Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 34 Voldemort Miscalculated

"This is a very good idea. It can not only show Regulus' amazing courage in making the decision to fight Voldemort, but also hide the evil magic of Horcruxes." Dumbledore's eyes lit up, and he took out his wand and wrapped it in the sheepskin After clicking a little on the paper, the word "horcrux" on it was replaced with "treasure".

Immediately, the contents of the parchment hidden in the fake locket by Regulus changed to:

To the Dark Lord

I'll be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that I discovered your secret.

I have stolen the real treasure and intend to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die in the hope that you will be killed when you meet your opponent.

the rab

With a glance, Eisen saw the content above. This way of dealing with it is indeed a better way in his opinion.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Black looked at the changes in the parchment and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "In this way, I believe that when people learn about Regulus' life story, they will know his courage and actions against Voldemort!"

"Yes, I'd love to read that at Regulus' funeral!" said Dumbledore, smiling and nodding.

"Thank you—" Black thanked him sincerely. Although he had been acquitted by the Ministry of Magic not long ago, it would take someone of sufficient esteem to personally acknowledge Regulus' contribution to his brother's funeral. Without a doubt, Dumbledore would be a perfect fit.

As the greatest wizard of the present age, although Dumbledore was advertised as a conspirator by the media before, people clearly knew what the article in the "Daily Prophet" was about.

In this way, with Dumbledore guaranteeing his own reputation, Regulus, a former Death Eater and a descendant of the Black family who disappeared without a trace, will definitely become a true hero.

"Then, there is one more thing, which is to find Regulus' body—" Black hesitated for a moment, then looked at Eisen.

"I don't know where Regulus' body is! But—" Eisen pondered for a while, then talked about the situation at the time, "When I got it, it was placed in a stone basin covered with poison In addition to drinking the poison, there is no way to use other means to reduce the poison and reveal it to get it."

"That is to say, if Regulus wants to exchange the real Horcrux with a fake locket, he must drink the poison?" Dumbledore seemed to think of something, his eyes narrowed.

"Yes, judging from the last words he left, he knew that he would die. So I guess, he wrote the last words in advance and put them in a fake locket, and then drank the poison in the stone basin, The real Horcrux was taken from the bottom of the stone basin, and the fake locket was placed in it."

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"So Regulus didn't escape?" Dumbledore frowned.

"It's surrounded by a lake. Maybe Regulus fell into the lake after drinking the poison." Eisen nodded.

In fact, that's pretty much the truth. However, deep in Eisen's memory, it seemed that Kreacher, Regulus' house elf, was also there.

"Then, who placed the Horcrux at 12 Grimmauld Place?" Sirius Black interrupted suddenly, "Headmaster Dumbledore said earlier that you found it in the old house of the Black family!"

"I guess Regulus didn't act alone. I saw a very old house elf in your house." Eisen glanced at Black.

"Kreacher, did it watch Regulus die?" Black showed an expression of disbelief.

"You mean, house-elf apparation?" Dumbledore gave a look of enlightenment, "Yes, Voldemort is contemptuous of house-elf behavior, he wouldn't think that elves have something he doesn't understand. magic!"

"I think the real Horcrux must have been brought back by the house-elves." Eisen nodded, "As for why it didn't save your brother, it should be Regulus' order. After all, the house-elves must have Will obey the master's orders."

"I'm going home." Black put down the parchment and stood up impatiently.

Greeted Dumbledore, nodded to Eisen, turned and left. Dumbledore didn't say much about it. Come to think of it, he also understood Sirius Black's mood.

At night, lightning and thunder sounded, and the whole castle was suddenly hit by heavy rain.

Early the next morning, Black visited Dumbledore again. Eisen also met the two in the principal's office.

Seeing the gloomy look on Black's brow, it seems that he has learned the truth from Kreacher.

"It seems you know a lot from the house-elves?" Eisen asked first.

Black nodded, sighed and said slowly: "Regulus joined Voldemort's organization when he was sixteen, and he was proud of it. One day, Voldemort needed a house-elf. Therefore, Regulus contributed Kreacher.

Regulus thought it was an honor, so he told Kreacher to do what Voldemort ordered before returning home. As a result, Voldemort took Kreacher to a cave by the sea, and drank the poison from the stone basin on the central island of the cave..."

Black sighed again after finishing the matter, and then looked at Eisen, "Professor Eisen, you are right, Regulus ordered Kreacher to take him to the cave, and after he drank the poison, asked Kreacher to take After the Horcrux was replaced, I returned home..."

"According to your description, after those poisons are drunk, people will feel special pain, especially the internal organs will feel like they are on fire, and they will be very thirsty.

It was because Regulus couldn't help but drink the lake water after drinking the poison that he was dragged into the water by the ghost corpse in the lake. "

Eisen frowned slightly, and mentioned something strange, "Since Regulus ordered Kreacher to leave, it means he must know that Kreacher can Apparate away. Then why didn't he let Kreacher take Did he leave by himself? I think house elves can also appear as followers!"

"That's right, house-elves' magic is not the same system as wizards' magic, and Voldemort's magic can't trap them." Dumbledore glanced at Black and sighed imperceptibly, "As for Regulus, why didn't he Leaving with Kreacher, I think, that has something to do with Sirius."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Black seemed to have thought of something, his expression was startled, and then he murmured, "The identities of James and Lily's secret keeper?"

"Maybe so!" Dumbledore took off his glasses, wiped them with cashmere, and put them on again. "In 1979, Voldemort knew the prophecy and set his sights on James and Lily's family. But you said it, Regulus Stan had been Voldemort's servant since he was sixteen.

Your relationship with James and Lily is very unusual, Voldemort may think you are their secret keeper, so he ordered Regulus to deal with you, or use Regulus as a bargaining chip to force you to reveal their hiding place— —”

"You mean, Regulus is unwilling to do this, so he is willing to die?" Black's eyes became moist, and he looked at Dumbledore blankly, not knowing what to say.

"That's probably the truth—" Eisen nodded thoughtfully, "Obviously, Voldemort miscalculated, and Regulus was never willing to fight his big brother, so he was willing to die to protect his own brother." big brother!"

Whether this is the truth of the matter, Eisen does not know. However, since Regulus is already dead, it might as well say this in front of Sirius Black, it can be regarded as adding some good reputation to him.

For a moment, Sirius Black fell silent. Judging by his expression, he seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past.

After a while, Black calmed down, and then looked at Eisen with a smile on his face: "Okay, that's it. Professor Eisen, I would like to ask you to take me to the cave. I want to find Regulus's identity." remains."

"Is that so?" Eisen glanced at the other party and nodded slightly without any objection.

After all, it's not such a big deal.

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