Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 61 Of Course Buying A Mouse Is Feeding An Owl

In order to prevent Harry Potter from sending him away, Leonard had no choice but to take Harry Potter to Diagon Alley together.

Walking on the street with Harry Potter didn't feel like an exaggeration, not everyone ran to Harry Potter with strange noises to take a photo or ask for an autograph.

In fact, almost no one noticed that this little boy was the savior who defeated Voldemort.

And Harry Potter wasn't arrogant because of his fame, he was used to the feeling of not being taken seriously after living in his uncle's and aunt's house.

At this time, he only felt very free and comfortable, especially after spending several days studying magic in the room day and night, he went out shopping with his friends. This feeling was so refreshing.

The morning is the busiest time in Diagon Alley, and many shops are already open for business.

And that's when Leonard's torment began.

"Look! Leonard, there is a place selling Quidditch supplies. I heard that Quidditch is the favorite sport of wizards!"

"It's a candy store. I haven't been to a candy store here. Want to see it, Leonard?"

"What is this store for? Uh... it stinks, huh? Leonard, is the owner greeting you? Shall we go in?"


"... Leonard"


Leonard regretted it, he felt that he shouldn't have invited Harry Potter to visit Diagon Alley together, it was really noisy.

Leonard could understand Harry Potter's enthusiasm. After all, Harry Potter had no friends since he was a child, which resulted in his habit of treating others as friends wholeheartedly when others treated him better.

But fortunately, Harry Potter still had a sense of proportion. After Leonard clearly refused him to go to: candy store, cold drink store, pharmacy and other places, he didn't mention it again, and he still happily followed Leonard all the way.

This looks like the stupid son of the landlord's family.

The two dawdled and walked for more than 20 minutes before passing through the downtown area of ​​Diagon Alley to the shop selling magical animals.

Before seeing the signboard of the Magical Zoo, the two of them smelled a bad smell.

"It smells really bad in here," said Harry Potter, holding his nose.

"The shops that sell animals are similar." Leonard said while looking at the shop.

There are some magical animals displayed at the entrance of the shop, such as sea turtles with gems inlaid on their shells, huge orange snails, some unknown creatures like furry dolls, rabbits whose bodies are as elastic as rubber, and cats of various colors. There is a big mouse with gray black.

Leonard nodded when he saw the big mouse, quite satisfied.

Harry Potter looked at the animals curiously, his fingers were about to move, as if he wanted to touch these strange looking animals.

"Don't touch it, be careful it's poisonous." Leonard noticed the savior's little hand that had nowhere to rest and reminded.

"That's right," a man wearing a linen robe came out of the shop at this time. He looked about thirty or forty years old, slightly fat, with a kind expression.

"Many magical animals are dangerous, so it is best not to touch those unfamiliar magical animals, even if they are friendly."

"Thanks for the reminder." Harry Potter said politely.

"You're welcome." The man smiled, his eyes suddenly fell on Harry Potter's face, the sudden change of expression gave Leonard a premonition...

Sure enough, the man's expression became more exciting.

"Oh, Merlin's beard, you are Harry Potter!" The man said excitedly and bowed slightly. "It's an honor to meet you. I'm the owner of this shop, and my name is Burton Fillim."

"Hello, Mr. Fillim, I'm Harry Potter, and this is my friend Leonard Wilhelm," Harry Potter said.

The two started a pleasant chat, which made Leonard, who was really planning to go shopping, hold his forehead helplessly.

The title of savior is really troublesome.

The boss, Filim, chatted with Harry Potter for a while before realizing that there was another person, and he nodded at Leonard embarrassedly, "Sorry, I was a little too excited, are you two here to buy magical animals as pets?"

"It's Leonard who wants to buy something." Harry Potter said, looking at Leonard, "What do you want to buy, Leonard?"

"How do you sell the mice?" Leonard asked, pointing to a group of black mice in the cage.

"Are you going to buy a mouse?" Harry Potter bent down and looked at the mice in the cage. Although the mice were clean, it was quite frightening to keep such harmful animals as pets.

"These mice are very healthy little fellows, thirteen Sickles each, but you are a friend of Harry Potter, I can give you a discount, ten Sickles." Flim said generously.

Harry Potter was a little embarrassed when he said this, and he was about to say something thankful when he heard Leonard's calm voice, "Can I get a discount if I buy more?"

"Buy more? How much do you want?" Felim asked suspiciously.

"Let's buy twelve first." Leonard thought for a while and said.

Twelve rats were divided into three batches to make a rough control variable, one batch was used as a blank control, one batch was given Common Aconitum, and one batch was given enhanced Aconitum fruit to compare the toxicity of enhanced Aconitum fruit.

"Leonard, what do you want so many mice for?" Harry Potter asked in surprise.

Even if there were so many mice in a cage, his scalp felt numb.

Leonard hadn't answered yet, but Flim over there answered.

"Oh, you plan to do potion experiments, right? You seem to be a very easy-to-learn little wizard." Felim was not intimidated by the number.

Wizards keep animals such as mice or toads for experimental potions, and few people really treat mice as pets.

"No." Leonard didn't like people guessing his thoughts. "Actually, I plan to buy it to feed my owls. Compared with the dry mouse feed at the babbling owl store, I think the mice eat healthier."

"Ah..." Felim was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence, "Sounds good."

Feed the owl?

Harry Potter immediately thought of his Hedwig, he seemed to be feeding his owl nuts all the time, which was not good.

"Then bring me ten too." Harry Potter said, "I think I need to change my owls too."

"Okay then." Fillim took the mouse out of the cage with a dazed expression, wondering for a moment whether he was selling animals or feed.

After buying the mice, Leonard went to Ziggs to buy a new aconitum on the way back, and then returned to the Leaky Cauldron with the cage and Harry Potter.

After saying goodbye to Harry Potter at the door of the room, Leonard put the rat aside and prepared to start his own experiments.

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