But from an artistic point of view, this costume is very ornamental, and people in the industry call it 666!

"Jerry, what does Snape want from you? Why did he give you a bottle of drink? It smells so good! How does it taste?"

After Harry and Ron saw Snape leaving, they ran over from the corridor.

"With your wisdom, it's hard for me to explain to you!"

Harry, Ron: "..."

In the school infirmary, Jerry hurried over after finishing his dinner.

"Here you go, this is the recovery potion prepared by Professor Snape!" Pulling open the curtain, Jerry handed Hermione the blue potion bottle in his pocket.

"Really! It's great! Finally we don't have to stay in this boring infirmary all day!"

"Don't get too happy yet!" Jerry found a small medicine spoon and gave it to Hermione. "Professor Snape said you can only drink a small spoonful at a time. You will probably have to stay in the infirmary for a few days!"

"That's pretty good! But Professor Snape is so awesome, he came up with a solution so quickly!" Hermione said happily.

"It smells so good! Jerry, is this really a potion?" After opening the cork, the scent of flowers filled the air. Hermione took a sniff and asked in disbelief.

"Professor Snape matched it, it should be fine!"

"It tastes good, sweet!" Hermione said after pouring a small spoonful from the bottle and drinking it with a medicine spoon.

As soon as she finished speaking, the cat hair on her face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hermione looked in the mirror and checked carefully. Although the eyes were still the same and the cat ears were still there, all the cat hair on her face had disappeared.

"Great!" Hermione cheered excitedly, then jumped on Jerry, moving like a koala, hugging him tightly.

Chapter 123 Where’s the magic wand! Use it!

"Come on, Jerry, let's go to the front and rest!"

Under the influence of Snape's magical potion, the cat ears on Hermione's head became the only part of her body that had not yet recovered, and the rest of the changes had been completely restored.

This made it impossible for her to endure the dullness of the infirmary any longer.

So, Hermione couldn't wait to drag Jerry and came to Hogsmeade before the holiday was over.

Last night, a sudden snowstorm covered Hogsmeade with a blanket of white snow, as if the entire village had been cast in a silvery glow by magic.

Hermione and Jerry walked on the snow and slowly walked into this fairy tale world. The breath he exhaled turned into wisps of white smoke in the cold air, intertwined with the falling snowflakes.

The shops on both sides of the street still retain the elaborate Christmas decorations of the previous few days, with the colorful lights flashing, creating a warm and romantic atmosphere. The warm air in the restaurant is mixed with the sweet smell of baked gingerbread.

"Your hat!" Jerry reminded softly, looking at Hermione who was staring intently into the shop window.

"Jerry, this hat is too big, you can't find a smaller one!" Hermione reluctantly picked up the hat and put it on again.

"Stop complaining, I deliberately found a big hat. In addition to covering your ears, it can also prevent you from being discovered by the professors who are also here! Don't forget that we are only in the second year! Even now we are still on vacation! "

"No wonder you put on the hood and dressed like a dark wizard!" Hermione murmured in a low voice.

The two of them just walked around the streets of Hogsmeade. There were just a few shops, and Jerry actually spent the entire afternoon shopping with Hermione!

Finally, towards evening, Jerry and Hermione arrived at the DeVos and Bans store at the end of the street.

This is a magic equipment store that also sells repair tools and provides a variety of magic props and equipment.

"Jerry, look at this!" Hermione picked up a uniquely designed frame on the counter, shaped like a colorful owl glasses, and gently put it on her face.

"These are anti-monster glasses!"

A crisp voice appeared from the seat in the corner, and only then did Jerry and Hermione realize that there was a little girl about their age with gray eyes and dark blond hair in the store.

"It's Ravenclaw's 'crazy girl' Luna Lovegood!" Hermione whispered to Jerry.

Luna Lovegood? Jerry thought to himself.

Although he has almost forgotten the plot of the original work, he can still remember a few names of the characters!

"Are you Jerry Green?" Luna took out a pair of anti-monster glasses from her pocket while the two of them were whispering, and then looked at Jerry who covered his face with a hood and asked.

Hearing this, Hermione looked at Jerry's attire carefully, and then asked doubtfully: "How did you recognize Jerry? He's covered up so well!"

"Because he is special. Jerry Green, of all the people I have met, you are the only one who even molesters are afraid of! Those little guys will avoid you!"

"What did you say? Harassing a fox?"

"Harassment flies... they are invisible and will float into your ears and mess up your brain."

Hermione looked at Luna confused, not knowing what she was talking about!

"The... molesting fly you mentioned, does it really exist?"

"Of course!" Luna said, pointing to a guest not far away, "There is a harassing fly flying in his ear."

Hermione followed Luna's instructions, put on her anti-monster glasses, and looked in the direction of her finger, but saw nothing. Then she took off her glasses and handed them to Jerry.

After a while, Jerry, who was wearing anti-monster glasses, also shook his head.

"It makes sense for Ravenclaw students to call her 'crazy girl'!" Hermione looked at Luna and then whispered in Jerry's ear.

"Did you just say that the harasser... is avoiding me?"

Jerry asked curiously, he didn't think "'crazy girl'" would be sorted into Ravenclaw!

"Yes, I don't know the reason! I have never seen them be so afraid of a person! Since you entered the store, there have been a lot less harassing flies here!"

"Luna, we should go home!" Just when Jerry wanted to ask more questions, a mature and thick voice appeared.

"Here we come!" Luna responded to the man, then turned to Jerry and said, "It's time for me to go home. Dad called me. If you figure it out and know the reason, please tell me!"

After saying that, he stood up and left the store.

"What a 'crazy girl', Jerry, you don't really believe her words, do you?" Hermione asked, looking at the pensive Jerry.

"No!" Jerry shook his head, smiled helplessly, and no longer thought about what Luna just said. After all, it happened to him, no matter how evil it was, he felt normal now.

Harassing a horsefly is nothing! Do you know what a Horcrux is? The last time Jerry saw Voldemort's Horcrux, he almost lost control and swallowed it!

Which normal person would react like this when seeing a Horcrux!

"Are those two people just now your classmates?" Xenophilius Lovegood looked at Luna who didn't know what she was thinking and asked.

"Yes, Dad! That boy is the one I told you that harassers would avoid!"

"Luna, stay away from him from now on. The harassers are hiding behind him. He is definitely not a good person!"

"I know, Dad!"

In the following weeks, Jerry happily took Hermione around Hogwarts, and even boldly broke into the Forbidden Forest. However, they did not get too far into it, as the centaurs discovered the two's intrusion and unceremoniously drove them out of the Forbidden Forest, notifying Professor Snape at the same time.

But fortunately, Harry is there, he is truly the "savior", so damn timely!

Just as Snape was about to deal with the matter between Jerry and Hermione, he was called away because Harry and Malfoy made a bigger fuss!

Ever since Malfoy discovered that Harry and the others had no morals and attacked Goyle and Crabbe secretly, he often took them with him to follow Harry, hoping to find opportunities to teach Harry and Ron a lesson.

I finally found an opportunity today. When everyone arrived, the two sides had already "mingled."

"Stop it!" Snape shouted anxiously, but it was obvious that several people were on the move and had no intention of stopping.

Jerry stood aside, looking anxiously.

Where's the magic wand! Where's the magic wand! Use it!

Why are you just using your fists and feet? What do you mean, you look down on my Madam Pomfrey's medical skills?

In the end, Snape could only use magic spells to separate the bruised and swollen people, and then led everyone back to his office with a livid face.

Chapter 124 Let’s make a deal with Dumbledore!


In the office, Snape slammed the table and looked at everyone with an ugly expression.

"Look at you, you are really outstanding students at Hogwarts. Dumbledore must be very happy to see you!"

"Professor Snape..."

"Shut your mouth first!" Snape cursed, and then said to Harry and Malfoy: "How dare you guys fight in school!"

"And the two of you, you broke into the forbidden forest quietly, you have quite a romantic temperament!"

"Severus, are the students okay?" Just as Snape was yelling at everyone, Professor McGonagall finally rushed over.

"Mr. Potter, how did you do this? And Jerry, how could you take Miss Granger to the Forbidden Forest! It's too dangerous!"

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall!" Hermione lowered her head and whispered.

"Take these students from your college back first!" Snape pointed at Harry and Hermione.

"Okay, Severus, I'll take them away first!" McGonagall nodded and left Snape's potions office with a few people.

Jerry also wanted to leave with them, but unfortunately, he was a Slytherin student!

It's all the damn Sorting Hat's fault!

"You idiots, go to the school infirmary first! As for you, Jerry Green..." After Snape ordered Malfoy and the others to drive them out, he smiled sinisterly at Jerry.

"Haha! You should go back first. We will talk about this after school starts!" Snape thought for a while and said to Jerry.

"Ah? Professor, why don't you just say this is the punishment? It's okay to deduct college points!"

Seeing Snape's sinister look, Jerry thought it would be better to make it clear now. Who knows what Snape will do to himself after school starts!

Unfortunately, Snape didn't listen to Jerry's "quibbles" and kicked him out of the office.

It's the end of January, and the school is bustling again, but the faces of the students are generally not good-looking. It's not because of some large-scale flu or the students' physical discomfort. It's mainly because school has started!

At the beginning of the new semester, all the professors assigned a large amount of homework in unison, maybe because they were afraid that the students would think nonsense and scare themselves.

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