As soon as Jerry finished speaking the snake language, the copper faucet burst into bright white light and began to spin rapidly. Immediately afterwards, the pool also started to move.

Gradually, the pool in front of Jerry disappeared from sight, replaced by a thick water pipe, just big enough for a person to get into.

"Huh!" Jerry looked at the dark hole in front of him and took a deep breath. He did not choose to climb down the dirty pipe. Instead, he transformed into a raven and flew down the pipe.

In the pipe, Jerry quickly traversed one dark, slimy, endless long slide after another. This pipe is winding and spiraling down, with a very steep slope. He soon realized that he had gone very, very deep beneath the school, even deeper than the underground classrooms.

Soon after, Jerry finally came to the end of the pipe. The water pipe became flat, and he flew out of the mouth of the pipe and landed steadily on the stone next to it. In front of him is a wide, dark stone tunnel, big enough for a person to stand in it.

Jerry returned to his original appearance, then looked back at the pipe, curious for a moment, how did the former Salazar Slytherin enter the Chamber of Secrets?

"Lumos" Jerry raised his wand and whispered a spell, and the tip of the wand glowed brightly.

The tunnel was so quiet that I could only hear my own breathing, like a dead cemetery. Suddenly, there was a slight "click" sound from Jerry's feet. He looked down and found that he had stepped on a mouse's skull. Jerry began to look around and saw a large number of bones of small animals scattered around him.

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Jerry continued to move along the tunnel, turned a dark bend, and the outline of a huge creature suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a freshly shed snakeskin, at least twenty feet long. In the dim light, the skin of this giant snake appears a vivid green.

"It should be right in front!"

Without stopping, Jerry continued along the tunnel, turning one corner after another. Finally, he found a solid stone wall standing in front of him, with two intertwined snakes carved on it. The eyes of these two snakes are inlaid with large, shining green gems, which are particularly eye-catching.

finally reached! Jerry thought to himself.

He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then said in a low, hoarse hiss: "Open it."

As if awakened, the two serpentine stone sculptures slowly separated. The stone wall cracked between them, and then began to slide to both sides until they completely disappeared.

Is Voldemort here? I'm here to give you some fucking warmth!

Behind the stone wall is a huge, deep and dark room.

Many stone pillars carved with coiled serpents towered over the room, supporting a ceiling that disappeared into the darkness above. The whole room was filled with green and mysterious mist, and the black shadows cast by the stone pillars spread on the ground, adding a strange atmosphere to the whole room.

Jerry held the wand tightly and carefully advanced between the coiled snake stone pillars.

He always squinted his eyes slightly, maintaining a high degree of alertness, ready to close them quickly if there was any disturbance. When he walked to the opposite side of the last group of stone pillars, a statue as tall as the entire room suddenly appeared in front of him against the wall behind.

Jerry had to raise his neck high to see the huge face clearly: it was an old and alert face, with a long beard hanging down to the hem of the stone-carved robe. Two gray feet stood on the smooth floor.

Between the two feet, a thin figure wearing a black robe with empty eyes was standing in front of her holding a yellowed diary. Her red hair was as bright as flames.

"Ginny Weasley?" Jerry exclaimed, why is she here.

"Jerry Green, what a disgusting guy, you can actually chase him here!" A young voice appeared in the dark corner next to him.

"Tom Riddle? Or should I call you Voldemort?" Jerry turned his head and looked at the corner where he was speaking, and asked jokingly.

A tall boy leaned against the nearest stone pillar. His figure was blurred, and his black hair was looming in the dim environment, as if he was shrouded in a mysterious mist. At this time, Jerry looked at Voldemort as if through a layer of foggy glass.

"Why? Jerry, are you here to save her?"

"Ha!" Jerry sneered, "I'm not Harry Potter, and I'm not interested in Ginny Weasley! But..."

Jerry's eyes were fixed on the diary in Ginny Weasley's hand.

"As expected! Jerry, you and I are the same kind of people!" Voldemort watched Jerry staring at his Horcrux, his eyes full of greed and desire. "As long as you can help me, I can personally teach you the methods and experience of making soul spells and horcruxes!"

Jerry:? ?

What are you thinking! It's just that every time I see a soul, especially a high-quality evil soul like yours, I can't restrain the desire to devour it deep in my heart!

well! It's all the fault of those evil apostles for turning the "brave, righteous, honest, humble, kind..." self into such an evil one!

You have hurt me!

What about the soul curse? I still want you to teach me! What's your level, what's my level?

Chapter 149 Was your head licked by a troll?

"Jerry, as far as I know, the apostles have been controlled by the four major bishops and their families. No one from those four families is named Green. I don't believe you are so willing to succumb to those four surnames!"

Voldemort stood in the dark shadows, still frightened by the thought of Jerry's fierce fire against the basilisk last time. He knows better than anyone that extraordinary talent must be accompanied by huge ambitions, even Jerry, who is only a sophomore.

His tone was full of confidence, as if he was using magic to lure the other person. His low and bewitching voice sounded slowly, making people irresistible.

Tsk tsk! When Jerry heard Voldemort's "clown" speech, he lowered his head and leaned against the stone pillar of the room, with a thoughtful expression on his face. It seemed that Voldemort's words just now echoed Jerry's inner ambition.

However, judging from Voldemort's actions, it was obvious that the other party did not believe that Jerry would be convinced by him so easily. He always kept a certain distance from Jerry and did not dare to get too close. He even vigilantly guarded against Jerry getting close to Ginny Way. Sly.

Jerry looked at Voldemort speechlessly, that's it? There is no basic trust between people!

However, Voldemort's words reminded Jerry that the four major bishop families had indeed controlled the apostle organization for too long.

Let’s not talk about the other three bishops for now, but Jerry will definitely not let go of the third bishop and the family behind him!

Jerry snorted coldly and walked slowly in the direction of Ginny Weasley.

After approaching, Jerry looked at her carefully. At this moment, Ginny's eyes were dull, staring ahead blankly, her face was pale and bloodless. Even her breathing seemed weak and feeble, as if it might stop at any time.

It was obvious that Ginny had completely lost her consciousness now, like a puppet.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take away the diary in her hand? This is your Horcrux!" Jerry asked after glancing back at Voldemort, who was still standing in the shadows.

Voldemort didn't answer, but Jerry could clearly feel his cold eyes staring closely at him.

Damn mudblood! Voldemort cursed secretly. In his current state, there was nothing he could do against Jerry except summoning the basilisk. He couldn't figure out how Jerry Green found this place and got in smoothly!

Just as the two were in a stalemate, a chaotic voice broke the silence of the room. Although the sound was not loud and seemed to come from some distance away, it stood out in this tense and quiet environment.

"It seems my real guest has arrived!" Voldemort seemed to let out a long sigh of relief.

Jerry looked towards the entrance of the room and frowned slightly. Could it be Harry, the unlucky guy? Damn it, is this cheating? During the day, I didn’t even know what the basilisk was, but at night I found the secret room!

so troublesome! Jerry sighed, then glanced at Ginny, feeling irritated.

It seems that at the end of the meeting, Harry will have to cast a forgetting spell again, but today is different from last year. There is no Grindelwald this time. I hope Jerry's forgetting spell will not cause any accident and turn Harry into another person. A forgetful Neville!

"You don't need to avoid it? After all, you are 'friends'!"

"No need to bother!" Jerry said coldly, as if he didn't care about Harry's arrival. Instead, he looked up at the huge statue of Salazar Slytherin on the wall of the room.

"Ginny!" Not long after, a familiar voice sounded in the room. Harry called urgently, ran quickly to Ginny, hugged her shoulders tightly with both hands, and shook her vigorously. He didn't notice the other two people in the room at all, and even his wand had been thrown to the ground by him.

"I'm curious, how did you find him here?" Jerry was a little impatient by Harry's voice, so he took the initiative to ask.

"Jerry...Jerry?" At this moment, Harry found Jerry standing at the foot of the statue of Salazar Slytherin, "Why are you here? Come and help me see, what's wrong with Ginny?" "

"Let him answer you!" Jerry picked up the wand on the ground and handed it to Harry, then motioned for him to look into the shadows next to him.

"Long time no see, Harry Potter!" A voice said softly before Harry could react.

Harry was startled and turned around hurriedly to find a tall, black-haired boy who looked a few years older than him, leaning against the nearest stone pillar, staring at him.

"Who are you? Have we met before?"

Voldemort nodded, his eyes not leaving Harry's face. "Tom Riddle, my old name, of course we met last year, but I didn't look like this at that time!"

"As for her," Voldemort pointed at Ginny and continued, "of course she is still alive, but she won't live for long."

"Are you...the owner of the diary? Are you a ghost?" Harry stared at him blankly and asked uncertainly. Tom Riddle, a student at Hogwarts fifty years ago, stands in front of us now, but there is a strange and hazy halo around him, as if time has stood still on him, making people feel that he will never surpass At the age of sixteen.

"Jerry, what's going on?" Harry wanted to pull Ginny closer to Jerry and away from Voldemort, but Ginny's weight made his knees weak.

"Stop teasing him and tell him the truth!" Jerry ignored Harry and instead said in the direction of Voldemort.

"What do you mean? Was Ginny captured by this ghost?" Harry looked at Voldemort who was smiling and asked slowly, "How did Ginny become like this?"

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"Okay, this is an interesting question. I was indeed the one who captured Ginny Weasley. I was the one who even put the note next to your pillow to guide you here!"

"What are you talking about?" Harry became more and more confused as he listened.

"The diary, my diary. Ginny has been writing her inner words in it for the past few months, pouring out her heart-wrenching troubles and sorrows to me, even including 'Savior' Mr. Harry Potter." I won't like her."

There was a hint of cunning in Voldemort's voice, and his eyes flickered, his greedy gaze always fixed on Harry's face.

"You know, it's so boring, listening to an eleven-year-old girl talk about her childish worries," he continued, "but I responded to her patiently, being kind and understanding." Kim Ginny just couldn't get enough of me. In the end, Ginny told me everything."

As Voldemort spoke, he let out a cold and sharp laugh.

“She hid her fears, her deepest secrets, which were exactly what I needed most, and I devoured them all.

My strength gradually became stronger and soon surpassed little Ginny. Strong enough that I can guide her and control her, just like now! "

"What are you going to say?" Harry was already a little impatient.

"Can't you guess it, Harry Potter?" Voldemort shook his head in disappointment, and then said softly, "How disappointing! Potter, you are the same age as the one next to you. Compared with Mr. Green, there is a huge difference!

Ginny Weasley was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets. All the attacks at Hogwarts were her fault. All these crimes were committed by her. "

At this point, Voldemort laughed loudly.

"Tsk tsk! It's just a pity, Harry, that I can't let you see how pitiful little Ginny only dares to hide in a corner where no one is and complains to me, my 'close' friend, every night!" Voldemort imitated Ginny. He looked pitiful, and then laughed loudly and wantonly.

Jerry stood aside and looked at Harry, whose face was red with Voldemort's anger, and his fists were clenched, and even his fingernails were deeply dug into his flesh. Then he looked at Voldemort opposite, who was making a vicious mocking sound. Suddenly, he felt that the plot was a little bit... Going in the direction of NTR!

"Why, why are you doing this?" Harry asked loudly, holding the wand in his hand tightly.

"Because of you, Harry Potter! My goal from the beginning was you, but unfortunately the diary returned to Ginny Weasley's hands several times. Do you know how angry I was at that time?"

"So, I controlled her to leave clues to the secret room in your dormitory to guide you to find me. When she knew that I was looking for you, she struggled desperately and even cried. It was really touching! But unfortunately, now She is so weak, her life is being absorbed by me every day!"

"What a disappointment! Harry Potter, you haven't guessed who I am until now!" Voldemort's eyes were like those of a hungry wolf, flashing a strange red light. His fingers drew a few times in the air, writing three shining names, and then with a wave of his sleeves, the letters automatically switched positions and became: I am Voldemort.

Harry's lips were slightly opened, his pupils were constricted, and he stared blankly at Voldemort in front of him. His mind instantly became extremely stiff and he was unable to think.

"Hiss... (I'll tell you a little secret. Ginny Weasley later began to doubt me. She wanted to get rid of me, but unfortunately she was too weak! In fact, Ginny has a chance. Do you remember Was she attacked and hospitalized? There was an accident at that time. The diary left Ginny Weasley and came to the hands of your 'good friend' Jerry Green. Then he knew who I was and knew that I would Controlling Ginny and attacking the school students, he secretly stuffed the diary into the hands of poor little Ginny!)"

Voldemort's voice suddenly became hoarse and he whispered with his Parseltongue ability.

"Hiss! (Impossible!)" Harry was under the influence of Voldemort, and he might not even have noticed that he was speaking in parseltongue.


That bitch Voldemort thought he couldn't understand snake language and wanted to cause harm! Damn it, who are you looking down on? Who hasn’t mastered a foreign language or two these days!

"Hiss! (Everyone speaks Parseltongue, why are you so quiet? Speak harder!)" A hoarse, cold voice came from Jerry's throat.

"You..." Voldemort heard Jerry's snake language and couldn't react from the shock for a long time. As a Parselmouth, he was sure that Jerry was not a Parselmouth speaker, but a Parselmouth speaker.

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