Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Fourteen: Dumbledore's Commission (Part 2)

The Horcrux hidden in the cave is actually Slytherin's locket. Originally, this thing was indeed made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, and it was successfully hidden in a cave, and it was cast with a very powerful protective magic.

In theory, this method of hiding is foolproof. However, there is a saying that goes, "Fortresses are breached from within," and it makes perfect sense.

So, how was the fortress built by Voldemort broken? This involves Regulus Black, brother of Sirius Black.

Regulus Black was a Death Eater, originally loyal to Voldemort. However, Regulus betrayed Voldemort behind him. With this betrayal, things get interesting.

At that time, Voldemort had taken his house-elf Kreacher from Regulus. After Voldemort took Kreacher into the cave, he forced it to drink poison to test the safety of the Horcrux's hiding place.

After that, Voldemort left alone. As a result, Kreacher, as a house-elf, is able to Apparate directly out of powerfully enchanted caves.

After Kreacher left, he told Regulus what had happened to him. At this moment, Regulus suddenly discovered Voldemort's true face. In an instant, his attitude towards Voldemort turned from fan to black.

After the fans turned black, Regulus decided to sacrifice himself to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux. So, a fake Slytherin's locket was made in advance, and Kreacher took him to Apparate to the cave.

After Regulus drank the poison, he took Voldemort's Horcrux away and threw the fake into it. Under Regulus' order, Kreacher took away the True Horcrux and tried his best to destroy it. And Regulus drank the poison and was dragged down by the Yin corpse inside when he tried to drink water by the lake.

In this way, Voldemort never expected that he built a solid fortress to protect the Horcruxes, but in the end he was lonely.

However, what made Eisen feel rather strange was that since Regulus had already drank the poison himself and successfully obtained the Horcrux, why did Dumbledore drink the poison again later when he was looking for it?

Unless, this thing will automatically recover with the passage of time!

However, even so, Eisen still couldn't understand. What I can't understand is that the setting of poison in the original book is a little too outrageous.

The poison in the stone basin, Dumbledore touched it with his hands, couldn't touch it, and then tried it, but found that he couldn't separate it, scoop it up, drain it, use the Vanishing Charm to make it disappear, and couldn't use it. Transfiguration works on it, let alone altering the nature of the poison in other ways.

As soon as this setting came out, Dumbledore concluded that there was no other way but to drink it.

But in Eisen's view, this setting is too outrageous. You know, who is Dumbledore, in terms of magical attainments, he definitely surpasses Voldemort.

Even though Dumbledore was not as good as Voldemort in terms of dark arts attainments, he wasn't helpless.

As a result, Regulus drank the poison and successfully got the real Horcrux, and Dumbledore drank the poison and got the fake Horcrux. From this point of view, no matter who it is, as long as they drink the poison, the poison in the stone basin will decrease.

So, can you catch some animals and make them drink poison? Can polymorph make a humanoid puppet drink poison?

After thinking of these, Eisen was speechless.

"I'm not sure there are Horcruxes hidden there, but I think it's very likely!" said Dumbledore.

"Then, why don't you go there and look for it?" Eisen pondered, showing a puzzled expression, "I mean, with your level of magic, after determining the location, you should know if there are Horcruxes there. It’s a very simple thing.”

"That's right, but the Ministry of Magic has a very important matter for me to take care of, and I may not have time for other things for a long time." Dumbledore's eyes showed a little helplessness.

"So that's it!" Eisen nodded, but he couldn't figure out what would hold Dumbledore back.

The Sirius Black thing? Should not be! The thing about Buckbeak scratching Della Comalfort? Doesn't seem to have much to do with Dumbledore.

However, Eisen suddenly thought of a very serious problem, that is, if Dumbledore couldn't get away from something, wouldn't it be difficult to deal with the upcoming events at Hogwarts?

"Professor Dumbledore, if you don't have time to do other things, will you leave Hogwarts?" Eisen's face became serious. "I mean, will you return to Hogwarts at night?"

"Of course, don't worry too much. I just have to deal with some things, which doesn't mean I don't need to sleep." Dumbledore said with a smile, "You have to know that your invention of the phantom is invisible, which is quite remarkable!"

Hearing Dumbledore's answer, Eisen breathed a sigh of relief. If this is the case, then there is no problem.

"Well, I think I'll go there and find out if Voldemort is hiding the Horcrux there!" Taking on Dumbledore's commission was no big deal for Eisen.

To be honest, Eisen was also very interested in Voldemort's magic in the cave arrangement.

"Eisen, I need to remind you that Tom must have cast a spell there, you have to be careful!" Seeing Eisen's response, Dumbledore was slightly relieved, and then gave a solemn reminder.

"I understand, I won't act recklessly." Although Eisen understands what the cave is like, he will never be careless.

After leaving Dumbledore's office, Eisen's mood went up and down a bit. However, since we are going to a cave. Then there is no need to think too much.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast in the auditorium as usual, Eisen came to the top floor of the Astronomy Tower. In the cold wind, the air seemed a little humid. But this has no effect on Eisen.

Some memories of what he saw in Dumbledore's office yesterday came back to his mind, and his attention focused on the scene at that time. Then, the Eisen phantom was cast invisible, and disappeared in place in an instant.


On a tall black rock protruding from the sea, Eisen's figure appeared out of thin air.

Looking around, Eisen realized that this place was his destination.

The sound of the rough ocean in the distance is spreading, the smell of the sea is coming, and the waves are rolling, which is not much different from what Eisen saw in the Pensieve.

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Straight ahead, Eisen saw a towering cliff. The rock face is very steep, dropping straight down into the sea, and there are a few rocks scattered around it, like the one at Eisen's feet, that seem to have broken off from the rock face.

As soon as the God's perspective is opened, the entire cliff has been reflected in Eisen's mind, and the details are clearly visible. Halfway up the cliff, traces of some villages can be vaguely seen.

Eisen didn't pay too much attention to this, but drew his attention to a huge pebble near the edge of the cliff. With a movement of his body, Eisen came to the top of the pebble, and his eyes were set on a crack in the cliff.

Eisen knew that this was actually a secret passage, and it would be filled with seawater when the tide was high. In the original book, Dumbledore and Harry still need to swim in from there, but for Eisen, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Looking closer, Eisen's eyes entered through the crack, and kept looking inside. In just a moment, Eisen's line of sight entered a spacious space.

The space is like a hall, the surrounding rock walls are very rough, and there is nothing unusual about the cave roof. With a thought, Eisen came to the center of the cave invisibly.

"Luminescence—" Although Eisen could see everything clearly from God's perspective, he still cast a spell.

An illuminating spell illuminated the entire cave.

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