"Ministry of Magic staff..." Vizet pointed at the sturdy man in the pleated skirt, "Are you dressed like this?"

"Really? It's hard to understand, isn't it?" Qiu Zhang smiled helplessly, "So I say that Muggle Studies should be popularized and the knowledge of Muggle Studies should be updated."

"I'm wearing the Tuthill Tornado uniform and holding a flying broom, so what? They won't notice me... Muggles nowadays are much more tolerant."

"Can you believe it? It's 1991 now, and Muggle Studies' understanding of Muggles is still stuck in 300 years ago. It's incredible!"

Qiu Zhang walked in front, speeding up his pace while talking, and disappeared into the pillar.

Vizet followed closely behind, and after a very short darkness, a bright platform appeared in front of him.

Behind him was no longer the King's Cross Station Hall, but a wrought iron archway, and a sign "Platform Nine and Three Quarters" was hung on the ceiling.

Woo woo woo...

It was a crimson steam locomotive, full of strong Victorian style.

In fact, this steam locomotive did come from that era and was a means of transportation that the Ministry of Magic "requisitioned" from England.

The Minister of Magic at that time was Ottaline Gamble. In order to escort the students of Hogwarts back to school safely, the female minister overcame all objections and mobilized the Ministry of Magic to carry out a major project.

This project involved 167 forgetfulness spells, the largest hidden magic in England's history, and finally built a nine and three-quarters station.

The steam locomotive was also completely transformed, from steam engine drive to magic drive, and was named "Hogwarts Express".

The platform was very noisy, with white magic smoke lingering above, and all kinds of pets walking under people's feet;

Parents clung to the window sill of the Hogwarts Express, muttering the instructions before departure, and the children nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Vizet cast the magic eye, and the ancient magic power brewing here was very abundant, and the silver-blue magic power almost overflowed the platform.

His mind moved, and countless ancient magic powers surged towards him. The "Wizard Practical Guide" in his mind turned to the fourth page.

"Ancient Magic: Improved (Elementary)": Guide ancient magic power to improve spells... enhance magic power... increase spell special effects...

Improved magic is different from shield magic. It cannot be used directly and must be combined with other magic.

The effect is very practical. It can enhance the power of magic and add some special effects.

During this time before school starts, in addition to sorting out the items needed for school, Vizette is studying the "Wizard Practical Guide" to understand how to use ancient magic power.

If you understand it from the perspective of your previous life, this notebook is equivalent to providing him with "Special skills", which is the so-called special skills and SP skills.

Whether it is the shield magic at the beginning or the magic eye obtained in Diagon Alley later, they are different from today's wizard magic.

In particular, the emergence of improved magic helped him confirm the relevant conjecture.

The notebook mentioned two ancient magic powers.

One ancient magic power comes from Obscurus and can be used to cast magic directly.

Another kind of ancient magic power is more special, coming from those ancient magic buildings;

These magic buildings have been brewing for a long time, and the ancient magic power they produce can be directly absorbed to promote the growth of the magic eye or open new pages of the notebook.

"Feeling very shocked?" Qiu Zhang's voice sounded, "When I first came in, I was actually shocked too. Such antiques can usually only be seen in museums."

The first few carriages were already full of students. Some of them were playing in the corridor, some were doing homework with their schoolbags in front of them, and some were chatting idly.

"Why did you bring a toad? Is this popular now?"

"It's called Lefu, a toad. My uncle bought it for me. He is very happy that I have the talent of a wizard..."

"Are you sure your uncle is happy? Not other emotions? Are there still people using toads... toads as pets?"


Qiu Zhang is an enthusiastic girl. She took Vizette all the way to the middle of the train and found an empty carriage.

The two of them worked together to move the suitcases onto the shelf. "They still have to make up their homework at this time. They are basically Gryffindor students."

"How do you know?" Vizet asked curiously.

He didn't know much about Hogwarts.

Although he had a book called "Hogwarts: A History" in his mind, he hadn't had time to read it because it was not a textbook.

Qiu Zhang took out a rag and wiped the already shiny flying broom. "As far as I know, Gryffindor students have very rich arrangements for summer vacation."

"They will arrange to explore wizard ruins, or indulge in Quidditch all day... In short, doing homework is usually the last option."

Vizet couldn't help laughing and said, "On the day before school starts, you have to choose between finishing your homework and sleeping?"

Qiu Zhang also chuckled, "Yes! That's it!"

A black guy suddenly popped up, held up the pocket at the bottom of his clothes and said, "Dude! Can you lend me your homework to copy? I have a bag spider from Africa, I can touch it for you!"


In the original book, Qiu Zhang is described as a beautiful Asian girl, so I would like to clarify this.

Chapter 19 Homework has no weight in the hearts of Gryffindors

Qiu Zhang raised his hand and introduced: "Lee Jordan, a third-year student in Gryffindor, a well-known commentator of Quidditch games."

"Hehe! Not that famous!" Lee Jordan walked into the carriage, "Have you done Professor Flitwick's homework?"

"I only found out when I got home yesterday that I forgot my new textbook in Africa and it will be mailed to school tomorrow. But I didn't do any of the preview papers assigned by Professor Flitwick!"

Qiu Zhang's mouth curled up into a smile, as if to say: See! Gryffindor students are like this, homework has no weight in their hearts.

Qiu Zhang patiently explained: "You should ask someone else. I'm a sophomore, and this Vizette is a freshman this year."

"Qiu Zhang! I know you!" Lee Jordan showed a teasing expression, "In the game last school year, Cedric failed to catch the Golden Snitch. It seems that he was distracted by you!"

"Cough cough cough..." Qiu Zhang's cheeks turned red, as if he was choked, and he coughed several times, "Did you see the wrong person... I'm a student of Ravenclaw."

Lee Jordan raised his eyebrows high, looking indignant, " As a commentator, my duty is to capture the wonderful moments of the game! "

"You were also wearing this Tutshill Tornado jersey at the time. I remember it clearly and I can't be wrong. I can swear on a bag spider!"

"But I still suggest you ask someone else." Qiu Zhang interrupted Li Jordan quickly, "We really can't help you."

"Then can I stay here for a while?" Li Jordan sighed, "Wait until Fred and the others get on the bus, and I'll see if they have brought their textbooks."

"Whatever you want." Qiu Zhang did not refuse.

Vizet asked, "Fred? Is that Fred Weasley?"

Lee Jordan beamed with joy, "Yes! That's him! Fred and George are twins, and I'm close friends with them! Do you know them too?"

Vizet nodded, "The Weasleys helped me before, so we know each other."

"So they're acquaintances!" Lee Jordan sighed and complained again, "I really don't want to spend all my time doing homework, the venom of this bag spider is amazing!"

"When I was in Africa before, I did an experiment with this bag spider, and even if the tongue only touched a little bit of the venom, it would be very effective. Liquid, it can also swell up immediately!"

"If Fred and the others come, we can do experiments together! If there is no such crappy homework... Unfortunately, I have asked several people, but I can't borrow homework to copy!"

"Can't borrow..." Vizette noticed Lee Jordan's pocket again, "You want to borrow homework to copy, and the reward is to let them touch the bag spider?"

Lee Jordan nodded repeatedly, "Of course! This is not an ordinary bag spider, its venom contains magic, it is rare! Just like the wizards among Muggles!"

Vizet understood why no one lent homework to Lee Jordan.

Touching spiders... It's a bit creepy no matter how you think about it.

This black guy is a restless guy.

Perhaps because of racial talent, the desire to talk is particularly strong.

When Lee Jordan knew that Vizette knew Fred and the others, he immediately talked about it in a familiar way and introduced each college.

"Gryffindor is of course the best college! Do you know the headmaster Dumbledore? He is a member of our Gryffindor! The best everywhere!"

"Uh... Ravenclaw is not bad either. It would be great if Qiu Zhang was in the same grade as me. Ravenclaw has the highest accuracy in homework!"

"The people in Hufflepuff are very friendly. That charming boy Cedric... They eat the most food. I really don't know where they get it from!"

"Slytherin? It is the worst college with many dark wizards. The mysterious man is a member of Slytherin. Those people will do anything to win the college cup. Their dean is a point-deducting demon!"

"The mysterious man... This title is quite strange." Vizet felt that this title sounded familiar.

He suddenly remembered that this was one of Voldemort's real code names, and it was generally called "No Nose Monster" or "Two-hole Socket".

"That name wasn't funny back then." Lee Jordan swallowed his saliva and his voice became twisted, "That was the most dangerous dark wizard in history!"

"I heard from my father that those killed by the mysterious man were enough to form an army of infernal corpses! Even the so-called 'mysterious man' is just a nickname, because we dare not call him by his name."

"Is it so dangerous?" Vizette frowned, "I have heard of Grindelwald... He seems to be a very dangerous dark wizard."

He still knew the name Gellert Grindelwald from the movie "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

At least in the movie, Grindelwald's combat power is extremely strong. Even if he faces the Aurors of the Magic Congress alone, he can do it with ease.

"That's a long time ago." Lee Jordan shrugged, "It was Principal Dumbledore who defeated Grindelwald. I know this. It's right to come to Gryffindor!"

After wiping the flying broom, Qiu Zhang said: "If you are interested in Grindelwald and the mysterious man, you can read "Modern History of Magic", which has more detailed records."


Time soon came to half past ten, and Lee Jordan, who was thirsty, settled down and began to try to make up homework.

"Repair spell... The spell is spelled R... R what? Repair! It is a spell used to repair things... Who invented it in England? I think I have seen it before..."

Qiu Zhang buried his head in a book called "The Origin of Quidditch", his shoulders trembling violently, and occasionally he could hear the sound of puffing.

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