Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 241 Snape: I refuse!

Curse is like a scale, with your sacrifice on the left and damage to the enemy on the right.

It's a fair deal, before the offering on the left is peeked at.

Once the sacrifice is glimpsed, the damage on the right becomes less terrifying.

You can avoid it or replace it. The key to the problem is:

Equal amounts.

Human life means human life. This is the basic rule of equality.

Lucius became busy for this. He accepted Voldemort's suggestion and went to Muggle prisons to find serious prisoners.

Voldemort also started his own peaceful life. He needed to teach his two apprentices and research resurrection potions.

That was destined to be a difficult process, because Voldemort had many requirements for his new body.

He didn't want to create a snake-faced monster like Lin Zuo remembered.

While he was busy, his enemies had also taken action.

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

There were many cards placed in front of Dumbledore:

Riddle Building, Wu's Orphanage, Black Forest Map, Malfoy Manor...

The card that Dumbledore placed at the center of these cards was a card of a dilapidated house.


The door to the principal's office was opened, and Dumbledore looked out through the upper edge of his half-moon glasses.

He picked up the wand with his hand, as if he was trying to confirm the identity of the person before deciding whether to put away the thing in front of him.

Soon, Mag's face was revealed on the spiral staircase.

Dumbledore pressed his wand, apparently feeling no need to do so.

"Malfoy Manor, Headmaster, you are right."

Mag said as she sat across from the desk. She looked exhausted.

"Neville and Luna, are they with him?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yeah, and it looks nice, especially Luna, she's like Hermione..."

At this point, Mag stopped.

She shook her head and "tsk-tsk" twice to express her dissatisfaction.

"He's good at seducing people, he's always been that way, McGonagall, we can't blame those kids."

Dumbledore frowned, thought for a moment and said, "I just don't understand Mrs. Longbottom. Why did she agree? Is it really because of those two children?"

"Of course, Augusta is willing to do anything for them." McGonagall said with certainty.

Dumbledore shook his head, but he did not say more. He just said in a meaningful way: "Keep in touch with her, McGonagall. In any case, we were once friends on the same front."

"I know, Headmaster." Professor McGonagall didn't understand any more, but changed the subject and asked, "Fudge really doesn't believe what you say?"

"He believed it, but fear made him choose not to believe it." Dumbledore shrugged helplessly, "Not everyone chooses to be brave."

"Then what should we do? Let him continue to develop?"

Mag said and glanced at the card on the desk. That thing immediately attracted her curiosity, "What are you doing?"

"I wonder what kind of trap Tom will leave for me."

Dumbledore also looked at the card and said with a smile on his face, "I have to choose whether to follow up."

Mag glared at the principal angrily. She felt that she shouldn't let her enemies lead her.

But the principal obviously wouldn't listen to her, so she just glanced at him but said nothing.

"How about getting Harry involved?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

"What?" Mag asked in surprise.

"Harry Potter." Dumbledore finally became serious and said thoughtfully, "I know he is still young, but fate is sometimes more reliable, so..."

"We must be worthy of Potter, principal." McGonagall said seriously.

Dumbledore nodded, which was why he hesitated.

The Potter family has already paid too much for this war. If Harry is involved because of him...

"Maybe you can ask him, what do you think?" Dumbledore asked.

Mag frowned, she didn't know what to say.

But that's not the most important thing.

What was important was that Dumbledore was asking for her opinion, and not just in a casual way.

"You rarely ask for help on critical issues."

McGonagall said something different than what was asked, leaving Dumbledore stunned.

He was stunned for a moment, then took off his glasses, sighed, and laughed again.

"Call Professor Snape for me. I think we need to discuss this issue with him."

Dumbledore put on his glasses again and said in a tone that could not be refused.

Mag stood up and left without any hesitation.

In fact, she liked this Dumbledore better. As for the previous one, just pretend she didn't see it.


Dumbledore waved his hand, and the cards flew to the bookshelf and were piled next to a pile of Carlo cards.

Then he leaned back on the chair and his eyes naturally fell on the fireplace.

In a daze, he saw two figures having a long conversation there.

One is thirsty for knowledge, and the other tells everything he knows.

But now, all the good things have disappeared.


The memory was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Dumbledore forcefully opened his eyes and tried to cheer up.

"You're looking for me."

Snape walked in furiously, and I have to say that he looked a lot like Voldemort at times.

Or perhaps, when he was young, he imitated Voldemort's walking style.

The only difference between the two is that Voldemort opens his hands when he struts.

That would make the cape dance, adding to his aura.

Snape, on the other hand, kept his arms closed.

Although he can't compare to Voldemort in terms of momentum, he still has his own flavor.

"I have a question for you."

Dumbledore turned his head to look at Snape, but suddenly found Snape looking at him blankly.

"is there a problem?"

He asked Snape while touching his face, because Snape was looking directly at his face.

"It's nothing, I just feel... you seem a lot older."

Snape's words made Dumbledore startled.

He had indeed felt sluggish recently, but his physical condition was fine, but Snape wouldn't lie.

Are you really old?

"Maybe he's just mentally weak."

Dumbledore decided not to discuss this issue for the time being, but asked Snape, "Are you still teaching Harry recently?"

"Of course," Snape replied.

"Have you ever considered adding some practical courses for him?" Dumbledore asked again.

Snape frowned, indicating that he didn't understand what the other party meant.

"I mean." Dumbledore said, "I just want to go out and do something. Maybe I can give him a lot of experience..."

"It doesn't seem necessary to ask me." Snape's eyes became unreadable.

"Of course, but I think, maybe..."

"I reject."

Before Dumbledore could finish his words, Snape said directly, "If I have the right."

Dumbledore's face turned a little ugly. This was obviously not the answer he wanted.

But when he tried to use his eyes to make Snape change his answer, the result was still:

I reject.

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