Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 60: The Overlearned Savior

In any case, we must hurry up and study the improved version of Wolfsbane potion.

Leonard has no procrastination, and he always does what he says and does.

After leaving Knockturn Alley, while the shop was still open, Leonard went to Giggs to buy a pot of aconite in bloom.

The aconitum of the wizarding world gave Leonard 50 experience points, and now Leonard's level has reached the middle-level plant apprentice (341/500) and has passed halfway.

September is the time when Aconitum blooms, and the small purple flowers look quite charming.

However, aconite is poisonous, so it is not suitable for potted plants. If it is further strengthened to increase the toxicity, it cannot be placed indoors. Although Leonard can gain the friendship of plants, he does not have the ability to be invulnerable to all poisons.

After returning to the room of the Leaky Cauldron, Leonard opened the window for ventilation, placed the Aconitum pot in the window and activated the ability of Optimal Growth and Root Strengthening.

The soil in the flower pot was turbulent, and the roots covered with soil surged in the flower pot. The nutrients and water in the soil were extracted in large quantities, and the soil became grayish white and clumped in the blink of an eye.

Leonard gained 50 experience again (391/500)

At the same time, the enhancement belonging to Aconitum also appeared in front of Leonard.

The first one is that the bright Purple flowers of Aconitum turn into White, which looks pure and harmless, and emits a strange fragrance to attract animals to come and eat.

But this kind of strengthened aconitum has a lot of toxins, and even the flowers and leaves will explode, and a large amount of concentrated venom will be sprayed when bitten, and a large number of surrounding animals will die.

A useless enhancement. Although this toxin is superb, Leonard's enhancement of aconitum is not for killing people.

The second picture is a similar picture that Leonard has seen. Like the biting kale, it shows the scene of being boiled into a potion.

Enhanced medicinal properties, this should be the result Leonard wanted.

However, the third picture appeared soon, and the third picture was very special, showing a cross-sectional view of an aconitum growing in the ground.

In the picture, as the plants grow, the rhizomes of the aconitum begin to degenerate, while the branches on the ground expand and grow.

Over time, the stems of the aconitum wilt and eventually the swollen stem splits to reveal a Purple thumb-sized fruit.

The third picture shows something a little weird.

Aconitum is also known as chamaejasma, the whole plant is poisonous, the main medicinal part is the most poisonous rhizome, the processed main root is called Chuanwu, and the secondary root is called aconite.

This part is also needed for the chamaejasma potion, but the third enhancement has completely degraded the medicinal part, but suspicious overgrowth has appeared in the branches.

Eventually, it is the plant that withers completely that forms a Purple fruit.

"The rhizome has been absorbed, and the branches have grown excessively. Could it be that the medicinal power has been concentrated by the whole plant?" Leonard became interested and chose the third enhancement.

Even if the strengthening of this plant is useless, it is not difficult to buy a pot of aconitum, money is so willful.

As the strengthening progressed, the root hairs of this mature Aconitum plant, which had crowded the entire flowerpot due to the strengthening of the root system, began to shrink and degenerate.

A large amount of nutrients and substances are concentrated towards the branches, and the plants quickly dry up. With a click, the branches crack, revealing a Purple fruit.

As the fruit took shape, a whole aconite shattered, allowing the Purple fruit to fall into the pot.

Leonard put on dragon leather gloves and picked up the fruit. The fruit felt tough through the dragon leather gloves, a bit like a half-ripe mango.

Because of the toxicity of the aconitum, Leonard didn't dare to smell it. After playing with it for a while, he cut open the fruit with a knife, revealing the pale purple pulp and a few seeds.

What would happen if this fruit was used as the raw material for the wolfsbane potion?

Leonard looked at the fruit in his hand and fell into thought.

It's worth looking into.

But before that, the fruit must first be tested for toxicity.

It's too late today, I can only wait for tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Leonard put on his robes and was about to go out. When he got to the door, he happened to see Harry Potter coming out of the next room.

It's just that this savior looks a bit uneasy, with a haggard face, heavy dark circles on his face, and a look of excessive indulgence.

"Hello, Leonard." Harry Potter showed a weary smile, as if he would pull it away at any moment, and Leonard looked a little scared, afraid that the savior would die next door to him.

The last time the joke seemed to be too big, it seems that the child was forced.

"Uh... hello." Leonard looked at Harry Potter "Harry, how long have you been up?"

"I sleep every day, but I'm a little nervous, and I can't sleep well, so I often get up to practice magic." Harry smiled enthusiastically, "I've learned three magic spells, and I feel like I might not be expelled .”

I was careless, bringing out what Harry Potter feared the most to scare the other party, which probably scared his psychological shadow out.

Leonard's eyelids twitched, defeated by the solid-eyed kid.

"I'm going to go down and have something to eat and come back and continue practicing magic." Harry Potter didn't seem to expect to get an answer from Leonard, and he planned to leave as he spoke.

"Wait...wait." Leonard covered his face and stopped Harry Potter, "I'm planning to go to Diagon Alley, do you want to come together?"

He couldn't let him go on like this, in case Harry Potter was really forced to death because of his words, he was worried that Dumbledore would come over overnight and burn him, and the ashes would be thrown away.

"To Diagon Alley?" Harry Potter looked dazed for a moment, "No, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up if I don't learn magic, and it will be bad if I get fired."

But if you are so cold, I will be in trouble.

Leonard coughed dryly, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

"I think learning still requires a combination of work and rest," Leonard said earnestly, "proper relaxation is conducive to better learning."

"Is that so?" Harry Potter pondered for a while. "Okay, I'll pack up. Are you going to buy anything in Diagon Alley?"

"Uh..." Leonard thought for a while, "I'm going to visit the Wonder Zoo."

Magic Zoo is not a zoo, but a store specializing in the sale of magical animals, located on the south side of Diagon Alley, closer to Knockturn Alley.

"Wonderful Zoo?" Harry Potter repeated, interested.

He doesn't seem to have been there yet, which sounds interesting.

"Are you going to buy a pet?" he asked.

"Uh... almost."

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