Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 311 mayhem (4)


As if in response to the teacher's cry, the mountain began to tremble.

It wasn't an earthquake.

With a huge vibration, the mountain they were stepping on rose up and began to move.

It was a huge beast whose shape could not even be recognized while riding on it.

Part of the hide was revealed when the soil, leaves, and trees on the beast were swept away.

It was like a black snakeskin with crystal moss sprouting everywhere, like a dungeon.


With the teacher's brief command, the beast raised its neck and roared.

It was a beast with a long neck like a snake and a wolf's head.

Into the chaos, those who were ready to give their lives for mankind jumped through the clouds.

towards the best future.

“Lee Ji-tae, we go first.”

Park Do-ryung beckoned to Lee Ji-tae.

If this beast and its allies were the main force, then Park Do-ryung and Lee Ji-tae decided to take over the vanguard.

Lee Ji-tae nodded his head and tried to run.

It was then that he suddenly realized that he was still holding his hand.

It was obvious that the coin was heads without having to open his hand, but a slight sense of incongruity passed.

He didn't even open his hand, so why did the teacher say it was a face up?

Just as Lee Ji-tae was about to open his hand, he heard Park Do-ryung's urging.

It was because Lee Ji-tae, who had the most mobility, had to hurry. Lee Ji-tae shoved the coin into his pocket, asking what it would mean to check soon.

Teachers choose the future.

If it comes up tails, you go back and repeat the process until you come up heads.

until it comes up heads.


Adam blinked his eyes and looked around.

It seemed that all the surprise squads had been dealt with.

This match wasn't very good. He thought he had killed them all, but he missed the last one.

He had a knack for running away.

He seemed to be an apostle of a certain planet, but he could hardly discern his presence.

It wasn't until the moment the gnome came close and drew his sword that Adam managed to catch the living.

The result was a stab to his neck. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, but he almost lost his temper.

Adam exhaled harshly as he trampled on the remains of the last hunter that had been shredded over and over again.

He knows it's not like her, but he had to appease the monster inside him, even in this way.

'Don't bark.'

Her growling voice urged her.

'It barks only when asked to bark, and only bites when asked to bite.'

The voice had that of Kang Hyunmoo.

okay. Until the Leviathan mission was over, she decided to keep Kang Hyunmoo as her master.

If things end badly even after this, then it's okay to go and dispose of Kang Hyunmoo.

Just because Leviathan fails doesn't mean the world will end.'Anyway, it would be better than the ending of killing everyone and committing suicide as Professor Keller said.'

But Adam had a hard time calming down. He wasn't sure how long this condition would last.

Body wet and muddy, hungry, sleepy, it's been tens of hours since I've seen Professor Keller, I wonder what Professor Keller is doing, I'm worried that Professor Keller is eating his meal, Professor Keller... … Either way, my nerves had to be sharpened.

up to the wounds on the neck.

The monster was trembling, wanting to run rampant at any moment.

Then someone grabbed her hand. She was a weeping child.

Heard Hyunmoo said that this child was hallucinating, but in fact he was still in a dubious state.

Because it was so real. Adam suppressed the monster and trimmed her child's hair.


It was then.

A heightened sense of monster awakened her senses. Someone was approaching.

Adam, who became very sensitive, doubted that there was another hunter left and tried to swing his arm.


phut. At that moment, the movement of the monster stopped for a moment at the sound of a resounding voice. The instantaneous physical force deflected the raindrops, creating a roaring sound.

Hyunmoo appeared in the rain.

"It's a mess. I've dealt with your threat."

The moment Adam heard Hyunmoo's voice, he felt the monster calm down.

At the same time, she felt futile at the reaction of such a monster. She didn't even hear her own voice trying to find her sanity, and she was waving her tail at that thunder naked who claimed to be her only 24-hour master.

At the same time, she felt her own weakness, unable to survive without a master who could redeem her.

Although it was Professor Keller's achievement, in the end she was unable to hold onto the monster without someone to restrain herself.

"Have you dealt with Helen?"

Adam asked the question without showing his inner self. Hyunmoo smiled and took out what was in her hands.

They were human arms.

"Of course. How much I wanted this."

"...that's bizarre."

"Don't just look at the outside, look at the inside. The inside. With this, you'll be able to get a lot of things that might violate the law, and you won't have to worry about the smuggling trade? You can even hide the body."

"It feels darker on the inside."

Hyunmoo put her arm roughly in the inventory. Adam looked at him and made her puzzled face.

"By the way, doesn't the skill get canceled even if you kill Helen? It's understandable if it's an item, but the fact that the arm stays on even if it falls off the body..."

"Ah, the 'warehouse keeper' skill literally seems to be a kind of key handling. It's ridiculous if the user loses the key just because the user dies. Then the warehouse owner will be sad. And I didn't kill Helen. "

"You only took your arms? Why?"

“Um… you think that’s more terrifying?”

Hyunmoo extorted, and the wealth to be extorted is limitless, and the interest will be charged to Helen.

I don't know whether Helen would be happy that Helen had saved her life or she would be desperate, but it was certain that she wouldn't be a threat, at least for now.

Kugugu Palace.

A roar was heard from somewhere. Hyunmoo felt a sign running towards him.


A voice that sounds like a crack in your throat. Hyunmoo soon realized the rush of popularity.

It was a hunter with a patch of chrome attached.

It was a blue young hunter.

He was injured and injured everywhere. Nevertheless, he seemed to be pursuing Adam without escaping.

And at the same time, maybe he was doing things that Adam didn't do, his whole body was covered in blood.

For example, he was killing all the people in the shadows. Then he must have been left alone in the end.

But Hyunmoo didn't feel any strong power in the young hunter.

'Then what was the vibration you just felt?'

The young hunter exhaled harshly and shouted.

"What the hell are you doing! Professor Keller trusted you so much!"

The young Hunter limped and ran towards Adam.

It looked like he was going to grab him by the collar at any moment, but Adam didn't let him do that.

Adam struck the Hunter with his intangible arm and sent him flying several tens of meters away.

Just because the upper and lower body were not separated, you could tell that Adam cared for him, but he didn't seem to think so.

The young hunter cried out as if he was spitting up blood.

"This monster!"

"That's right."

Adam nodded his head. She never once denied it.

Professor Keller has raised her as a monster all along.

She and she were here ordering her to become a monster, and she to die as a monster.

What's the reason to be repulsed by the title of monster?

"I will kill you and save the world!"

"It's like a cartoonish line. Does Chrome teach lines like that?"

Hyunmoo frowned and whispered to Adam.

Adam shook his head.

"If possible, tell them not to speak at all."

Hunter didn't even hear Adam and Hyunmoo grunt, and pulled something out of hers.

It was a bow and arrow. The same spear-like arrow that sniped Adam.

He murmured, making a cry.

"I respected you."

"It's a sad unrequited love."

Arrows flew at the same time as Hyunmoo's brief commentary.

Hyunmoo sighed and quickly grabbed the arrow. Compared to the ego weapon, the speed was slow enough to let out a sigh.

The arrow certainly seemed unusual, but it was meaningful only when it was hit.

The young Hunter panicked and tried to reload her bowstring.

Then Hyunmoo felt the vibration again. The vibration that shook the floor was getting closer and closer.

Up until this point she had thought it was the afterglow of thunder, but the roar was steadily getting closer. Adam also felt strange and looked around.

A thunderstorm erupted over the horizon. Hyunmoo suddenly noticed a strange shadow over the clouds.

He had a silhouette as if he had seen it somewhere.

"I believed you were different from other humans!!"

In the meantime, the young Hunter was concentrating on Adam and didn't pay any attention to it.

"No, now is not the time to be like that..."

Kuroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Something that quickly attacked the young hunter was crushed in an instant.

Something like a huge pillar swept past the ground, and in an instant, the young hunter had been shredded like a tank.

There seemed to be several such pillars around.

The pillar passed Adam and Hyunmoo, leaving an ugly trail on the ground as if plowing a field.

The hunter's flesh, which had turned into blood, continued along the trail for a long time and then disappeared.

Hyunmoo and Adam stared blankly at the huge thing."What, That. Is Leviathan monster appeared, because the mission? Getting shadows inside itgun become enamored of hell."

Adam saw a murmur around the Hyunmoo. Hyunmoo was perplexed expression seemed to have something straw. At the same time she seemed not to understand, she muttered.

"Why is that here?"

"What's that?"


But Hyunmoo is trying to answer, she realized this, she replied terribIe idea I would highly punishable.

Adam had not gonna be enough explanation. It was then. Tearing the clouds to fly gareumyeo rays are caught in the eye of the Hyunmoo.

"The UFO!"

Hyunmoo thought that the end turns skillfully own terrible.

But anyway, Adam turned his head towards there.

Fleeting Light've divided the clouds into dozens of pieces of the stem is stuck down quickly in front of them.

Adam looked at Hyunmoo to look like contempt.

"I yijitae."

"Oh, yeotne yijitae disappointment. I expected."

Yijitae was embarrassed Let since as soon as they appear Hyunmoo disappointed with Adam tempted to reply.

But anyway yijitae was faithful to the duties of their own.

"Kang Hyunmoo, teachers coming Lord."

His words and at the same time, the sky began to two.

Through the clouds started coming in was to tear the place yijitae light leakage.

In one eoseumpure rain clouds and fog, before long revealed the huge shape appearance.

This behemoth like mountains and dragged the body, the shaft rings and revealed the look.

Adam was not a monster, but earlier application such as their past. Silhouette itself was different.

"Who itgun take over."

Hyunmoo could recognize the silhouette in the distance.

One with the crowd, stood while the teacher wrote a broken mask. Hyunmoo the teacher seemed to know what ryeotneunji furnace dramatic effect.

"After a long rain that soaked the earth, God has given us that he sent the dove deep water, it is this bullet Ark ...... what is of interest how many seeds."

Hyunmoo he had to laugh bitterly, because deep down he knew the identity of the teacher.

Of course, there are still eclipse the sky did not look consecrated as much as expected because it had been a teacher in progress.

The clouds were still signs disappear without squirming against.

However, only the rays illuminating the teacher and the crowd had the effect of seemingly plausible.

"Okay, Adam. Get ready. The finale nose ......"

"Chief of the branch!"

It was then.

Hyunmoo heard the voice of the song finish. Mighty Hunter lotuses were coming up to here.

Hyunmoo seen the look I felt like it was the teacher simply seeking a dramatic effect really comes into yijitae pigeons do not think so.

The rays've cracked the sky will bring a monster called the household, many Hunter.

Whether the teacher is going to do raking them could be seen.

"Yours is the power of the placenta would be collapsed state ... … ?'

Mighty Hunter lotuses were soon arriving by Hyunmoo.

"I knew gyesil here. Simsangchaneun friggin the atmosphere feels ...... Uh, what's that? Final Boss?"

Song lingering asked seemed strange to see the teacher coming.

Hyunmoo tried to instruct one split up the atmosphere than the description. But before that first opened the mouth of the song finish.

"Oh, sir yisine! Oh, my God, am coming days brings you?"

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