Before long, most of the little wizards were satisfied, and some were even full.

Only then did everyone have time to chat.

“To be honest, I was planning to go to Eton, but I ended up choosing Hogwarts, and I couldn’t be happier with that decision. Of course, my mum might be a little disappointed.……”

A curly-haired boy said loudly at the Hufflepuff table.

It seems that he is not the only one who claims to have similar experiences. At the Ravenclaw table alone, Ye Ting found no less than three little wizards who missed Eton College.

This is because there are relatively few boys in Ravenclaw.

I believe that there must be more such people in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

The number of students lost to Eton College every year because of Hogwarts is almost as many as Lafite in 1982.

Everyone ate and talked, and the relationship quickly became closer.

Finally, when the desserts were also swept away, Professor Dumbledore stood up again.

The whole audience fell silent in an instant, and everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

“Before you all get too sleepy, I have a few important things to remind you of.

Dumbledore’s voice echoed in the hall with the help of magic:

“Freshmen, please note that the forest on campus is a forbidden area and seniors should also be vigilant and not forget this.”

Hearing this, Ye Ting raised his eyebrows. He would not take it seriously.

As the saying goes, if you have not been to the Forbidden Forest, you have not really experienced Hogwarts.

He needs to purchase potions from the Forbidden Forest himself, and he also wants to raise a few magical animals to see if he can get a collection reward.

“The second thing is that Mr. Filch specifically asked me to remind everyone that magic is strictly prohibited in the corridors. I hope everyone can exercise self-discipline.”

Ye Ting noticed that when he said this, Dumbledore’s eyes swept over the Weasley twins.

“The third thing is that the second week of this semester will see the selection of Quidditch players for each college. Students who are interested in joining the Quidditch team, please go to Madam Hooch to sign up.”When the news of the Quidditch selection came out, the captains of each college suddenly became excited. They have already started to plan how to recruit players and show their skills in the new semester.

Ye Ting could see that Zhang Qiu beside him had an expression of eagerness to try.

“The last point is also the most important one……”

Dumbledore’s voice suddenly became serious, and his eyes swept over everyone one by one.

“I must give you a serious warning. If you don’t want to encounter accidents, pain or even death, then you must never step into the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor… It is an absolute restricted area!”

Ye Ting sneered. It sounded like he was deliberately covering up something.

He was simply saying,”Go find it! I put all the treasures there.”

At least that’s what the Gryffindors thought.

Dumbledore said a lot of things in a very eloquent way. Finally, he changed the subject and smiled mysteriously:

“Of course, there is one last thing to announce. This year, we have a new member of the Hogwarts teaching staff.”

“Let us welcome——”

Ye Ting whispered,”The next victim.”

Zhang Qiu and Marietta couldn’t help laughing when they heard it.

“——Professor Quirrell! He will be the new professor of our Defense Against the Dark Arts course in the new year.”

The applause was sparse and perfunctory.

Dumbledore had finished his instructions, and then announced loudly:”Before everyone goes back to the dormitory to rest, let’s sing the school song together!”

The smiles of the faculty and staff seemed to become a little stiff at this moment.

Dumbledore waved the wand in his hand lightly, and a golden ribbon flew out from the tip of the wand, dancing above the dining table, like a smart golden snake, coiling out the lyrics shining with golden light.

“Everyone can choose their favorite tune.”Dumbledore said with a smile,”Are you ready? Start!”

In an instant, the whole hall was filled with loud singing:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, you are the temple of knowledge and the cradle of wisdom.

No matter old or young, smart or ordinary, we are eager for knowledge to fill the harbor of our hearts.

At this moment, our hearts are a little empty, pursuing the light of truth and dispelling all confusion.

Please give us the forgotten wisdom, guide us forward and illuminate the direction.

We will do our best and move forward bravely until the end of our lives, dust to dust, earth to earth…

Everyone sang the school song in pieces, and various styles were intertwined, pop, rock, country, electronic music, folk, jazz… There were even singing and dancing, rap…

In the end, everyone shut up, only the twin brothers of the Weasley family continued to sing affectionately with the slow melody of”Funeral March”.

Dumbledore used his wand to conduct the last few bars for the two of them, and when they finished singing, his applause was the loudest

“This school song is free, but it is also really ugly.”Ye Ting sighed silently.

He even suspected that the Sorting Hat had damaged its musical cells because of listening to this tuneless school song for many years, and could no longer compose any decent songs.

“This can’t go on like this.……”Ye Ting made up his mind,”Next semester, I will let these country wizards see the real charm of music!”

Dumbledore didn’t know that Ye Ting had already made a package plan. He was wiping away tears with his hands, not sure if they were tears of emotion.

“Music!” He stood up and said with great emotion,”Its charm far exceeds everything we do.”

Then, he said the closing remarks of the banquet:”Now, it’s time for everyone to return to their dormitories and enjoy a quiet night.”

All the students stood up in unison, and the prefects shuttled among the crowd to maintain order.

“”First-year students, follow me!” Senior Penelope shouted loudly, raising her arm to signal the first-year students to gather around her.

Ye Ting followed the crowd and moved forward slowly. However, before the team left the auditorium, there was a commotion from Slytherin.

At the same time, Ye Ting heard a sharp, piercing, and pretentious voice calling him.

“”Ye Ting! Ye Ting! Your affair has been exposed, don’t even think about running away!”

Ye Ting turned his head and saw Malfoy’s face with an arrogant smile.

Behind Malfoy followed Professor Snape.

No matter from which angle you look at him, this Slytherin professor exudes a gloomy temperament.

His eyes are cold and empty, his hooked nose is exaggeratedly bent, his black hair is greasy and sticks to his scalp, as if oil will drip out at any time, and his walking posture is like gliding on the ground, reminiscent of a dark old bat.

The black cloak with a white background dragging on the ground looks like it hasn’t been washed for half a year, and it exudes an indescribable smell.

With Snape as a backer, Malfoy’s arrogance became even stronger, and he said provocatively:”Ye Ting, do you think you are good at fighting? What’s the use of your ability to fight? To get out there, you need power and background!”

The sky cleared up, the rain stopped, and this guy thinks he’s capable again?!

As expected, this guy’s ambition is just to be a small jerk.

He doesn’t dare to confront someone head-on, but he is quite good at taking advantage of the power of others. He relied on his followers on the train, and now he relies on the professor.

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