About five minutes later, Professor Snape reluctantly emerged from the fireplace.

He looked at Dumbledore with a sullen face. He wanted to complain to let the headmaster know that it was wrong to disturb his private time, but he unexpectedly discovered Ye Ting’s presence.

Could it be that this kid was caught for a night out?

Snape secretly gloated in his heart.

He shrugged his nose, and there was a smell of blood in the air. Turning his head, he saw a white creature lying on the table. Is that a unicorn?

“Dumbledore, what do you mean by this?”

Snape frowned and said unhappily,”I do need various magical creatures as materials for potions, but what I lack most is a dragon, not this unicorn.”

“Professor Snape, you misunderstood.

“This unicorn is not prepared for you. It is injured, and there is black magic on the wound, and Ye Ting is helpless. I think this should be your area of expertise, so~please come and take a look.”

Snape’s mouth curled up with a sneer.

Dumbledore’s research in the field of black magic is deeper than anyone else. Does he need to be found for such a thing?

He glanced at Ye Ting and cursed in his heart:

This old fox, in order to prevent his students from knowing that he is proficient in black magic, he pushed all this dirty work to me?

He snorted coldly and casually checked the unicorn’s wound. He wanted to find an excuse to shirk it, but as his observation deepened, his face gradually became solemn.

Finally, he looked directly into Dumbledore’s eyes and asked in a low voice:”Who did this?”

Even if the wolf king of the wolf pack disappeared without a trace, once the ordinary male wolf smelled the unique smell of urine on the tree, he could immediately identify it as the breath of the wolf king.

At this moment, Snape was like that sharp male wolf. He smelled the familiar”smell of urine” of his former boss, the Dark Lord, among the traces of black magic.

That cold and evil breath was very familiar to him.

“Deep in the Forbidden Forest, a wizard attacked the unicorn and tried to suck its blood.”

Dumbledore was reluctant to say more.

He looked calm and urged in a calm voice:”Severus, cast your healing magic quickly. I will explain the other things to you in detail later.”

Snape’s lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

However, he chose to remain silent in the end, holding his wand tightly, pointing it at the unicorn’s deep wound. He whispered a series of complex spells, then hurried back to his office, retrieved a bottle of golden mysterious liquid, and carefully poured it into the unicorn’s mouth.

“The dark magic should be completely eliminated soon. If it relapses, give it another drop.” Snape put the potion bottle on the table.

Seeing Ye Ting put away the bottle, Snape’s eyes turned to him involuntarily.

He pursed his lips, with a hint of inquiry in his voice:”I’m curious, Ye Ting, why did you appear here so late at night?”

“”I’m here to heal this unicorn, Professor Snape.”

Ye Ting answered evasively,”It was already seriously injured and poisoned before it was cursed. I had just stabilized its condition before you came.” Snape looked at Ye Ting’s attire, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes,”You are wearing a formal suit in the middle of the night, and there are so many dead leaves on it, did you just come back from the Forbidden Forest?”

“” Headmaster, how should we deal with students who break into the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night according to school rules?” He looked at Dumbledore again.

In the portrait, Phineas, who was pretending to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and said with exaggeration:”Such behavior should be expelled immediately!”

“Thank you for your wise advice, Phineas.”

Snape’s lips curled up with a malicious smile,”No wonder everyone praises you as the most outstanding headmaster of Hogwarts!”

“I think so too.”

Phineas stroked his goatee and boasted to Snape,”Severus, I have high hopes for you and believe that you can become the headmaster’s chair earlier than Minerva.……”

Hearing this, all the former headmasters on the wall stopped being silent and started a heated debate with Phineas. Especially those headmasters from Ravenclaw were filled with righteous indignation.

“In view of the fact that Ye Ting violated school rules and broke into the forbidden forest late at night, I think fifty points should be deducted from Ravenclaw’s score.”Snape announced in his unique greasy voice,”Is this punishment reasonable, Dumbledore?”

The old man closed his eyes and nodded slightly:”It is indeed an appropriate punishment.”

Snape raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and almost laughed out loud in gloating, but he didn’t know that before he arrived, Dumbledore had already added fifty points to Ye Ting.

Perhaps Dumbledore had foreseen this.

At this moment, the door was suddenly slammed open, and Hagrid’s burly body rushed in hurriedly.

He held a huge dragon skin bag tightly in his arms, and threw it heavily on the ground with a bang.

“”I’m not late, am I, Professor Dumbledore?” Hagrid asked anxiously,”And Ye Ting, these are the herbs you wanted! How’s the unicorn?”

The mouth of the dragon skin bag was tightly wrapped with the soft long hair of the unicorn. Ye Ting untied it carefully, and then opened the bag:

Dictamni, Asteraceae, Clarhopus… All kinds of precious herbs filled a large bag as if they were free of charge, which was amazing!

He was a little shocked. How many good things did Hagrid hide?

He had obviously taken a lot of materials from Hagrid’s hut before, so how come there are still some now?

Snape sat leisurely in a chair, gently holding up a cup of fragrant tea and savoring it carefully.

He thought it was just an inconspicuous bag, but when the pile of herbs came into view, his eyes widened with astonishment, and he almost spit out a mouthful of tea.

“Hagrid, you haven’t moved Professor Sprout’s entire greenhouse here, have you?”

“Ah, Professor Snape, so you are here too.”

Hagrid seemed to have just noticed his presence. He scratched his messy hair awkwardly and explained,”I picked these up in the Forbidden Forest.”

Snape was speechless.

He had also been deep into the Forbidden Forest, so why had he never encountered such a good thing?

Ye Ting noticed that Snape had put down his teacup, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards him.

He quickly tied the mouth of the herbal bag tightly, as if he was afraid that it would be snatched away.

“Hagrid, thank you so much. These herbs mean a lot to me. I will definitely be able to cure the unicorn completely. Don’t worry.”Ye Ting immediately swore his sovereignty.

“Then I’m relieved.”Hagrid smiled naively.

Ye Ting was dragging the bag of herbs and was about to put it into his hat.

Seeing Snape approaching, he waved his hand and refused:”Professor, I can move this by myself, no need to trouble you. Aren’t you going to rest? Please go back!”

Snape was stunned and felt angry. He wanted to find an excuse to deduct points from Ye Ting, but found that he had already deducted 50 points, and he couldn’t find a suitable reason for a while.

His eyes fell on the big bag of herbs involuntarily, and he swallowed hard.

As a potion master, he knew the value of these herbs very well-especially at the beginning of the school year, when a batch of important materials were lost in his private storage room, resulting in a shortage of herbs now.

As for why he didn’t make money to buy herbs by selling potions?

Wouldn’t that be begging on his knees?

Now, this big bag of free herbs in front of him is undoubtedly a huge temptation for him.

Snape discussed with Ye Ting in a gentle tone that he had never had before:”I think it’s more appropriate for me to handle this bag of herbs. After all, the magic potion used to treat the unicorn is expensive, and I need some compensation.”

Ye Ting smiled and blinked when he heard this,”Professor, the unicorn is not mine. You treated it out of your kindness and medical ethics. The compensation should be given by the school, not me.”

As he said this, he hugged the dragon skin bag tighter:

“These herbs were given to me personally by Hagrid, and are now my personal property. If you need compensation from the school, perhaps you should discuss it with Professor Sprout.”

Upon hearing this, Snape’s face suddenly turned gloomy, as if he had seen something unpleasant and dirty.

He suppressed his discomfort and said insincerely:”Ye Ting, your act of rescuing the unicorn is indeed worthy of commendation… Ravenclaw may be able to add fifty… or even a hundred points for this. Professor Dumbledore, what do you think?”

Dumbledore still had a smiling look on his face:”This is a very fair proposal, Severus. I am deeply gratified by your flexible use of school rules and your rigorous attitude towards adding and deducting points.”

For a moment, Snape couldn’t tell whether the headmaster was really praising him or teasing him implicitly.���He.

But it doesn’t matter, he didn’t give up and asked:”What about these herbs?……”

“Ye Ting, why not share half of it with Professor Snape?

Dumbledore suggested,”After all, getting Professor Snape to give extra points is more difficult than getting him to deduct points from Slytherin.”

0 Asking for flowers 0

Snape snorted coldly, secretly planning to find a chance to deduct points back in the future.

Then, he began to pick the herbs proudly.

He picked out the precious, old, and high-quality ones for himself, and left the inferior ones to Ye Ting. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, Hagrid whispered to Ye Ting:”Ye Ting, if you still need herbs, I have plenty, several big bags. Sometimes I use them as fodder to feed the Thestrals and Hippogriffs……”


He suddenly regretted why he only knew not to provoke Professor Sprout and why he forgot to get along well with Hagrid.

Sure enough, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Hogwarts.


When Ye Ting and Hagrid finally left with the unicorn, Professor Dumbledore gently waved his wand, and the bloody smell in the room instantly disappeared.

He slowly walked to the window, the moonlight was like water, reflecting his deep eyes.

He turned his head and looked out the window at Hogwarts, the land he had guarded for many years.

After the previous Quidditch match and the Forbidden Forest incident tonight, he had already locked on Tom’s hiding place.

He thought Tom would be more���He was cautious, but he didn’t expect the other party to be so impatient that he would actually cause trouble directly in the Forbidden Forest.

Tom’s ambition is already obvious, but his arrogance means that he is ready to abandon Quirrell and start a new conspiracy?

Dumbledore sighed lightly and turned his eyes to the Gryffindor Tower, as if he could see Harry’s dormitory through the night.

He placed the Philosopher’s Stone in Hogwarts not only to lure Voldemort, but also to further observe his movements, and to temper Harry’s will and ability.

However, Harry’s growth rate does not seem to meet expectations, but some young wizards who are not the first target have been tested.

It seems that he needs to reveal more clues to help Harry.

The unicorn’s injuries have gradually stabilized, but it still needs to rest and recuperate.

For this reason, Ye Ting and Hagrid specially set up an exclusive territory for it next to Hagrid’s hut and fenced it off to ensure that the unicorn can rest in peace in an undisturbed environment.

Ye Ting was busy until the middle of the night before he fell asleep. As soon as it was light, he rushed to Hagrid’s hut to visit the unicorn.

The seriously injured unicorn had just woken up from a coma and was very weak.[]

This is actually a half-grown unicorn, which has just left its infancy, but has not fully grown up, so it still has some golden hair that only young unicorns have.

However, due to the injury and inability to take care of it, its hair is dirty and even tangled in some places.

But when Ye Ting approached, the weak unicorn still took the initiative to raise its legs and came forward to be intimate with Ye Ting.

Didn’t it say that unicorns only get close to virgins?

Perhaps, Ye Ting’s breath was affected by the Eye of God and became different?

Or perhaps, although the unicorn was in a coma last night, it could still vaguely sense the breath of its savior?

But no matter what, the unicorn’s closeness made Ye Ting very happy, and it also facilitated his work of changing the dressing.

Originally, he was ready to ask Zhang Qiu or Susan for help.

When changing the dressing, Ye Ting could see that the unicorn’s wound had basically healed under the effect of magic and potions.

The current weakness is only due to excessive blood loss, which is not so easy to recover.

However, Ye Ting also has a solution for this.

“Come on, little guy, you should like this.”

Ye Ting took out a plate of… Eight Treasures Rice from his feather hat today.

To be precise, it is”Four-way Peace”.

Cooked with a variety of pure vegetarian ingredients such as rice, lotus pods, raspberries, carrots, etc., the sweet food is beautifully arranged on the sweet glutinous rice, implying prosperity and peace in the world.

This is a dish from the world of Teyvat. Ye Ting had collected a lot of miscellaneous things in the Room of Requirement before, and this recipe was included in the reward given by the system.

Although it cannot directly heal injuries like magic potions, these Teyvat dishes do have the ability to restore vitality.

Ye Ting actually has a lot of recipes that can restore blood, and”Four-way Peace” was specially selected by him.

After all, different animals have different tastes.

Ye Ting can’t feed the vegetarian unicorn sweet flower stuffed chicken.

Ye Ting doesn’t know if the unicorn will like”Four-way Peace”, but he knows that the Qilin in Teyvat likes to eat this thing. Eight.

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