Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 312 Mayhem (5)


Hyunmoo froze for a moment at Song Yeo-woon's unexpected friendly attitude.

The thought crossed my mind that Song Yeo-Woon was a member of her alliance. But she soon realized that her attitude was different.

Hyunmoo asked for confirmation.

"Do you know who that is?"

"Yes? Head of the branch, don't you know? You've helped Almighty Ryeon a lot up to this point! You said that you and the branch manager are acquaintances too?"

"Huh? Did the teacher come?"

Seo Ji-hoo also stepped in and asked as if surprised.

The other hunters also looked in that direction with a look of surprise or delight.

Hyunmoo felt that things were going strangely.

In their attitude, although there was goodwill and hospitality towards the teacher, there was no sense of boundaries.

It was as if he had come to help them.

"Do you know who that is?"

Song Yeo-woon looked at Hyunmoo as if it was really strange.

It was then that Hyunmoo realized that he had misunderstood something.

Song Yeo-Woon did not use 'teacher' as her personal pronoun, she was referring to the teacher as a noun.

It's a word to call someone respectful.

"Yes? You really don't know? You're a teacher. When we were in danger, they showed up and saved us, and we lost many times. You really don't know? You and Kang Hyunmoo know all the little things, so I thought we were really close?"

"That's right. I've known the branch manager since I was a kid. I've known him since I was very young..."

Hyunmoo felt the mood slowly creep in.

Did he meet all-powerful hunters without realizing it? Pretending to be friendly?

But Hyunmoo had never heard of such a report.

Didn't Song Yeo-woon and Seo Ji-hoo even hunt down and torture their ally Robert Lee?

I even heard about the existence of a teacher behind the scenes from Hyunmoo.

Something was going wrong.

"What's your name?"


"What's that person's name? You keep calling him "teacher." That's probably not his name."

"Uh, that's what... Everyone around me just called me teacher, so I just remembered it that way."

In the meantime, the teacher continued to approach.

The Almighty Hunters were confused as if they felt something strange. But even in the midst of that, he seemed embarrassed by the fact that he had to be hostile to him.

As if she couldn't believe it, Song Yeo-Woon approached Hyunmoo and asked.

"Chief, you really don't know? It's not that you don't trust the branch manager, you really helped us a lot. Just a few days ago..."


Hyunmoo asked Song Yeo-woon.

"When did you meet him?"

"Uh, so..."

"The most recent was 7 days ago."

As Song Yeo-woon stuttered, Seo Ji-hoo intervened.

Seo Ji-hoo detailed the date she met her teacher. And even what he helped and what advice he left behind.

Hyunmoo thought about those irregular dates and discovered one very clever commonality.

Most of the time he was in Difficulty: Hell.

"This motherfucker..."

Did you change the past without realizing it?

'no… … .'Rather than changing the past, he chose the 'present' that leads to the present.

Kang Hyunmoo felt that things were becoming increasingly unpredictable.

He had guessed that the teacher had such abilities, but he had no idea how far he was aiming to choose now.

And if this moment was the path the teacher had chosen, it was clear that he was in a situation that was overwhelmingly unfavorable to him.

'What? Why did you choose now?'

"Kang Hyunmoo."

Then someone called him.

Hyunmoo turned his head. Lee Ji-tae was looking at him closely.

Right before Lee Ji-tae and Hyunmoo first met, he said that Hyunmoo had already been helped by the teacher.

Was he also affected by that strange ability? Lee Ji-tae asked Hyunmoo with a strange expression.

"You really don't remember your teacher, do you, Kang Hyunmoo?"

"Because I don't know."

Hyunmoo's teacher's identity reached the end of his neck, but he couldn't spit it out. I couldn't imagine how to convince them.

"He helped you a lot. He's a benefactor."

"No, it's your memory that's wrong. Something's twisted."

Hyunmoo said confidently. But Lee Ji-tae said confidently.

"No. He said he had met you too. He said he watched you from the day you were born to the life of an orphanage. You really don't know?"

Hyunmoo recalled a voice from Lee Ji-tae's words.

He remembers dying inhaling poisonous fine dust when he first went to Difficulty: Hell.

At that time, the voice that flashed through my mind as the main lantern came up.

It was the voice of a man who was teaching him childish breathing techniques at the orphanage.

'Child, you are breathing with your stomach, not your chest.'

'That's right. Little one, you're still the best learner.'

'You look promising, kid.'

From the first compliment I ever heard in my life.

'0 adults... … I expected it, but I can't help it.'

'You seem to have come this far.'

To the disappointment that I can no longer have expectations in life.

Hyunmoo found a way to hold on to that breathing method in Difficulty: Hell, giving him a foothold to stand up.

not only

Teaching him frustration for the first time, letting him know that he was going to live a low life.


Hyunmoo groaned.

"You really were a teacher."


"Kang Hyunmoo, calm down."

Adam's voice woke Hyunmoo. She frowned and looked at Hyunmoo.

"Did your co-workers know about him already? What happened?"

"It's a bit difficult to explain..."

It was then that Hyunmoo realized something was strange.

“Adam, have you ever met that bastard?”

"What are you talking about? Isn't that the one who stunned me a few hours ago?"

didn't know

Hyunmoo's head started spinning quickly.

Why doesn't Adam know anything about the teacher? If the past has been changed, of course, Adam should have visited as well.

It would be much easier to seduce Adam before he met Maria Keller.

But instead of doing so, the teacher waited for Maria Keller to abandon Adam.

A tamed monster.


After thinking for a moment, Hyunmoo could understand why the teacher had done that.

She was simple.

He would have done it himself.


Because the process of taming Adam Fort hurts.

So the teacher entrusted the process to Maria Keller, and then tried to pick it up at the right time.

It is neither a noble goal nor an unavoidable choice.

I just didn't like the painful and cumbersome process.

"Adam, you are choosing the future as you please."

Adam looked at Hyunmoo with a look as if he was talking about something.

Hyunmoo fiddled with the hearthstone.

It was said that the hearthstone was made of a star, itself.

The difficulty of wanting to correct the mistakes of the past: An object made out of the desire of mankind in the face of hell.

And teachers have that ability too.

I don't like the present I'm facing. If so, you're going to wind it backwards.

And start over from where you want to start.

"A teacher can choose the best future as he pleases. His 'best future' was not sometime in the future. This moment is the best future he has chosen."

"Is this the best future?"

Adam turned his head and looked at the teacher approaching riding on a gigantic beast. Anger flashed across her face.

"If this is the best thing to do, then that guy's bowl is also understandable."

Adam looked at Hyunmoo with a questioning expression. Hyunmoo was still confused, but she didn't forget to say hi to the teacher.

"Crush it."

Adam raised his hand. Her hand turned to the giant monster the teacher was riding on.

She grabbed her air as if squeezing it, then swung it to her left. In an instant, a storm-like momentum erupted from Adam.

Hyunmoo felt the surroundings getting hotter and the rain was ripping away.

Instantly, the monster staggered and began to push to the left. A huge force was pushing the monster.

I could see the people on top of the monster staggering. Even in the pouring rain, you could see the haze rising from Adam's body, but she continued to push the monster away.

'Lee Ji-tae... … .'

Hyunmoo glanced at Lee Ji-tae.

She thought Lee Ji-tae would get in her way, but he didn't move at all.

She was just staring at the monster Adam was pushing.

Then, at one point, the monster roared and struggled for a long time. Then he stumbled and collapsed with a sideways roar.

The members of the allies, who had been bouncing around from above, were crushed by the huge size of the monster and disappeared.


Hyunmoo, who looked at him with hope, made a sound of disappointment. Even Adam was the same.

Although Adam used more force than usual to bring down the monster, he was nothing compared to when he pushed the superstructure.

Hyunmoo was at a loss for words at the terrifying disappointment.

"What, this. Is this the end?"

If this is the end, what does he mean by all the courses he has prepared?

Hyunmoo looked back at Lee Ji-tae, puzzled. However, Lee Ji-tae stood still and watched the dust cloud rising.

As if something natural had happened.

"I'm ready."

Lee Ji-tae opened his mouth slowly.

"Now, as I hoped, Kang Hyunmoo. You are the worst person in the world."


Hyunmoo felt the sky shake slightly. He didn't feel any change other than that.

The rain continued to pour, and the sky was still dark. Lightning struck from afar. A slow sound of thunder pounded his chest.

The wound that Lee Ji-tae had parted in the sky had now healed and was covered with clouds.

Hyunmoo thought he was missing something over and over again.

Lightning struck again.

The moment a flash of light passed in front of her, Hyunmoo realized that Lee Ji-tae had disappeared.

At the same time she found a man in a shattered mask right in front of her.

Before Hyunmoo could reflexively swing his fist, the teacher grabbed the arm and broke it, breaking his joint.

He didn't even have time to moan. Hyunmoo tried to kick the teacher with his feet, but grabbed his neck and threw me away.

Hyunmoo fell as he rolled his sludge.

"Chief of the branch!"

Almighty Hunters rushed around Hyunmoo to protect him.

They took turns protecting Hyunmoo and looking at the teacher and Hyunmoo as if they could not understand the situation.

It was a fight that didn't understand why the two were so antagonistic.

This doesn't help. In a situation where even having only one-sided hostility is not enough.

The teacher spread her hands and said to Hyunmoo.

"Thank you, Kang Hyunmoo. Thanks to you, we are able to unite the best future."

"What is that..."

"The worst person in the world. You thought it was decided like a popular vote, right?"

The concepts of bad and good are relatively determined.

So, of course, I thought it was just a popularity vote.

But the teacher was saying that there was another context.

"Popularity vote is right."

"...what do you want to say?"

"Haha, the explanation was lacking. The people you just ordered Adam to kill were the hope of mankind. They were people from all over the world who gathered together with earnest aspirations to somehow make the 'Leviathan Mission' successful."

Besides those gathered by Hyunmoo, there must have been many who came to feel the urgency of the situation as time passed.

People who have come with a sense of desperation and desperation that the situation should not get any worse, not because of any profit relationship.

“Is it only? If the difficulty: difficulty and nightmare had progressed like this… they were heroes who would be willing to sacrifice their lives to create a chance for mankind.”

The teacher continued her speech with a vague tone, as if remembering something.

"Everyone dreams of a different future, but everyone has worked hard for the best future. But they were sacrificed by their mean master who trains monsters."

"What does that mean?"

“I mean, the scene was just airing.”

The teacher pointed to the sky and said.

“Did you ever think that I had Lee Ji-tae to part the sky was a childish show? Of course, it’s my favorite show, but there was a more important reason than that.

"...that scene was being broadcast?"

"Something you don't know is happening outside the shadows. Chrome announced that Adam Fort betrayed you and was attached to you. Evidence and proof that you are acting with Adam is coming out one after another, and government accusations and statements are coming. Yes, there are even rumors that Adam did this because of your command."

The teacher shrugged her shoulders and said.

"Will people criticize the sword or the swordsman? In the meantime, you made Adam crush the 'heroes of mankind' with your mouth.


Hyunmoo touched her chin and looked at the teacher.

“Did you just do it this way to achieve that level of effect?”

"At least. It's the most hated place in the world, but if it were me, I'd be so scared and sad that my heart would break."

The teacher laughed sarcastically.

"You've probably promised Adam that you'll sacrifice yourself for being the worst person in the world? That's why he's following you."

His gaze turned away from Hyunmoo and turned to Adam.

"Adam, Kang Hyunmoo has kept his promise. Now it's your turn to finish. Finish the Leviathan mission and return to your real master."

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