However, the love of pranks is not unique to Gryffindor, and the desire for bonuses is not limited to the brave little lions.

The little wizards of other colleges are also eager to try and join the game.

Compared with Gryffindor’s straightforward pranks, Hufflepuff students are more low-key and restrained.

They bought some special pumpkins from the Wanyou Shop – these pumpkins were cultivated by Ye Ting from small flower buds after Halloween – cleverly disguised as decorations left over from Halloween, and then hid them on the shelves of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

As Professor Quirrell stuttered and led the students to recite the text, the pumpkins silently jumped onto his head, then”gently” fell down, giving him an unexpected surprise.

Fortunately, the back of Professor Quirrell’s head was strong enough, so he did not lose in this head-on confrontation.

Someone was even more creative, shooting golden dye at Quirrell’s head, and then releasing a Niffler from Professor Kettleburn.

The Niffler was like a dog that smelled a toilet, and excitedly jumped behind Quirrell, almost taking his precious”golden” scarf.

The students of Ravenclaw seemed much more elegant.

They A special magical fuel was added to the fireplace, and when the fuel burned violently, the temperature in the classroom rose rapidly.

Students took off their heavy clothes one after another, and Quirrell was sweating profusely, his whole body was wet, as if he had just been pulled out of the water.

However, even so, he still wrapped the scarf tightly, fearing that he would not be able to cover the prickly heat on the back of his head.

In contrast, the little snakes of Slytherin College were not so gentle.

In order to make their own Dean”017″ get what he wanted, they began to use the magic taught by Professor Snape in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to attack Quirrell.

Those magics were all aimed at Quirrell, making him overwhelmed.

Even Peeves joined the melee, laughing wildly and soaring over the corridor, overturning tables, pushing down statues and vases, and smashing them at Professor Quirrell.

However, a professor is a professor after all, and although his face was swollen like a steamed bun, he still insisted and refused to take off his scarf no matter what.

The scarf-taking movement almost reached a climax.

Without Snape, Ye Ting resumed his habit of being late and leaving early, and quietly entered the classroom twenty minutes after the class started.

In the corridor, he could hear the sparse sound of reading coming from the classroom from a distance.

The young wizards were reading”How to Deal with Red Hats” dryly according to Professor Quirrell’s request.

When Ye Ting walked into the classroom, Susan and Hannah were sitting in the last row, each wearing a bubble hood, and waved at him.

Although no one threw dung eggs in the classroom during this class, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at this time seemed to be pickled with various dung eggs, and there was a stink everywhere.

In this environment, protective measures are particularly important.

Even Ye Ting himself carried one.

Of course, he had to bring his own salt to the product he invented.

Ye Ting walked over and sat down next to them.

“Wow, the pattern on your bubble gum is orange, so special!”

Hannah was sharp-eyed and immediately noticed the difference between Ye Ting’s bubble gum and others.”I always thought bubble gum only had cyan patterns. Where did you get this new variety?”

“This is my newly developed bubble orange flavored refreshing bubble gum.” Ye Ting smiled proudly,”It is currently in the internal testing stage.”

Susan asked with concern:”Where have you been these days? You are always elusive.”

“Hey, isn’t it for the purpose of studying bubble gum and brewing potions?”Ye Ting responded easily.

Before the Quidditch game, the deposits paid by the Slytherin girls were all in place, and Ye Ting also teleported out of Hogwarts and went to Diagon Alley to buy magic materials.

With the investment of funds, Ye Ting also began to get busy. He planned to complete all the potion brewing work before Christmas.

Expensive potions have very high requirements for manufacturing skills. Neither the twins nor Hermione could help, so Ye Ting had to do it himself.

This work requires not only superb skills, but also absolute concentration and carefulness. In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Ye Ting chose to brew the potion in the Room of Requests.

“What mysterious potion are you brewing?” Hannah came over curiously.

“Love potion.” Ye Ting replied.

Hannah felt an inexplicable expectation when she heard that. She couldn’t help but lift her hair and asked tentatively:”Ye Ting, who are you going to use this potion on?”

Ye Ting glanced at her and smiled indifferently:”Of course not for myself, I don’t need this kind of thing yet.”

Hearing this answer, Hannah’s expression was obviously disappointed.

“Oh, you want to help me test the medicine, right?”

Ye Ting pretended to be enlightened:”What a coincidence, this is actually my first time making aphrodisiacs, and I was just looking for a little wizard to test the efficacy. Of course, the price is negotiable, we are friends, I will definitely not treat you unfairly.”

Ye Ting’s”God’s Tongue” can indeed identify better potion formulas for him. However, potions are different from hot pot after all. He doesn’t dare to try every potion with”God’s Tongue” himself.

Especially in the matter of love potions, drugging others and being drugged by others, although the final results may be similar, the meanings are very different, at least there is a world of difference in the postures.

Hannah is indeed like many little witches, silently in her heart. But she has not been carried away. She shook her head firmly to express her refusal, and decided not to pay attention to Ye Ting for the next whole class as a punishment.

Susan looked at her friend’s actions and sighed softly.

She seemed to see her own shadow in Hannah.

Having such an excellent person of the opposite sex around you is indeed like a sweet poison that makes people unable to stop.

But falling in love with someone who is too dazzling is sometimes an unspeakable distress.

Fortunately, she can feel that this person’s attitude towards her and Hannah is still somewhat different


Finally, amid the long and dull recitation of the text, this Defense Against the Dark Arts class finally came to an end.

Perhaps it was because the little wizards of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff did not like to make trouble, or perhaps it was because the frequent failures before made the little wizards lose patience.

In short, no one tried to play a prank on Professor Quirrell for the whole class, and he was finally able to finish the class with peace of mind.

Professor Quirrell finally announced that the next class would be to memorize the text, and then turned and left without any defense.

Just before he left the classroom, Ye Ting took off his tricorn hat and took out a beetle the size of a red date from it.

The beetle was shining with golden light, and the back shell gently unfolded in Ye Ting’s palm, revealing a crystal clear crystal embedded in its abdomen, emitting a faint blue light.

If you look closely, you will find that this is not a real beetle, but an exquisite clockwork mechanical beetle.

More precisely – a micro-particle detection unit.

This is the smallest of the clockwork machinery series developed by Ye Ting. The blue crystal is not only its energy core, but also its status indicator – red means that the energy is exhausted, and blue means that the energy is sufficient.

Although it is small in size, it has all the necessary organs. In addition to its excellent detection ability, the overall performance of this sub-detection unit is no different from that of a large beetle, and it is even better in terms of mobility. With a light push from Ye Ting, the clockwork beetle flapped its wings and flew quickly in the direction where Professor Quirrell left.

He was finally ready to take action himself.

In fact, the driving force behind the wave of activities to take off Quirrell’s turban during this period was Ye Ting.

He was the one who released the news, and of course he also provided the bounty.

In addition, he personally went to the scene and provided various”ammunition” for the little wizards through the Wanyou Shop, in order to create a lively atmosphere of participation by all the people and scrambling to take off the turban.

In this way, he could use the little wizards to test them, and at the same time fish in troubled waters to prepare for his own actions.

At this point, no matter who took off Quirrell’s turban, he would only be regarded as a member of a collective prank.

But if he took off Professor Quirrell’s turban for no reason, he would definitely be considered to know some inside information.

It would be bad if he was targeted by Voldemort.

Even if Voldemort can only survive now, he can be resurrected infinitely after all.

Ye Ting doesn’t want to be watched by something in the dark all the time. After all, there is no such thing as a thief.

After this period of experimentation, Ye Ting has fully understood the properties of the turban.

This turban should be enchanted, which can eliminate the influence of general magic and can easily resist spells such as [Floating Spell】、【The influence of conventional magic such as the Swoosh Curse is not enough.

Fire and water are not enough. The turban is obviously fireproof. As for other methods, as long as Quirrell is willing to endure, he can not take off the scarf.

Since magical attacks are useless, physical attacks can only be used. It is definitely not possible to rob it in person. Not to mention that it is too unskilled, with Quirrell and Voldemort’s vigilance, it is impossible to stab it quietly.

Ordinary Transfiguration or owls are not enough. Voldemort seems to have mastered the method of sensing vitality or soul. Even if he is targeted by the Niffler or the owl, he can block it in time as if he has eyes behind his head. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Ting summarized the three key factors for successfully taking off Quirrell’s turban: physical means must be used, the action must be silent, and the executor must be an inanimate being.

After screening this series of harsh conditions, he found that only the clockwork mechanical insects he studied were the most suitable for this.

Clockwork machines, although driven by magic, can carry out physical attacks; they are tiny, making it easy to move in secret; more importantly, they are not real life forms and can perfectly avoid Voldemort’s sensing.

Sure enough, when the micro-detection unit flew over Quirrell’s head, he still did not find anything unusual.

The clockwork beetle slowly landed, six slender legs tightly clasped the turban, and then… suddenly took off!

Professor Quirrell felt his head lighten before he could react, and it took a while to find that his turban had been taken away.

However, when the students stared at the head exposed under the turban with expectation, they were greatly disappointed.

In the sunlight, the head was bald, with nothing else.

The most shocked was Ye Ting.

He realized that Voldemort, who was hiding behind Quirrell’s head, had actually slipped away at some point.

In fact, it was not surprising that things would develop like this.

Who made Ye Ting make such a big fuss?

Being attacked so frequently and fiercely by the little wizards, Professor Quirrell was also a man of temper. He naturally felt the urge to fight back, wanting to show his strong personal strength and resolve these clumsy attacks one by one.

However, he has always portrayed himself as a stuttering and non-threatening person. For half a semester, he was like a waste in everyone’s eyes. If he suddenly fought back now, wouldn’t it expose his true strength and attract Dumbledore’s attention?

But such blind tolerance is not a long-term solution.

At least Voldemort has had enough of this endless harassment and attacks.[]

He hid on the back of Quirrell’s head, and he had been beaten more in the past month than in the past half century. Did he, Voldemort, have no face at all?

However, unable to fight back, and unable to endure the constant harassment, Voldemort decided to leave Quirrell after careful consideration and continue to hide in the school as a wandering spirit.

Due to the existence of Dumbledore, he couldn’t afford to offend this group of students, but couldn’t he hide?

Regardless of whether Voldemort was exposed or not, Ye Ting had won.

Although as soon as Ye Ting got the original Voldemort headscarf full of garlic smell, he couldn’t wait to throw it into the system collection space, for fear that it would be contaminated with something strange.

But he was sure of one thing.

This collection, as he expected, fully met the requirements of the system.

The cold and mechanical voice of the system sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting Voldemort’s turban, and you will be rewarded with the Eye of God [Phantom Corvus].

After all this time, it turned out to be Fischl’s Eye of God.

Ye Ting looked at the purple crystal bead that suddenly flashed in his hand, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

How to say it, this thing is really good as a reward – the Eye of God, which one is not mysterious and powerful?

The fact that it can be cast silently without a wand is enough to attract all wizards.

After all, even Dumbledore can’t cast any spell silently without a wand.

But the Eye of God can.

However, for Ye Ting, who already has four Eyes of God, including one Eye of God of Thunder, this new Eye of God seems a bit embarrassing. The second-year talent of the Princess of Conviction is meaningless to him, and the Thunder of the Holy Judgment and the King of Night Crows can’t bring much substantial improvement to his combat effectiveness.

“Oh, forget it, I’ll keep it for now.” Ye Ting thought to himself,”Maybe I can give it to someone else as a reward in the future?”

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