Two moons appeared on the hill.

One moon hangs high in the sky, and another full moon floats above the car-shaped castle.

It was Luna's mother's masterpiece, and it was said to come from a certain magic experiment.

From then on, the darker the sky became, the more obvious the full moon on the castle became.

If we observe with magic eyes, can we see some unusual scenes?

Wizette's heart moved, and his eyes were filled with silver-blue light.

The silver-blue magic power flows like a liquid, filling the entire castle, especially the full moon. The silver-blue magic power contained in it is extremely dazzling.

The most important thing is that these are ancient magical powers brewed by time, which seem to be integrated into his eyes as long as he is willing.

He didn't do that.

Because at night, Luna liked to walk on the top floor and stare at the moon above the castle.

Vizette suddenly wondered, had Luna's mother studied ancient magic?

"This is the first time I've come here at night. It's so beautiful!" Molly suddenly said, pushing the food basket to Weizet.

"I sent you here. These vegetables are all grown at home. Say hello to Mr. Lovegood and Luna for me."

Wizette's eyes returned to normal and he said sincerely: "Okay, Aunt Molly, I really don't know how to thank you."

Molly's figure disappeared into the night, and the fluffy owl made a cheerful cry and plunged into Weizet's arms.

"Cuckoo!" The birdcage on the crucible shook slightly, and the bronze owl inside called out eagerly, as if to say hello.

The sound of thin and gentle footsteps came, and Luna looked at Weizet quietly, showing a slight smile.

"Diagon Alley is magical, isn't it?" Her voice was still light and airy, "Are you being pestered by a bug? If you get to school, you can write to me!"

"Cuckoo!" Diana the owl held her head high and chirped twice in agreement.

"Yes, you can write a letter." Weizet smiled relievedly and shook his head slightly.

Luna always had such a magical power that could easily resolve his confusion.

Putting aside his worries, Weizet pointed at the restless owl, "What do you think this little guy should be called?"

"This cute little guy is so energetic." Luna thought, "Let's call him Thor, right? The sun and moon always appear alternately."

"It's a good name."

The two stepped on the soft grass and walked towards the castle where Shuangyue was in the sky.


Unconsciously, the time has come to the end of August, and tomorrow is the day when Hogwarts starts school.

More than a month is not a long time. Weizet used this time to prepare for school and rearrange the room.

Among them, Luna contributed a lot.

Or should I say, she took care of the decoration of the room.

In addition to replacing the mattress and wallpaper, she strung together blimp bags to decorate the bed tent.

This is a magic material that looks like a pocket radish. It is said that as long as you are exposed to airship Lee more, you can improve your ability to accept abnormal things.

Blimp Lee can be seen everywhere in the castle, such as Luna's earrings, which were also made by Blimp Lee.

As editor of The Quibbler, Xenophilius would work in a room hung with blimps, supposedly to generate a steady stream of inspiration.

The second floor of the castle is particularly lively, these days are the printing period of "The Quibbler".

The magic printing press was on full fire, and the sound of "click, click, click" sounded from day to dusk.

The printing press used by wizards is very special. It has a wooden structure as a whole and is only fixed with iron sheets at key positions. It looks like a spinning machine during the Industrial Revolution.

With the blessing of magic, a magic printing press includes the functions of a series of machines such as a folding machine, a binding machine, and a cutting machine.

What Xenophilius had to do was very simple. He only needed to design the first draft and then insert the first draft into the entrance of the printing press.

The machine will operate automatically and print out finished magazines one after another.

However, the efficiency of the machine was not very high, and less than a hundred copies of "The Quibbler" were printed in a few days.

During this time, Weizet also re-copied the teaching materials he was going to use.

As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad writing. In the process of copying the teaching materials, he had a general understanding of the teaching content in the new school year.

The illustrations used in the textbooks were also designed by Luna.

She is very good at painting and can draw the corresponding image as long as Vizette dictates it.

Especially in painting magical animals, he shows unparalleled talent, and each magical animal is painted vividly.

"Mom and I read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them together." Luna explained with a smile on her face. "I have seen all the magical animals in it, except for the Snorlax."

Weizet asked: "Snorkel? Next time I go to Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore to look for it and see if there are any related books."

"It should be difficult to find." Luna showed a regretful expression, "That is a very rare magical animal."

"Dad told me that they live in Sweden. When the time comes, I will find them myself and draw them."

Go to Sweden.

Vizette made a mental note of this.

On the last night of August, Xenophilius did not cook himself, but ordered from a nearby Muggle restaurant and arranged a sumptuous dinner at home.

"Remember to write back more often." This was his only instruction. "Share with us things about the school, no matter what... you know what I'm talking about."

"I understand." Weizet smiled and threw two steaks out the window, "Then you have to work hard for them."

The two owls turned into furry lightning, held the steak in their mouths in the air, and made two "coo" sounds in response.


On the first day of school, Weizet checked the admission notice again and checked the items in the suitcase over and over again before he finally felt relieved and walked downstairs with the suitcase.

Luna was sitting in the living room, and the bright sunlight broke into the window, coating her long pale golden hair with a golden light.

She was combing Thor's feathers, taking care of every feather meticulously.

Weizet said softly: "I'm going to school."

"Well!" Luna's voice was a little dazed, "Although it's always a little sad to say goodbye, every parting is to prepare for the next reunion."

She handed over a green Gordigan, "If you encounter difficulties or confusion, it will bring you good luck. It...has the taste of home."

This sentence is correct, the appearance and taste of Gordig root are similar to onions, and only Luna's family can squeeze Gordig root into tea.

"It is indeed the taste of home, the taste that belongs here uniquely." Wizer nodded. This gift is very characteristic of Luna.

Chapter 18 King's Cross and Ancient Magic: Improvements

King's Cross Station is located in the center of London and is a very important transportation hub for England.

It's still early and there aren't many tourists coming and going.

Weizet walked into the station smoothly, and after much inquiry, he found the direction to platform nine.

The closer we get to the ninth platform, the more people there are in groups.

They all looked like parents sending their children off, but their dressing style was really weird.

Some people's clothes are in extremely conspicuous colors, much like costumes borrowed from the circus;

Some people's clothes are extremely contrasting, with a large cotton-padded jacket on the upper body and shorts on the lower body;

There are also some people who may not have chosen the right clothes. They are obviously a balding middle-aged man with a beard, but he is wearing a floral dress...

Although their clothes were incompatible with those of the passengers around them, their movements were surprisingly consistent - approaching the pillars of the ninth and tenth platforms, slamming into them, and finally disappearing.

A middle-aged man in a suit noticed something strange and ran forward with a puzzled look on his face. He even stretched out his hand to touch the pillar.

At this moment, a strong man in a pleated skirt suddenly appeared. He raised his wand, rushed to the middle-aged man, and muttered something.

A burst of light flashed, and the middle-aged man showed a look of great urgency and sprinted out of the station at a speed of 100 meters...

Wizette wiped his sweat and didn't know where to start.

Everything is so weird.

A pleasant female voice came to my ears, "Muggle Studies should be made available to the whole grade, not just as an elective course."

This is an Asian girl with delicate features, shoulder-length black hair, and a few freckles on her delicate nose.

She was wearing a sky blue hoodie with two dark blue letters "T" on the chest.

The girl was holding a suitcase in one hand and an old-fashioned broom in the other.

The broom was well maintained and had not been used to sweep the ground at all. Both the handle and the branches were coated with varnish and looked very smooth and shiny.

"You are Weizet, right? You look familiar. I remember you often appeared on the front page of the Daily Prophet last month."

The girl introduced herself with a smile, "My name is Qiu Zhang... I am a student of Ravenclaw."

Wei Zete nodded, "Hello, Qiu Zhang."

"Hello!" Cho Chang said with a smile, "It's time for us to go. Just crash in. The staff of the Ministry of Magic will only disperse the Muggles."

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