The two looked at each other and then looked away.

Ye Ting also decided on his own college.

“So, you finally decided to put me in Ravenclaw?” Ye Ting asked.

This time he did not switch on the Eye of God.

He would definitely not go to Gryffindor.

The main reason was that he was not interested in the series of actions of old Deng to cultivate the savior, and he did not want to join in.

He had made preparations to be a good boy and a good student in Hogwarts for the next seven years. How could he hang out with those troublemakers?

Of course, I am going to be a good student ≠ I am a good student.

For the sake of the collection, Ye Ting had to do some things to get the wool of Hogwarts in the past seven years. The Philosopher’s Stone in the first grade and the diary in the second grade were his goals.

However, in order to sustainably exhaust the resources, Ye Ting had to do something to hedge and make the professors think that he was a good boy. He is just a little naughty”occasionally”.

Disguise is very important for a good student.

Of course, he can’t go to Slytherin.

He is a little wizard of Muggle origin. He will be excluded in Slytherin.

Of course, with his strength, he is not afraid of being targeted, but if he can avoid some troubles, why should he make himself uncomfortable? As for the remaining Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, Ye Ting thinks they are both OK.

Unfortunately, in Ye Ting’s Divine Eye, none of them meets the requirements of Hufflepuff.

If he had Xiangling or Noelle’s Divine Eye, he would probably be entangled.

But now, he can only choose Ravenclaw reluctantly.

It’s not because there are many beautiful senior sisters in Ravenclaw.

“Yes, yes, but I still don’t understand…why your personality changes so quickly, it’s like…it’s like……”He struggled for a long time and finally came up with a suitable metaphor,”It’s like it wasn’t the same person just now, but three people took turns to be sorted.”

“I think you are hallucinating.” Ye Ting said,”There are so many people in the branch today. I guess you are so busy that you are dizzy and confused with me.”

“……Is that so? Many people were indeed sorted into houses today.”The Sorting Hat began to hesitate,” the Sorting Hat began to murmur,”but I am the Sorting Hat, I was made by the four founders, I can’t make mistakes.”

“Do you believe what I said?”

Ye Ting rolled his eyes.”Nothing is permanent. Even the most powerful people can make mistakes. The four founders were great, but they all lost to death in the end. Hogwarts has been renovated many times over the years. Why do you think you can never make mistakes?”

“It seems so. The Sorting Hat was almost convinced.

“That’s it,” Ye Ting comforted,”But fortunately, there are not many people waiting for the sorting. After today’s task is completed, you can go back and ask Dumbledore to support you – you don’t even have this little benefit.”

Hearing this, the Sorting Hat felt that he was underestimated by the little wizard in front of him, and said with all his strength:”……How, how is it possible? As the relic appointed by the founder to guide the successive headmasters, my status in Hogwarts is very high. Dumbledore listens to me and obeys me. It’s just a nursing position, he won’t refuse me.”

After saying that, it announced the results of the sorting loudly as if to drive people away:


Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and applauded enthusiastically. Even the serious Professor McGonagall smiled with relief.

The reason was simple. Ye Ting’s sorting process was too long…even longer than Harry Potter’s.

Now, when the moment of successful sorting came, everyone’s applause was more like a relief – if it really took until the middle of the night, would they still be able to enjoy the feast?

The long table of Ravenclaw College was even more cheering, warmly welcoming Ye Ting to join.

When he walked into the ranks of Ravenclaw, cheers came one after another.

Many Ravenclaw seniors were smiling, thinking that Ye Ting’s arrival could finally change the situation of”female dominance and male decline” in the college.

Ye Ting saw Zhang Qiu waving at him at a glance, and Penelope, who was not far away, also smiled at him.

Hogwarts is good in this regard. There is no rule of arranging seats according to grade.

Ye Ting walked up and sat next to Zhang Qiu.

As Ye Ting said before, he was in the back of the row, and there were not many freshmen behind him.

After Blaise Zabini was sorted into Slytherin, the whole sorting ceremony was successfully concluded.

The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, who was sitting in the guest of honor seat, stood up.

He was wearing a moon-white robe embroidered with delicate red-circle gold wefts, and the phoenix pattern embroidered with unicorn fur was lifelike.

The headmaster had a kind smile on his face. Under the semicircular glasses, his deep eyes revealed the light of wisdom. His nose was high, his hair and beard were already silver-white, and the years had left deep marks on his face.

The old man looked around, opened his arms to the students, and said with a smile:

“Welcome, dear children! Welcome to Hogwarts and start your journey in the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say:”

“Idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Screw!”

“”Thank you all for coming!”

After that, he sat down again.

The students looked at each other with question marks on their faces: they could understand every word of the principal’s words, so why couldn’t they understand them together?

Some little wizards nodded thoughtfully, as if they had understood the mystery in the principal’s words.

Others couldn’t believe it. Could it be that someone really understood it?

So, in order not to make themselves look too stupid, many little wizards also began to pretend to nod and agree, and even began to applaud, as if they really understood the principal’s deep meaning.

As more and more people applauded, the remaining little wizards all followed the crowd and applauded.

Now, even the professors in the guest seats were also led. After a while, the applause slowly subsided, and suddenly a dazzling array of delicacies appeared on the table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, and so on. Potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, braised potatoes, curry potatoes, fried potatoes…

At first glance, the dishes are dazzling, but in fact, the styles are very simple, which are several cooking methods such as roasting, smoking, pickling, frying, and braising, and various combinations of meat and potatoes as the main ingredients.

However, even so, these dishes are much more tempting than the British dishes that Ye Ting has eaten in the Muggle world.

After a whole day of bumpy train rides and a long sorting ceremony, the students were already starving.

Faced with the delicious food in front of them, they all turned into foodies and ate with relish.

Linnet didn’t like potatoes, so Ye Ting filled a plate with meat for her.

Zhang Qiu took a bite of the curry potato on the fork and asked in a low voice:”What happened just now? Why did it take so long?”

“I don’t know either,” Ye Ting shrugged,”Maybe the Sorting Hat has Alzheimer’s disease.”

The girl with reddish-gold curly hair next to Zhang Qiu revealed,”Qiu was very worried about you just now. Qiu kept talking about you to me before… I’ve never seen her care so much about a boy.”

“Marietta!” Zhang Qiu’s cheeks flushed and he glared at her.

The girl quickly waved her hand and shut up.

As they ate, the dishes on the table had changed. The meat and potatoes were removed and replaced by various desserts: sweet apple tarts, crispy and soft glaze cakes, fragrant and tempting chocolate sponge cakes, crispy and soft fried jam donuts, wine-soaked jam puddings with a strong aroma, fresh strawberries, chewy jelly, cool and smooth ice cream, and those ice cream assassins that people were afraid of in the store.

Zhang Qiu stared at the table full of desserts, and his heart was in a state of confusion:

“I really want to eat…but I still have to control my weight……”

Ye Ting thought for a moment and handed her a piece of pudding:”Pudding is cold and has no calories, so feel free to eat it.”

Zhang Qiu picked up the fork half-doubtingly:”Really? So you won’t get fat even if you eat ice cream?”

Ye Ting nodded as he ate, looking serious:”If you eat like this every day, you’ll be skinny as hell.”


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