It's just—— Eisen suddenly remembered that the way to enter the cave last time was to directly see the scene inside from the perspective of God, and then enter the phantom invisible.

This time, if he went in like this, wouldn't he directly expose his methods to Black?

Or, tell Sirius Black to just take the house-elf with him and apparate right in? Once the idea came up, Eisen felt it was a good fit.

"Sirius, since we're going to find Regulus' body in the cave, I think it's much more convenient for Kreacher to take us to apparate there directly." Thoughts swirled in his mind, and Eisen spoke directly.

"Didn't you go there last time?" Black showed a little doubt on his face.

"That kind of place, you know, has a lot of magical means set up by Voldemort. I spent a lot of energy when I went in and out last time!" Eisen spread his hands and gave a very legitimate reason.

"That's what you said, then let's go, let Kreacher take us in!" Black nodded, not feeling that there was anything wrong with Eisen's words.


A piece of land by the sea is abruptly high, and the side close to the sea has a black section exposed under the washing of the sea, forming a straight cliff.

A series of waves rolled in from time to time, and when they hit the exposed reefs and cliffs, they stirred up white foam and made a deafening roar.


On the exposed black rock, three figures suddenly appeared. The two tall figures are Eisen and Sirius Black, and the smaller one is the house-elf Kreacher.

"Is this the last place Regulus came to?" Black squinted his eyes to look at the steep cliff, and then panted.

"The last time I came here, I entered the cave from there. I think Kreacher must know this place!" Nodding, Eisen glanced at the trembling figure beside him.

Blake didn't say anything, but turned to look at the cliff.

Among them, one side is the sea with turbulent waves, and the other side is the mountainous land winding down. After continuing down, you can see a village halfway up the mountain.

Apart from that, the surrounding area is barren and desolate, except for the vast sea and rocks, there is not a single tree, no grassland and sandy beach.

"Kreacher, do you still remember the place where Regulus drank the poison? Take us in!" Black clenched his fists tightly, then let go and reached out to the house elf.

"I really—can I? I'm just a servant who hasn't fulfilled the master's task—" Kreacher twitched, looking at Sirius Black from time to time, and there seemed to be a look of expectation in his eyes.

"No, Kreacher, in some respects, you are better than Voldemort. He never thought that you could enter there twice." Black shook his head, his tone became a little hoarse, "Then, Kreacher, can you Will you do your part for Regulus by taking us in and bringing out his body?"

"Of course, Master Sirius, Kreacher is willing!" Kreacher stretched out his hand tremblingly, his eyes full of strange expressions.

Without the slightest hesitation, Black directly grabbed Kreacher's hand. Then the old, wrinkled house-elf looked at Eisen.

Eisen nodded slightly without saying anything, and directly reached out to grab the other hand of the house elf.

Then, the next moment, the three disappeared in place.

A smooth island stands in the middle of the lake. A black stone slab stands high on the island, rising to a height of about a foot. A black scratch appears out of thin air, as if the stone slab was cut off in half, which is particularly conspicuous.

In a flash, the three of them appeared directly on the island.

Since the black stone slab has been cut by Eisen with Fiendfire, the magic on it has been invalidated, so the stone basin inlaid on the black slate slab, the poison inside has long since ceased to exist.

He glanced around, and without the green light of the poison, the surroundings became a dense darkness that could not be melted away.

It seemed that returning to this place reminded Kreacher of the terrible things he had encountered. So after coming in, the elderly house-elf even fell to the ground.

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Black helped Kreacher up, took out his wand with the other hand and cast the Illuminating Charm.

However, although Eisen destroyed the magic on the stone slab, the traces of magic left on the entire lake and the small island still allowed Black's magic to only illuminate a small area.

"This is Voldemort's heart?" Black's half face hidden in the darkness couldn't be seen clearly, but there was a hint of vengeance in his tone: "Magic seems to be restricted?"

"Yes, this is where Voldemort tried his best to hide, so he will use some means to limit the magic." Eisen looked at the little light on the tip of Black's wand and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, soft rays of light bloomed from Kreacher's fingertips, and then the rays of light poured out and turned into a large ball of light, illuminating the entire space.

"It seems that Voldemort's magic can't restrain the house-elves!" Black glanced at Kreacher, then withdrew his wand.

"This is where Slytherin's locket used to be, and it was once covered with a basin full of poison—" Eisen stepped forward, pointing to the stone basin that seemed to be embedded in the stone slab.

"I understand - Regulus drank the poison in the stone basin." Black stepped forward, looked at the empty stone basin above, and then couldn't help closing his eyes, as if he was thinking about the scene at that time.

"Sirius, your brother is definitely a hero!" Eisen said softly.

"He was still young, so he believed Voldemort's lies. He—what a fool!" Black opened his eyes, his tone a little dull, and then looked at the house-elf: "Kreacher, you saw that Rhaegu Les was dragged under the water after drinking the poison?"

"Yes—yes, Master Sirius, it's this big black lake." The light from Kreacher's fingertips lifted into the air and came to midair. Then the house-elf pointed to the large black lake nearby.

Following the direction Kreacher was pointing at, Blake flinched after looking. The seemingly endless, mirror-like surface of the lake was particularly mysterious.

The light above the head slanted down, and the black lake was calm and waveless, reflecting everything inside. To Blake's shock, the lake was covered with dead bodies one after another.

Looking around, the body closest to him was three or four feet away from the edge of the small island in the middle of the lake, as if it could be salvaged with just one hand.

The corpses, dressed in brown or blue clothes, seemed to be living people hidden in the dark. But the face that had been soaked pale by the lake water told Black that those were dead bodies long ago.

This made Blake's face turn pale. Because, he could imagine that his younger brother Regulus also became like this.

Black stretched out his wand, as if to cast magic, but it caused an abnormality in the lake.


The smooth and pitch-black surface of the lake suddenly stirred up waves.

The corpse in the lake seemed to come alive, and one hand stretched out the lake to grab Black.

"Be careful, Sirius, those infernal armies built by Voldemort will drag you down!" Eisen stepped forward and pulled Black back a bit.

However, before Black stretched out his wand to fight back, those ghosts dived into the bottom of the lake one after another. After some ups and downs, the black lake in front of me returned to its original state.

"It seems that they don't intend to attack us!" Black tightened his wand tightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't bother with those things when I was here last time, I just took the locket from the stone basin and left. Now—" Eisen raised his wand and cast a beam of light into the bottom of the lake.

Afterwards, those ghost corpses seemed to be conscious, dodging and staying away from the beam of light.

"Photophobia-this is the characteristic of Inferi, and I guess they are also very resistant to flames." After making this action, Eisen came to a conclusion.

"Luminescence—" Black held his wand aloft and cast the spell, but the place seemed to be limited by Voldemort's magic, so the illumination spell Black cast was far less brilliant than Kreacher's magic.

"Bright as day—" Another spell was released, and the tip of Black's wand radiated light, but then the light was suppressed by darkness again.

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