Um? What a fuck!

You boy, what do you mean by this!

Jerry looked at Malfoy speechlessly, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense! Besides, I'm not in Hogwarts today!"

"It's really not you?" Malfoy swallowed and asked.

Then I thought about it, this is wrong! Did he really misunderstand Jerry? Goyle and Crabbe were stripped naked, but there were no injuries on their bodies.

When did Jerry only take off clothes and not hit anyone, so he was so merciful!

If Goyle and the others really offended Jerry and were taught a lesson by him...

Thinking of this, Malfoy felt an inexplicable chill coming over him, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Looking at the back of Jerry who had left without even bothering to explain to himself, Malfoy couldn't help but punched the table angrily.

"It must have been Potter!"

"Wait, Po Te! If you dare to touch my people, I will prepare a Christmas gift for you!"

In the infirmary, Jerry walked in quickly and quickly glanced around the bed, but did not find Hermione.

Then he immediately locked onto a bed that was tightly covered by a curtain and strode over.

"Hermione, is that you?"

"Ah! Jerry, why are you here!"

Hermione was startled by Jerry's voice and screamed subconsciously. Then she quickly covered her mouth and wrapped herself in the quilt, for fear that he would see her current appearance.

"It's okay, let me take a look!" After Jerry heard the noise, he opened the curtain and walked in. He tried hard to suppress his smile and pulled the quilt, trying to expose her head.

"No, Jerry!" Hermione desperately covered herself with the quilt, "You will definitely laugh at me!"

"I promise, I will never laugh! Besides, you can't keep hiding under the quilt all the time, right?"

In the end, the two were in a stalemate for a while before Hermione agreed to expose her head.

When Jerry saw her appearance, he took a deep breath, suppressed his smile and said, "So, is this why you went to me early in the morning to ask for the password to the lounge?"

"Stop talking, I regret it so much! If I had known better, I would have gone to Hogsmeade with you!"

"When did Madam Pomfrey say she could change back?" Jerry asked after touching the cat ears on her head.

"It might take several weeks!" Hermione sighed, "How did you know that I was in the infirmary? Harry and the others must have told you! I knew that with their IQs, it would be impossible to hide it. Stay with you!"

"I haven't seen them at all. Harry should be hiding in the Gryffindor common room with Ron, and they didn't even come to the dinner!" Jerry shook his head speechlessly, and then gave her a Christmas gift.

"'Hogwarts: A History'? Why is it so thin?" Hermione took the book and weighed it in her hands.

"Look back and look!"

Hermione heard Jerry's words, opened the book, and flipped back. She soon discovered something was wrong. It was a very thin book, but after turning so many pages, there was no change in the pages at the back.

"Is this also your alchemy item?" Hermione asked curiously.

"No, this is just a little magic spell!"

"This book should be called the Encyclopedia of the Magical World. It records all kinds of anecdotes in the magical world. It's just that there is too much content in the book. I used the Invisible Extension Charm to hide them. Otherwise, you might not even be able to lift it!”

"I knew about this magic, but I didn't expect it could be used like this!" Hermione was very surprised and kept turning her hands back.

"Of course the ordinary traceless extension spell won't work, so it needs a little improvement!" Jerry gestured with his right hand to form a "fingertip universe".

"Jerry, you are so awesome. It feels like the gap between us and you is getting wider and wider!" Hermione said helplessly while leaning on the pillow.

Jerry shook his head. It was nothing. It was just an improved curse. Snape invented the Shadowless Curse before he graduated!

"There are no stools in the infirmary, so don't stand!" Hermione piled them on the other side of the bed, then patted the empty space and said, "You can sit here or lie down!"

Without thinking much, Jerry took off his shoes and lay next to her. Hermione rested comfortably on his arm and continued to flip through the book "Hogwarts: A School History" in her hand.

"Is Hogsmeade fun?" Hermione suddenly asked after the two were silent for a while.

"It's not a big place, but it's quite lively! Maybe it's because of Christmas! But unfortunately, you probably won't be able to go this year!"

Hermione shook her head, then sighed and said gloomily: "I really regret it!"

Chapter 122 With your wisdom, it’s hard for me to explain to you!

"Ahem! You two, it's getting late. I think those who should leave should be able to leave!"

While Jerry and Hermione were talking about what they had seen in Hogsmeade, a coughing sound came from outside the curtain. It was Madam Pomfrey's voice.

"Hiss! Jerry, please be gentle, you're pressing down on my hair!"

"Sorry, my arm is a little numb from your pillow!"

After hearing Madam Pomfrey's words, the two of them were in a hurry. Jerry quickly got up from the soft bed and quickly put on his shoes.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, good evening!" She straightened her wrinkled clothes and walked out of the curtain with an awkward yet polite smile.

"I'll come see you tomorrow!" Jerry said to Hermione and quickly left the infirmary.


In the Slytherin common room, as soon as Jerry entered, he bumped into Snape and was stopped by him.

"Professor Snape, good evening!"

"Night? It's almost midnight now! Mr. Green!"

"It's vacation time now, and it's not school time. Why are you acting like a dormitory aunt!" Jerry murmured to himself in a low voice.

"What are you muttering about?"

"No, Professor Snape, I just want to ask you some relevant questions!"

Jerry looked at Snape, who had a sullen look on his face, and suddenly thought that he was also a potions master, and whether he had any solution to the problem of Hermione taking the wrong potion.

"Professor, if someone uses Polyjuice Potion to turn into an animal, is there any way to quickly recover?"

When Snape heard Jerry's words, his eyes suddenly changed and he laughed sinisterly.

"No need to say 'someone', just tell me who he is!"

"Ah! Let me guess, it's Poit or Weasley! I didn't see either of them at the dinner today! Could it be that he turned into an orc and hid in the Gryffindor common room, afraid to come out to see anyone? !”

"Professor Snape, you are the master of potions! Just tell me if there is a way to recover quickly. After all, professor, you don't want anything to happen to Harry Potter!"

"You can go to the jungles of Uganda and play push sumo wrestling with mountain gorillas. Under those fierce slaps, your mind may be clearer!"

After Snape finished speaking, he turned around and left the lounge without hesitation.


How rude!

Are Harry and the other Gryffindors students at Hogwarts?

Your ideological consciousness needs to be improved!

Early the next morning, Jerry came to the infirmary to visit Hermione, but what he didn't expect was that Snape arrived before him!

"S...Professor Snape, why are you here?"

Looking at Snape who was examining Hermione, the corners of Jerry's mouth twitched slightly as he was speechless. Your operation was really like gauze wiping your butt. You missed something!

"I'm curious, where did you get the Polyjuice Potion recipe?"

Jerry stopped Hermione who was about to explain, and then said: "Professor Snape, actually the warrant for the restricted area is quite easy to obtain in the hands of a certain professor!"

Snape did not ask any more questions, but turned and left the infirmary. He must have also thought of Lockhart.

Jerry looked at the back of him leaving. Although he didn't have Legilimency, he could still guess the curse Snape was feeling toward Lockhart.

Well, I guess the scolding was quite unpleasant!

"Phew! Scared me to death, Jerry!" Hermione breathed a sigh of relief after Snape left.

"Don't worry! I have a close relationship with Professor Snape!" Jerry said, patting his chest.

"By the way, did Snape say anything during the examination just now? Can he be cured?"

"I don't know," Hermione shook her head. "Professor Snape didn't say anything when he checked."

"Okay! I guess there's not much hope. It seems we can only wait a few weeks!"

During dinner time, Jerry finally saw Harry and Ron in the hall, but they were blocked by Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe.


Jerry coughed twice to remind them, and then pointed at Snape, who was walking toward everyone not far away.

"What are you all doing here? Don't think you can do whatever you want in school during the holidays!" Snape's cold voice appeared in everyone's ears.

When Malfoy and Harry heard this, they immediately dispersed and left the hall.


Snape stopped Jerry, then took out a bottle of light blue potion from his pocket and handed it to him.

"This is the potion to treat Hermione!" Jerry took it curiously, then opened it and smelled it, "It smells so good!"

The medicine in the bottle exudes the different fragrances of different flowers, including the rich and warm fragrance of roses, the elegant and refreshing fragrance of lilies, and the distant and cold fragrance of plum blossoms.

The fragrance of these flowers is intertwined. Although it is not strong, it is fresh and refreshing.

"Professor Snape, does this potion work? How did you do it in such a short time!" Jerry looked at him in surprise.

"With your wisdom, it's hard for me to explain to you!"

His eyes were full of disdain, as if it was just a trivial matter!

"Remember, you can only drink a small spoonful at a time!" After saying that, he turned and left the hall.

Jerry looked at his leaving figure and felt speechless. From a professional point of view, this pretense was not very successful and had no sense of hierarchy.

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