Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Fifteen The \"Horcrux\" In The Cave

The entrance to the cave was hidden, hidden by Voldemort's magic protection.

In the original book, Dumbledore saw through Voldemort's tricks, but opened the entrance with his own blood. This was Voldemort's way of weakening the enemy's strength.

However, the fact that the house-elf Kreacher can directly apparate in and out of the cave means that Eisen can actually teleport in directly by Apparating invisibly.

However, Kreacher was able to apparate in because he had been inside. If Eisen wanted to get in through this method, he had to understand the internal situation inside.

That's not a problem for Eisen, though. The line of sight changed for a while, and he looked directly into the direction of the rock wall in all directions. In just a split second, Eisen's sight penetrated one of the rock walls and came to a huge space.

The phantom activated invisible, and the protective magic applied here couldn't stop Eisen's figure at all, and Eisen came to the real cave with a dodge.

He was standing on the shore of a large black lake at the moment. The lake was so wide that he could only faintly see the opposite bank in the distance. The cave here is very high, and when I looked up, I found that the top of the cave was extremely high.

Far away, as if in the middle of the lake, there was a dim, green light shining, reflected in the dead lake below. Except for the green light, the surrounding area was completely indissoluble darkness.

A light rose from the tip of Eisen's wand, illuminating the entire space. It can be seen that the space here is obviously enlarged by the traceless stretching spell.

Eisen knew very well that his target was actually the green light in the middle of the lake. Therefore, he did not try various methods on the shore of the lake, but directly came to a smooth island in the middle of the lake as a phantom.

The entire island is about the size of a room. A large flat black stone slab stands in the middle, and the top is empty. If you look closely, you can find that there is a stone basin like a Pensieve on top.

Inside the stone basin is a pot of emerald green liquid, and the green light is emitted from it.

If there is no accident, the liquid in this basin is poison.

After hesitating for a moment, Eisen stepped forward and reached out to touch the green liquid, but found that there was no way to touch it. It seems that there is an invisible resistance that blocks Eisen's hand from contacting the liquid.

With a thought, Eisen cast a spell on it. Vanishing spells, conversion spells, etc., after all kinds of magic methods were used, none of them had the slightest effect.

Walking around the stone platform, Eisen could feel that it was also enchanted. From Voldemort's point of view, the only way to get the Horcrux inside was to drink the poison.

But Eisen doesn't think so.

At the very least, in Eisen's perception, Fiercefire can absolutely completely destroy all traces of magic here. In this way, it is very simple to get the Horcrux.

You know, Fiendfire is so powerful that it can burn everything. In simple terms, if Eisen casts Fiendflame, it will burn forever if no one stops it with Mantra.

Moreover, it can also become more and more powerful over time. Even, if the burning range of Fiendfire reaches a certain level, it is very likely that it will completely get out of control.

Once Fiendfire got completely out of control, Eisen even suspected that it would directly burn the entire Earth. As for the Fiendfire cast by Crabbe in the original book, it only burned down the Room of Response and did not continue to burn down. Eisen thinks this should be an effect of the isolation of the hidden space.

But no matter what, Fiercefire can destroy even Horcruxes, so destroying the enchanted stone platform should not be a problem.

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Concentrating his thoughts, Eisen pointed with his wand, and a surging Fiendfire burst out of thin air. The fiery flame distorted the surrounding space, and under Eisen's control, Fiendfire quickly condensed into a five-meter-long flaming sword.

Eisen's wand turned, and the flaming sword pierced through the space, sticking directly to the black stone slab, and slashed down from the middle.


The moment the flaming long sword was attached to the stone slab, a black smoke filled the air, and then the whole slate made a strange sound. Afterwards, Eisen could no longer feel the traces of magic covering the stone slab.

As if cutting tofu, the flame sword easily cut into the stone slab. But in the blink of an eye, the upper half of the stone slab standing on the isolated island in the middle of the lake has been cut off by Eisen.

After cutting off the upper half of the stone slab, Eisen dispelled the flame sword.

Walking forward, at this moment, he has already discovered that the stone basin on the upper half of the stone slab has undergone some changes. The color of the poison inside also seemed to be lighter.

He took out a card and turned it into a porcelain bowl, scooped out a bowl of poison, and poured it directly on the ground beside him. Eisen found that the poison in the stone basin did not recover automatically.

Evidently, Eisen's previous actions had broken the magic that Voldemort had cast on it.

"Tsk tsk, it's so easy to get it!" A smile appeared on Eisen's face. Then he continuously scooped out the poison from the stone basin and dumped it aside.

After the green liquid in the stone basin bottomed out, Eisen successfully took out Slytherin's locket.

Unsurprisingly, Eisen didn't detect any traces of dark magic on it. Obviously, this Slytherin's locket was just a fake made by Regulus.

As for the real Slytherin's locket, after being taken away by the house elf Kreacher, he has been trying to destroy it but failed. Later, Slytherin's locket was stolen by Mundungus Fletcher.

Mundungus Fletcher is also a weird guy. As a thief, because he met many thieves and liars in the wizarding world, he was able to obtain a lot of information, so he was incorporated into the Order of the Phoenix by Dumbledore.

Later, taking advantage of the chaos surrounding Sirius Black's death, this guy stole all the valuable antiques of the Black family. Among them, Regulus sacrificed himself for Slytherin's locket.

Later, Slytherin's locket was confiscated by Umbridge of the Ministry of Magic. In the original book, the trio of saviors caused chaos in the Ministry of Magic, and Hermione took the opportunity to steal the locket, and then managed to get the Horcrux.

But now, Sirius Black has just escaped from prison, which means that the real Slytherin's locket is still intact at 12 Grimmauld Place, the Black family's mansion.

After pondering for a while, Eisen frowned slightly, then put away the locket and disappeared in place.

When Eisen reappeared, he had already come to his secret base. After checking in the cubicle as usual and finding nothing unusual, Eisen came to the alchemy laboratory.

Putting Slytherin's locket on the table, Eisen sat aside and began to meditate.

Dumbledore entrusted him to go to the cave to see if Voldemort's Horcrux was hidden, and Eisen had apparently succeeded in getting the Horcrux. However, this is a fake Horcrux.

That being the case, there are two choices before Eisen.

One is to give the fake directly to Dumbledore, and then tell Dumbledore his guess, letting Dumbledore know that the real Horcrux is likely to have been swapped.

As for who replaced it, and where is it placed? That's up to Dumbledore to investigate himself.

There was nothing wrong with this choice for Eisen, it just prolonged the time for Dumbledore to get the fourth Horcrux.

However, the other option is much simpler and cruder. That is, Eisen went directly to No. 12, Grimmauld Place, and used the fake Horcrux he got to exchange for the real Horcrux in the Black family mansion.

The advantage of this method is very intuitive, it can directly let Dumbledore get the fourth Horcrux without attracting the attention of others.

After all, no one knew that the Horcrux that Eisen got in the cave was fake. The replacement of the true Horcruxes from the Black family mansion can be said to be done without anyone noticing.

Comparing the difference between the two methods, Eisen decided after a little thought, choose the second method, get the real Horcrux directly, and then hand it over to Dumbledore.

However, looking at the locket in front of him, Eisen felt a little headache. Because Regulus' forged locket was not exactly the same as the real Slytherin's locket.

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