Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 33 Harry's Discovery

"Have you figured out how to subdue Hagrid's monster?" Seeing that Quirrell didn't know what to say, Snape directly interrupted him.

"But—but— Severus, I—" Quirrell's pale face seemed to grow even paler.

"You don't want to be my enemy, Quirrell." Snape looked sullen, as if he would go up and beat him up at any moment.

"I - I - don't know -" Harry saw clearly that Quirrell was slowly backing away from Snape's pressure.

"You know exactly what I mean." Snape interrupted Quirrell again, and then threatened: "Your secret little trick, I'll wait!"

"But—I—I don't—"

"Then, after a while, when you have time to think about who you are loyal to, we will talk again." Snape waved his hand and turned around quickly with a cold face. Then covered his head with a cloak, and strode out of the Forbidden Forest.

Just then, an owl hooted, almost making Harry fall from the tree in fright. After he steadied himself, he looked down and could only see Quirrell standing there by himself, like a statue.

Then, Harry got on his broomstick and flew back secretly.

After delivering the broomstick to the broom shed, Harry hurried to the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor, only to find Ron and Hermione still talking excitedly.

"Harry, where have you been?" Hermione demanded sharply, with a hint of displeasure in her tone.

"We won! You won! We won too!" Without thinking too much, Ron went up and patted Harry on the shoulder hard, and continued to shout, "Hahahaha, I beat Malfoy's eyes blue Now, Neville also beat Crabbe and Goyle by himself, and he is still unconscious, but Madam Pomfrey said he is fine."

Harry showed a dull expression. Obviously, when he was focusing on catching the Snitch on the Quidditch pitch, he didn't know that Ron and Neville had conflicts with Malfoy and the others.

"Don't be like this, let's talk about how you taught Slytherin, everyone is waiting for you, we are having a celebration, and Fred and George stole some cakes from the kitchen!" See Harry's It seemed that Ron didn't see him either, and directly pulled Harry to go there.

"Don't worry about that, find an empty house, I have something to tell you!" After regaining his senses, Harry seemed to have thought of something, and his breath suddenly became short of breath.

Afterwards, the three found an empty house, especially after Harry confirmed that Peeves hadn't come to make trouble, he told them all about his previous experience of following Snape.

"So, our analysis is correct. What Lu Wei is guarding is the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape wants to get the Philosopher's Stone by threatening Quirrell. You see, he asked Quirrell if he knew how to subdue Lu Wei, obviously Want to enter the trap door below through Lu Wei!

Moreover, Snape also mentioned Quirrell's secret trick, which is likely to be another mechanism for guarding the Philosopher's Stone. Maybe there was a lot of magic and witchcraft, and Quirrell cast some anti-Dark Magic spells in it. Snape needed to disarm it to get the Philosopher's Stone! "

"That is to say, if Quirrell can't resist Snape, the Philosopher's Stone is not safe?" Hermione's tone showed a hint of panic, obviously finding it difficult for Quirrell to stop Snape.

"If that's the case, the Philosopher's Stone will disappear soon." Ron nodded approvingly, obviously not thinking Quirrell would be able to keep the Philosopher's Stone.

"Should we tell Eisen?" Hermione said suddenly, with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

"But he's just an astronomy professor, will he be Snape's opponent?" Ron pouted beside him, feeling that Hermione's proposal was really superfluous.

"But, don't you think Eisen's magic is very powerful?" Hermione's face puffed up, as if she was complaining about Eisen. No way, who would let a handsome guy like Eisen show his hands in front of everyone from time to time.

"Well, you're right, we can tell Eisen about it!" Harry and Ron glanced at each other, seeming to think of the level of magic Eisen displayed, so they nodded and agreed to the proposal.

The next day, the three of them came to Eisen's office together after having breakfast in the auditorium early.

"You guys, what's the matter?" Looking at the trio in front of him, Eisen showed a puzzled look. That's right, Eisen's main energy is still on practicing spells and learning alchemy, and he doesn't care much about the progress of the plot.

"Professor Eisen, do you remember the last time we were looking for Nicole Flamel?" After being signaled by Harry and Ron, Hermione finally opened the topic.

"Yes, you guys think that Snape is going to steal something from Dumbledore and Nicole Flamel. How about it? Did you find anything?" After a moment of contemplation, Eisen looked puzzled, and then followed the topic asked.

To be honest, it's hard to pretend like you don't know anything. Because he wanted to separate the plot he knew from what the trio had told him, so they couldn't be confused.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, we found that what Snape was going to steal was the Sorcerer's Stone!" Hermione announced the result of the inquiry, and Harry and Ron beside him nodded emphatically.

"The Philosopher's Stone? A Philosopher's Stone that can turn stones into gold and make people immortal?" Eisen's face revealed a look of surprise at the right time.

"That's right, if Lu Wei is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, then it's not surprising that Snape wants to steal it!" Ron couldn't help but interjected. Seems to give a valid reason why Snape should steal the Philosopher's Stone.

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"But, didn't you say that Snape was bitten by Lu Wei during the troll riot last time? How could he steal it?" Eisen felt a headache. To be honest, the reasoning ability of these three people is simply terrible, and Eisen even thinks that they are comparable to Sherlock Holmes.

"Harry saw Snape sneaking into the Forbidden Forest after the game yesterday..." Hermione continued, but when he was talking about the Forbidden Forest, seeing Eisen's frown, he sped up his speech and quickly moved to the Forbidden Forest. Harry recounted what he had discovered.

"That is to say, Harry heard Snape asking Quirrell how to subdue Lu Wei?" Eisen wanted to blame Harry for going to the dangerous Forbidden Forest, but the current development of the plot made him ignore this point.

"That's right, if Snape knew how to subdue Lu Wei, he would have successfully stolen the Philosopher's Stone!" Harry couldn't wait to say the conclusion. Obviously, as the little wizard who hated Snape the most, Harry never wanted Snape to succeed.

"Just hope Quirrell doesn't give in to Snape." Ron shrugged and whispered. Apparently, even he didn't think it was safe to hope for that.

"I see, so, what do you want me to do by telling me this? Do you want to attack Snape directly? But you have to know that all of this is just speculation right now, and there is no direct evidence!" Eisen nodded, Then a very important question was asked.

That's right, all of this is just the speculation of Harry and others. It's just a speculation made by combining some specious and unfavorable clues pointing to Snape, rather than intuitive evidence.

Even if Eisen really agrees with the three of them, there is no way to make a direct move. What's more, he knew that Snape wasn't the one who was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone, but the one who stopped Quirrell from stealing the Philosopher's Stone.

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