say.

"Well, the thing is like this..." Without thinking too much, Eisen directly explained the cause and effect of the matter. Of course, the key point is that he found out some information with the help of Harry and others, and then made some speculations.

"Oh, no, Professor Eisen, I have to tell you, Professor Snape is completely trustworthy!" After hearing what Eisen said, Dumbledore had no other reaction, just shook his head and stated his opinion simply and rudely.

Obviously, what Dumbledore meant was that Eisen's speculation was completely unreliable, because he trusted Snape so much. Of course, Eisen knows all this, but that's all he can say to get to the point.

"Well, it seems that I was thinking too much!" After a moment of silence, Eisen nodded and shrugged his shoulders. Of course, as to why Snape asked Quirrell whether there was a way to subdue Lu Wei, Eisen felt that it was better not to ask further about these details.

It was obvious that Professor Dumbledore had deliberately arranged all of this, so that Harry could get exercise and grow. Otherwise, after Eisen told Dumbledore his speculation, Dumbledore must not have reacted like this.

After leaving the principal's office, Eisen quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Dumbledore had always been kind, Eisen could always feel an invisible pressure when facing him. He knew that this was caused by the gap in strength.

Although Eisen intends to be a passer-by professor with a low sense of presence, it's okay to turn around in front of Dumbledore occasionally. After all, his magical powers can grow over time. After the strength grows to a certain level, there is definitely no way to hide it.

After returning to the office, Eisen saw Harry and the others whispering, constantly talking about something. After seeing Eisen come back, the three of them immediately stopped talking and looked at him expectantly.

"Professor Eisen, how is it?" Harry couldn't help asking.

"Well, things may be different from what you think." Eisen gave the three of them a precaution, and seeing their faces froze, he continued, "Professor Dumbledore said that he can completely trust Snape."

"That is to say, even if Professor Dumbledore knew that Snape asked Quirrell about subduing Lu Wei, he didn't believe that Snape would steal the Philosopher's Stone?" Suddenly, Ron couldn't help but screamed.

"Okay, I think we should trust Dumbledore, he is the greatest wizard in the world today, no one can underestimate him. You are the same!" Eisen waved his hand, and then solemnly stated his point of view.

That's right, from Eisen's point of view, it's a good thing for Harry and others to worry about the school, but after all, they don't know how powerful Dumbledore is, so their vision is still far behind.

After a while, the three of them looked at each other and left dejectedly.

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