Ye Ting’s judgment was correct.

Seeing this plate of sweet rice, the unicorn’s eyes lit up, as if it had seen something extremely delicious.

It came up without hesitation and began to devour it.

After a few mouthfuls of”Peace in All Directions”, the unicorn’s originally sluggish spirit improved significantly.

Seeing that the unicorn had recovered its spirit, Ye Ting used the [Clear Spring Spell] to summon spring water and gave it a bath.

Ye Ting heard that ancient knights would use this method to close the distance with their mounts, and he thought that this method should also be used on unicorns.

Unicorns are originally clean animals, and most of their habitats are near water.

If it hadn’t been so weak before, it would definitely not allow itself to remain dirty.

Therefore, Ye Ting’s move was to scratch the unicorn’s itch, and it lay obediently on the grass, allowing Ye Ting to do whatever he wanted to it.

But when Ye Ting tried to clean its horn, the unicorn turned its head and dodged.

The horn is the hardest part of a unicorn’s body, and it is also its most precious thing. It is as important as a knight’s sword or a wizard’s staff.

Unicorn partners will even caress the horn to show intimacy.

It can be said that anyone who can touch the horn of a unicorn is either its enemy or the most important person to it.

Although Ye Ting saved the unicorn’s life, the time they spent together was too short. Obviously, it will take time to develop feelings if he wants to touch the horn.

All we can say is that there is a long way to go.

When the day comes that Ye Ting can touch its horn as he pleases, it means that he has completely conquered this unicorn and can turn it into a pet and collection.

This early morning, Ye Ting spent a lot of time cooking and taking care of the unicorn. He was undoubtedly late for the History of Magic class in the morning.

“Levengreen, you are late.” Professor Binns’ voice was cold,”Deduct two points from Slytherin.”

Professor Binns had completely recognized the wrong person, but this was a common occurrence for him.

Upon hearing this, Ye Ting immediately became excited:”Professor Binns, I am really sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. To express my apology, I think it would be more appropriate to deduct ten points.”

Professor Binns frowned slightly, but under Ye Ting’s insistence, he finally compromised,”Okay, then deduct five points.”

A burst of murmurs suddenly broke out in the originally lifeless classroom.

This class was taught by Ravenclaw and Gryffindor together, and the little lions praised Ye Ting’s behavior.

Ye Ting also smiled, then strode into the classroom and sat down in the empty seat next to Hermione.

He turned his head to look at Hermione who was concentrating on taking notes, and asked softly:”Where were we talking about?”

Hermione didn’t even raise her head, and the pen in her hand quickly crossed the paper,

“”We have finished talking about the Council of Wizard Lords in Rome, and now we are talking about Christianity.”

She explained in a low voice, pointing to her notes with a pen,”You see, Jesus used magic to deceive Muggles. He walked on the water, but he actually used the [Floating Spell], and then he kept taking out bread and salted fish from the bag of the [Space Extension Spell], disguising it as an endless supply of food, confusing many Muggles.”

Hermione generously pushed the notebook to Ye Ting so that he could see the key points more clearly. She also made a striking mark next to the spell used by Jesus with a colored pen – this was obviously a must-test point for the final exam.

Professor Binns continued to narrate in his unique monotonous tone:

“At the beginning of the establishment of the Roman Wizard Lords Conference, wizards set a rule that prohibited the use of the identity of gods to deceive Muggles. Therefore, Jesus’ large-scale fraud naturally caused strong dissatisfaction among the wizard lords.”

He paused and continued:

“Among them, a wizard lord named Satan could not stand it any longer and decided to stand up to stop Jesus. Unfortunately, Jesus’s magic power was almost unmatched at the time. He not only defeated Satan, but also maliciously slandered Satan in front of Muggles, calling Satan a devil. It is worth mentioning that Satan is also a Parseltongue.……”

Ye Ting listened to the class patiently for a while, but he still felt bored, so he took out a book called”Ancient Runes” and started reading.

Compared with Professor Binns’ boring voice, these ancient words and symbols attracted his interest more.

Hermione glanced at him from time to time, and finally couldn’t help but said,”Don’t you have anything you want to share with me?”

Ye Ting raised his head, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes,”Share what?”

“You came so late today, you must have done something bad last night… Don’t tell me!”Hermione stared at him and smiled mysteriously.

Seeing that Ye Ting wanted to say something, Hermione raised her hand to stop him:”Don’t tell me what you did specifically.”

Then, the girl stared into the boy’s eyes and said provocatively:

“Believe it or not, I can roughly guess where you went and what you did last night just by observing the details of your clothes and facial expressions. How about it, do you dare to bet?”

Ye Ting was immediately excited when he heard it,”How come I didn’t know that there was a Miss Holmes hiding in Hogwarts?”

He smiled and responded,”What’s the bet? Or one Galleon?”

“One Galleon? Too little!” Hermione shook her head excitedly,”If you want to bet, bet big. Do you dare?”

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, leaned back slightly, looked at the girl in front of him with blushing cheeks, and laughed secretly in his heart.

He thought for a moment and shook his head,”Forget it, I still don’t want to bet with you.”


“Why? Come on, make a bet with me. I’m not sure I’ll win!”

Hermione pulled Ye Ting’s sleeve unwillingly, her face full of”come and take advantage of me”.

However, Ye Ting was as unmoved as a stone statue, as if his spirit was sucked into the book by the ancient magic pattern.

“”Hermione,” he reminded the girl while reading a book,”next time you want to lure others into making a bet, remember not to be so impatient. You have to learn to wait patiently so that the prey will take the bait automatically. You are so impatient that even a fool can see your intention.”

Hermione glared at Ye Ting fiercely, her bright eyes full of frustration.

Looking at Ye Ting’s smug look, she wrinkled her small nose in dissatisfaction and asked,”How come you are so skilled? Tell me the truth, besides cheating me of that one Galleon, how many innocent girls have you cheated?”

“Just for that one Galleon, you held a grudge against me for a whole semester.”Ye Ting shrugged helplessly.

“I will remember you forever!” Hermione’s eyes widened and she said firmly,”I will win back my money with interest sooner or later, otherwise I won’t be named Granger!”

“Even if you have my last name, you can’t win back.”

Ye Ting teased, but he didn’t expect Hermione to suddenly get angry and hit him with her little fist.

He dodged and begged for mercy:”Hey, why are you hitting me? Stop it! Hermione, isn’t it okay that I was wrong?”

The fight between the two in the classroom attracted the attention of Professor Binns.

The professor was so angry that his face turned blue, and he deducted five points from Slytherin without hesitation. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Ting was still making a fuss until Slytherin was deducted five points again, and then he calmed down and sat down on the stool honestly.

He pretended to think for a while, then said with sudden enlightenment:”I know! No wonder you are so confident to bet with me. It was you who waved at the window last night, right?”

Hermione looked at him with confusion.

“Stop pretending.” Ye Ting laughed jokingly,”Do you want me to ride my flying broom tonight and go to that window to check if it’s the window of your dormitory?”

“Snooping into the girls’ dormitory? You are so brave, be careful or Professor McGonagall will get you into trouble!”

At this point, Hermione suddenly became angry,”By the way, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest last night? Why didn’t you ask me to go with you?”

“Isn’t that just in time?……”Ye Ting shrugged helplessly,”If I had planned it in advance, I would definitely have called you.”

He briefly recounted what happened last night, but deliberately concealed the true identity of the black-robed wizard, only vaguely saying that it might be a dark wizard or a poacher.

“Is the Forbidden Forest really that dangerous?” Hermione glanced at Ye Ting with dissatisfaction,”Then why do you still take the risk?”

“How would I know? I was just curious for a moment.”Ye Ting smiled lightly, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

“How’s the injured unicorn?” Hermione’s curiosity was aroused.

“It is no longer in danger of death and is currently receiving treatment.”Ye Ting replied,”When its injuries are healed, I can take you to see”

“Great, that’s a unicorn!”

Hermione jumped up excitedly, and the quill in her hand also danced……..Suddenly, she looked out the window, her eyes sparkling with surprise:”Wow, it’s snowing heavily!”

Ye Ting also turned his head and saw snowflakes falling in the misty sky.

It was not the kind of light snow that melted away soon after it fell, but a real heavy snow that seemed to dye the whole world white.

Hermione couldn’t wait to reach out her hand, eagerly waiting for the snowflakes to fall into her palm. She raised her head, letting the snowflakes touch her cheeks, and murmured happily:

“Winter is finally here.”

On Christmas Eve, Hogwarts was hit by a heavy snowfall.

The entire castle was covered with thick snow, as if it had turned into a crystal clear glass world. Even the surface of the Black Lake was covered with a thick layer of ice, becoming a ski resort for the little wizards to play on.[]

Although the wind and snow were raging outside, the thick walls of the common room kept the severe cold out, creating a warm and spring-like haven for the little wizards.

In the common room, the fire was burning, emitting a fiery glow, illuminating the surroundings with warmth.

The little wizards liked to gather around the fire, enjoying the warmth of the flames, listening to the beautiful melody of the firewood crackling in the fire, chatting, reading, or doing homework.

But the situation between different colleges was still different.

On weekdays, the giant squid that liked to spray water and play on the water surface could only dive into the water obediently and lie helplessly on the ceiling of the Slytherin common room.

It knocked hard with its tentacles, sending a distress signal to the little wizards, hoping that they could help it break the thick ice.

When the little wizards of Slytherin saw this behemoth, they couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, fearing that it would accidentally break the glass of the ceiling.

You know, that thin layer of glass is the only barrier between them and the Black Lake. Once it breaks, the surging lake water will instantly flood the entire lounge, and the consequences will be disastrous.

At the same time, the students of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are also worried about another thing.

They live in a towering tower. Although the snow scenery is beautiful, it can’t be eaten after all.

Every day they have to leave the warm lounge and walk from the eighth floor to the auditorium step by step in the biting cold wind.

Not to mention those moving stairs, the little wizards are fighting wits and courage with them every day, as if testing their patience and courage.

In order to have breakfast, they are all frozen into little chickens, how can they still have the mood to enjoy food?

However, the Hufflepuff lounge is a different scene.

Although there is not enough sunlight there, the kitchen is close, and students can eat hot meals without leaving home. This is simply a heavenly treatment 4.2!

Speaking of this, we have to mention the superiority of the common room.

What good view and scenery on the top of the tower, what Black Lake lake view room can watch fish… These are all floating clouds in the eyes of Hufflepuff students.

Being close to the kitchen is the hard truth! This advantage is enough to beat all other colleges.

In addition to the little wizards, the heavy snow also caused a lot of trouble to the owls.

They had to brave the wind and snow and insist on completing the task of delivering letters.

In the windy and snowy weather, the cost of sending letters in the owl house has risen several times.

The owls in the school are not voluntary labor. These smart little guys will ask the little wizards for some rewards, perhaps delicious food, or perhaps a few shiny copper knuts.

In this way, after completing the task of delivering letters, they can find the administrator to exchange for a hearty meal.

But now, the situation is very different. It is snowing heavily outside, and most of the owls in the school are unwilling to go out for field work. They prefer to squeeze in the warm shed to avoid the wind and snow.

Unless the reward you give is tempting enough.

This change directly affected Ye Ting.

With Dumbledore’s introduction, Ye Ting successfully became a pen pal with Nicolas Flamel, and they often exchanged their alchemy experiences.

However, with the”strike” of the owls, the frequency of their communication gradually extended from once every two days to once every three to five days.

Today I will make up for yesterday’s update.

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