Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 240 Dragon Blood Curse

Telepathy, teleportation, and Parseltongue were all talents he awakened very early.

But the curse talent was different, and he didn't even know when it was awakened.

In my memory, it was mostly after killing the rabbit.

When he spoke ill of other orphans, those words always came true.

But at that time, he didn't realize his talent in this area.

It wasn't until long after he arrived at Hogwarts that he truly understood and discovered his talent in this area.

And use...


Weird and powerful, but not practical enough.

It is chaotic and lacks stability, which is why Voldemort rarely chooses it.

"I need to make a curse-revealing potion." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "Do you still remember what dragon was used?"

"Peruvian Venomtooth Dragon." Abu said without hesitation, "I cursed him to suffer from dragon pox, so that he would leave the position of Minister of Magic. Of course, I also have dragon pox now."

He said as he rolled up his sleeves, revealing the blue skin on them.

"The green and purple rash on my toes is more serious, but my lower body is no longer under control, so I don't feel uncomfortable." Abu said with a shrug.

Voldemort nodded, recalling Lin Zuo's memory that his senior died of this disease.

"When you cursed, which part of the dragon did you use?" Voldemort asked again.

"Dragon teeth and heart, you know, the dragon's heartstrings are the most powerful." Abu said proudly.

Voldemort smiled, nodded and said: "Then I understand, I will solve this problem, Senior Abu, you know, I need you."

"If I can recover, of course I am willing to stand up and support you." Abu said sincerely, "If I weren't afraid of scaring people like this, I would walk out now."

Voldemort smiled and nodded, chatted a few more words with Abu, and left in a hurry.

"Daffodil, African tree snake skin, crocodile heart, dried silenced bird feathers..."

As soon as he saw Lucius at the door, Voldemort reported a long list of medicinal materials, "In addition to these, we also need the dragon teeth and heartstrings of the Peruvian Venomtooth Dragon. The fresher the better."

"Except for the dragon teeth and heartstrings that need to be purchased, everything else is available." Lucius said immediately, "I will also prepare other vessels for refining potions."

Voldemort nodded and motioned to the house elves on the side to bring his two disciples up.

"Why don't you go and get it?" Voldemort looked at Lucius in confusion.

"I just wanted to ask about my father's condition..." Lucius seemed hesitant to speak.

"This medicine is used to find the root cause of Senior Abu's illness. Find it quickly."

Lucius was surprised for a moment, then his face flashed with joy, and the Apparition took action.

Voldemort shook his head, not in a hurry at this moment, how could this Lucius act like a child.

Not long after waiting, his two disciples were brought by house elves.

"Curse is a very common magic. You have to learn how to deal with it. In this regard, I have some unique methods."

Voldemort said, looking specifically at Neville and saying, "You are talented in potions, because any herbal master has the talent to become a potions master, so you must study hard."

Neville nodded in a daze. He didn't understand how he became a master of herbal medicine.

Voldemort didn't explain much to him, and just started to explain how to make the Curse Revealing Potion.

Not long after, all kinds of materials were loosened by Narcissa.

As for the dragon teeth and heartstrings that he wanted in the end, Lucius had already gone outside to look for them.

"He's too impatient this middle of the night." Voldemort said with a smile.

"Dark Lord, you don't know that Lucius has thought of many ways to deal with his father's illness. Now that he has hope, how can he not be anxious?"

It is easy to see from Narcissa's smile that she is also happy that her father-in-law's condition may improve.

If nothing else, the unity of the Malfoy family is commendable.

"Okay, when he comes back, just send him here directly."

After Voldemort finished speaking to him, he began to teach his two students about potions.

Narcissa glanced at the two children with envy before slowly retreating.

Later, Lucius finally came back, but with bloody fangs and heart in his hands, Voldemort rolled his eyes.

"Killed now?" Voldemort asked.

"Well, the effect is good." Lucius said with a rare toothy smile.

"It won't be long. Tell your father not to sleep and wait for me."

After Voldemort finished speaking, he began to refine the potion.

"Stir clockwise three times, not too much, as the effect of the medicine will be weakened, and not less, as the effect of the medicine will be too strong..."

"Cut thin slices and crush them before adding them. If you don't crush them, the reality of the dream will decrease..."

"African book snakeskin silk does not accept clockwise rotation. This statement is a bit feudal..."

Voldemort was refining while teaching his two apprentices.

Not long after, the potion was finished and he immediately led it towards Abu's room.

This time, he brought two students with him.

"If you want to enter other people's dreams, you must learn the Legilimency spell."

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, he saw a look of surprise on Neville's face, "Your principal is also a master in this field. There is no good or bad magic."

After giving a lesson, Voldemort sped towards the senior's room.

"So smelly?"

Abu, who was lying on the bed, asked with a wry smile.

Voldemort nodded and said: "I will enter your mind soon and follow you to peek into the dream, so..."

"Open your brain, I understand." Abu nodded and said, "But you know I have been learning that thing for many years. Sometimes it will close naturally, so you can use more force."

Voldemort nodded to show that he understood.

Not long after, Abu fell into a deep sleep, Voldemort raised his wand, and several other people in the room held their breath nervously.

"call out."

Voldemort waved his wand and a spell hit Abu's head.

In the hazy darkness, scenes slowly began to emerge:

Altar, dragon, blood...

Killing dragons, taking teeth, teeth going through the heart...

The curse ceremony continues, and there is fire burning in the blood...

It was a normal curse. Voldemort could not see the reason for the backlash and looked at the dead dragon.

Could it be that the dragon was really too powerful, causing the curse to rebound?

Voldemort thought like this and prepared to disconnect the magic.

After all, the ceremony is over and everything is done.

But suddenly, the darkness turned, and a new picture appeared.

A dark and damp dungeon, emaciated and wailing humans, and a wizard.

"A new curse?"

Voldemort looked at everything in front of him in surprise, "No, if it's new, it shouldn't be traced back to the previous scene."

Voldemort said, trying to get closer to that world, but unfortunately it was difficult for him to do so.

"Whoever you are, I will curse you at the cost of his life."

The wizard in the dungeon roared angrily. He raised his wand, revealing the cyan mark on his arm.

Voldemort's eyes lit up and he murmured: "I see, the counter-curse at the cost of human life can be easily solved."

An evil smile appeared on his handsome face.

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