"Who are you?" Voldemort looked at Jerry with solemn eyes, constantly guessing about his identity. Could it be that the Gaunt family has other descendants besides himself?

"Jerry, why do you also speak Parseltongue?" Harry's mind was in confusion and he could only hold Ginny away from Voldemort and Jerry.

"Stupid Potter, this is not snake language, but the ability of Parselmouth. Do you know what kind of monster attacked the students in the school? It's a basilisk. Anyone who looks directly into the basilisk's eyes will die, and Seeing the basilisk's eyes through a mirror or other medium will turn it to stone, just like the students who were attacked in school." Voldemort stared at Jerry's face, constantly thinking about the members of the Gaunt family in his mind.

"The basilisk won't come out to attack people without the call of Parselmouth. Ginny Weasley was attacked by the basilisk, and she looked directly into the eyes of the basilisk. If I hadn't saved her, she would have died long ago. !”

"Now you can guess which of the three Parseltongues at Hogwarts summoned the Basilisk to attack Ginny Weasley!"

Jerry ignored Voldemort's provocative words. He really doubted whether Voldemort's brain had been licked by a troll in the Albanian forest!

Jerry wants to kill a young wizard who has just entered school, but also needs to summon a basilisk? Who are you looking down on? Ginny Weasley too?

As for whether Harry believed it or not, Jerry didn't care. Anyway, the result was the same. In the end, under the influence of the Forgetting Curse, he couldn't remember anything!

Chapter 150 The Uncontrollable Curse

If Voldemort's words are true, it was the basilisk that attacked Ginny Weasley, but who summoned the basilisk? Parseltongue is not a bad ability!

It wasn't Jerry, and it probably couldn't be Voldemort. After all, it's not that easy to save someone while looking directly into the eyes of a basilisk.

No wonder Voldemort's soul was so weak at that time! Jerry thought to himself as he recalled the situation when Riddle's diary came into his hands.

If it's not him, it's not Voldemort, so why not Harry? Jerry glanced at Harry, who was blushing and standing next to Ginny at a loss, and immediately shook his head. He was definitely overthinking it! As for Harry's Parseltongue ability, let alone controlling the basilisk, it's good that he can understand Parseltongue now!

Jerry thought over and over again, and the thoughts in his mind drifted to the apostles unconsciously. Could it be that these insects really did it again? But when it was clear that they only needed to take away the diary, why did they bother to attack Ginny Weasley?

Voldemort looked at Harry's eyes that kept moving back and forth between him and Jerry, and sighed slightly disappointedly.

"Harry Potter, I am very disappointed to meet you tonight. Those ridiculous idiots and mudbloods outside would call you the savior. I am very curious, how did he defeat a baby more than ten years ago? Of the greatest wizard who ever lived?”

"You're not," Harry said breathlessly, his voice thick with hatred.

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world!"

"What did you say? Dumbledore? I just used Ginny through the diary to drive Dumbledore out of Hogwarts!" Voldemort said through gritted teeth. At this moment, the smile on his face had completely disappeared, replaced by a very ugly expression.

"Okay, okay! I'm not here to listen to you two reminiscing about old times!" Jerry's lazy voice interrupted the conversation between Voldemort and Harry, and then walked straight towards Ginny Weasley.

"Wait a minute, Jerry..." Before Harry could finish his words, Jerry waved the wand in his hand, and Harry seemed to be hit by a powerful force. His whole body flew out and hit him directly. stone pillars.

Harry groaned as he landed. Before he could react to the pain, flames suddenly burst out from the top of the nearest stone pillar.

A crimson phoenix suddenly fell from the sky, holding a tattered hat tightly in its talons.

A second later, the phoenix flew directly towards Harry. It dropped the tattered Sorting Hat in its paw at Harry's feet.

"Fox!" Harry shouted excitedly. He had seen this magical bird in the principal's office. It was Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes.

Harry thought it was Dumbledore who asked Fawkes to save them, so he ignored the pain on his body, climbed up, hugged Ginny and stretched out his hand to catch the phoenix in the sky.

However, what he didn't expect was that after Fox threw the Sorting Hat at his feet, he flew to Jerry's side without looking back, and finally landed heavily on his shoulders.

Harry held the familiar Sorting Hat and looked at the phoenix on Jerry's shoulder. He was full of confusion and didn't understand what it meant!

Upon seeing this, Voldemort cursed Harry silently, then quietly came to the giant statue of Salazar Slytherin and prepared to summon the basilisk.

Jerry had noticed Voldemort's little moves a long time ago, but he did not stop him. After all, the basilisk was the purpose of his coming here tonight.

Jerry secretly glanced at the Sorting Hat in Harry's hand, feeling secretly happy in his heart. He didn't expect there would be an unexpected harvest tonight.

Basilisks, Horcruxes, the Great Sword of Gryffindor, I didn't have a choice before, but now I want them all!

Voldemort walked up to the statue, opened his mouth, and hissed.

Jerry looked up at the statue. Slytherin's huge stone face began to move, and its mouth gradually opened, eventually forming a huge black hole.

Not long after, everyone heard a hissing sound from the statue's mouth.

Jerry quickly lowered his head and leaned against the dark wall of the secret room.

Harry thought about Voldemort's words, and he was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly and backed away.

"Kill him!" Voldemort pointed at Jerry and hissed.

Jerry held the wand tightly, highly alert for the basilisk's imminent attack, but the basilisk glanced between Jerry and Harry a few times, then turned around and hissed as if it hadn't heard Voldemort's words. With a loud sound, he rushed towards Harry like a majestic figure.


Unexpectedly, this big long insect is still a bully and fears the strong!

"Idiot! Leave Harry Potter alone and go kill Jerry Green!"

Harry squinted his eyes and saw the basilisk moving toward him through the huge shadow on the ground. He was almost frightened and cried, and then began to blindly flee to the side.

"Jerry, why are you just watching? Please come and help me!" Harry accidentally tripped and fell heavily on the hard stone. A salty smell of blood filled his mouth.

Jerry: OMO

Just when the basilisk was approaching Harry and its sharp fangs were about to pierce into Harry's body, Fawkes, the phoenix hovering above his head, suddenly swooped down like lightning.

Its long golden beak was like a sharp sword, accurately piercing the basilisk's eyes. Following a violent painful struggle, a stream of black blood poured onto the ground like a torrential rain, like a destructive shower, filled with a strong aura of death.

After hearing the basilisk scream in pain, Jerry knew that Fox had completed his mission. He looked up and saw the basilisk's huge eyes, which were pecked out by Phoenix Fox.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"Harry! The basilisk's eyes have been pecked out by Fox. You don't have to worry. There are weapons you need in the Sorting Hat!" Jerry reminded leisurely after leaning against the wall and looking at Harry's embarrassed appearance.

"Weapon?" Harry got up immediately after hearing Jerry's words, and then he actually put the Sorting Hat directly on his head.

Harry didn't feel anything unusual. In his confusion, the hat on his head became tighter and tighter, as if an invisible hand was holding it tightly.

Suddenly, Harry felt something hard hit his head, causing stars to pop out in front of his eyes. He quickly took off his hat and felt a long hard thing hidden inside.

A sword shining with silvery white light appeared in the hat. The hilt was inlaid with a huge ruby, which was dazzling.

Jerry watched Harry's series of confusing operations speechlessly, shaking his head helplessly. He never expected that Harry would put the Sorting Hat directly on his head. Shouldn't a normal person put his hand into the hat and fumble for a weapon?

Fortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor in the hat had its hilt facing down. If the sword's tip had been pointed downward, Jerry simply couldn't imagine that Harry would have killed himself without Voldemort taking action.

"Damn bird!" Voldemort roared as he watched Harry holding the Sword of Gryffindor and confronting the basilisk that had been blinded by Fawkes.

"Good job!" Jerry looked at Fox who was flying back to his shoulder. After praising him, he stretched out his hand to touch its feathers. However, before he got close, Fox's sharp claws threatened him and pulled his hand away. go back.

This bird really holds a grudge! Jerry thought to himself.

He really wanted to remind Fox to pay attention to your attitude. The basilisk's eyes have been blinded, so your value has been greatly reduced. Be careful, I will find an opportunity to pluck all your hair out. You will cry when the time comes. Maybe I can take the opportunity to collect some more Phoenix Tears for later use, killing two birds with one stone!

But after Jerry saw Fox's claws gesticulating on his face, he still suppressed his thoughts for the time being!

"No!" Voldemort's unwilling roar drew Jerry's mind back to the battle between one person and one snake in the room.

The eyeless basilisk lunged blindly at Harry.

Harry also focused all his strength on the Sword of Gryffindor and thrust it deeply into the basilisk's roof of the mouth, all the way to the hilt.

However, just as the black snake blood drenched Harry's arm along the hilt of the sword, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his elbow.

A venomous fang suddenly pierced Harry's arm, and pain instantly spread throughout his body.

"It's time for you to show up again!" Jerry shook his already a little sore shoulder and said to Fox.

Fawkes raised his head, spread his wings and flew to Harry's side. Big tears slipped down like pearls, falling gently on Harry's wound along its shiny feathers. In the blink of an eye, the wound disappeared completely, not even a scar was left!

"Why?" Voldemort asked Jerry loudly, "Why did you help him?"

"I'm not helping him, Dumbledore is helping him!"

After Jerry muttered something, he came to the basilisk that was not dead yet. He checked its wounds and nodded with satisfaction. It was good. The snake skin was intact. He will peel off all the skin later. After that, you can make a snakeskin bag with a traceless extension charm when you go back!

Tsk tsk! A bag made of basilisk skin is so luxurious!

"Thank you so much, Harry!" Jerry glanced at the pale Harry with a smile, then stretched out his hand to hold the Sword of Gryffindor stuck in the basilisk's upper jaw.

With a stabbing sound and the sound of flesh and flesh rubbing against the sword, Jerry pulled out the sword with all his strength. Black basilisk blood spurted out. As the sword was pulled out by Jerry, the basilisk's life came to an end.

Jerry held the Gryffindor sword tightly, and after looking at it carefully, he gestured to the basilisk's head, ready to try this newly acquired sword.

Jerry raised his right hand holding the sword and struck hard at the basilisk's head. However, the moment the sword blade touched the basilisk's skin, the sword disappeared from Jerry's hand.

"Where's my sword!"

Jerry looked at his empty right hand and turned around to see half of the sword hilt exposed from the Sorting Hat not far away.

This Gryffindor's big sword is so cheap! Although I am not from Gryffindor House, I am still an outstanding student at Hogwarts! Why can’t I use it? It’s discrimination in the academy, right?

Don’t be too stuck on the house. Although I am a Slytherin student, I can actually be a Gryffindor student!

After Harry looked at the diary next to Ginny, he took out the Gryffindor sword from the Sorting Hat, held the hilt, took a deep breath and stabbed it into the center of the diary. Voldemort tried to stop it, but it was too late.


At the critical moment, a clear voice sounded, and the diary on the ground seemed to be pulled by some force. It cleverly avoided the blade and quickly flew towards Jerry.

With a "ding!" sound, the sword struck the stone bricks, splashing sparks.

"Jerry, why did you stop me?" Harry asked loudly after watching the diary fly into Jerry's hands.

"No, no, no! Harry, I can't let you ruin it like this now!"

"Haha! Well done, Jerry." A mocking voice sounded,

"Stupid and pitiful Harry Potter, don't you understand now? You don't think Jerry Green was helping you just now, right? You are just a pawn in his hands to be used! Could it be that you are just a pawn in his hands to be used!" Aren’t you curious why you suddenly fainted when you were snatching the Sorcerer’s Stone last year? I think you don’t have any memory of that night!”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"This, how is this possible!" Harry kept mumbling to himself after using the Sword of Gryffindor to support his body and stand firm.

"Okay!" Jerry waved his hand impatiently and looked at Voldemort, "It's getting late, it's time for you to leave!"

"What do you mean?" Voldemort's laughter stopped suddenly, his face was gloomy, and he said in a bad tone.

What's the meaning? Of course, prepare to flip the table! Voldemort, do you really think that there is nothing you can do about me in this state?

In this room, including the unconscious Ginny Weasley, Jerry can boldly say that everyone here is rubbish!

Jerry had no patience to waste time with them. He had already obtained the basilisk and the Horcrux. As for the Sword of Gryffindor, as long as it was still in Hogwarts, it couldn't escape!


Jerry held the diary tightly in his left hand and raised his right hand slightly. Dark red thunder and lightning intertwined between his five fingers like a group of poisonous snakes, growing stronger. In the end, the thunder snakes were connected end to end, and the violent energy turned into a thorny halo of light, rushing towards Voldemort's figure not far away.

Jerry's purpose was simple, he just wanted to use the special thunder summoned by this spell to temporarily cut off the connection between Voldemort and the diary.

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