Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 2: : The Night of Uchiha's Genocide

At this time, the sky was only bright. To be honest, Hinata was a little dissatisfied. For a child who was still growing, lack of sleep would mean a child's growth.

According to her current judgment on this time period, it is probably only before five o'clock in the morning.

Participating in the so-called clan meeting, whoever has seen it early in the morning will hold a clan meeting, and hold it if it is held. It has nothing to do with her, a child who is only eight or nine years old.

Although the children in this world of Naruto are generally precocious and do not want to talk, they understand love at the age of eleven or twelve, especially Kakashi, who is only five years old, becomes a ninja and goes to the battlefield to fight with the enemy.

And this kind of precedent is not one or two. Although Kakashi broke the record of the earliest age to become a ninja, Uchiha Itachi, who was born in Uchiha, is not bad at all.

"But how old was that Uchiha Itachi when he became a ninja? I seem to have forgotten," she said softly.

Although she was very dissatisfied at this time, she didn't stop, she had simply put on her clothes and started to take care of her hair.

After the people outside the door heard the movement in the room, they did not continue to knock on the door, but waited quietly beside the door. Hinata was still moving very fast, from the moment he was woken up to dressing and washing. Less than ten minutes passed.

Outside the door was a man of the Hyuga clan who was wearing a kimono, about 30 years old, rolled his eyes that were unique to the Hyuga family, and looked rather handsome.

Hinata immediately flashed a memory in his mind, Hyuga Fengtu, one of the Joinin in Hyuga's family, acted decisively and never dragged its feet.

Counting it is the right-hand man of Hyuga Hizu in the Hinata clan, and Hinata also said politely, "Master Fengtu."

Hyuga Toyotu just nodded lightly and said, "Miss Hinata, hurry up and go!"

Hinata also nodded shyly, and then, under the leadership of Hyuga Toyotu, walked through several courtyards and corridors, and then came to a rather majestic-looking building.

Gently opened the door, and the inside was already lit by candles that filled the entire room, and many Hinata clansmen were sitting cross-legged in this spacious room.

Although there are a lot of people, they are all very quiet, showing the qualities that only a real big family can have.

And the one sitting at the top is Hinata's father, Hyuga Hizu.

When the door opened, everyone's eyes fell on Hinata and Hyuga Toyotu, all staring at them with white eyes.

Hinata didn't know how Hyuga Toyotu felt, but Hinata felt very bad. He felt that he was standing naked in front of this group of people, and all the secrets seemed to be seen in an instant.

But Hinata only hesitated for a while, then stepped into the room. After she timidly bowed to everyone present, she went straight to a futon next to Hyuga Hizu and sat down on her knees.

On the other side of Hinata Hizu is Hinata's younger sister, Hinata Huobi. At this time, Huohua looked serious, completely like a little adult.

Hinata secretly sighed in her heart: This may be the rest of Hyuga's hope after her eldest daughter's disappointment!

And if Hinata doesn't show good performance in the next period of time, maybe that day, Hyuga Hyazae made up her mind to choose the heir of the Hinata clan as Hinata Hana.

At that time, Hinata will definitely be marked with a caged bird spell and become a member of the branch family. From then on, her freedom will be controlled by the clan family. This is definitely not what Hinata wants to see now.

Although she is now disappointed by Hyuga Hizu, but after all, she is the daughter of Hyuga Hizu. Before the successor has been decided, her status as Miss Hinata is well-deserved and cannot be shaken in the slightest.

So her position at this time also represents her current status in the Hyuga clan. To a certain extent, this may really be considered to be below one person and above ten thousand people.

But whether it is Hinata or he who has known Hokage through anime, he knows very well that Hokage is a world that depends entirely on strength.

With high status and family property, if you don't have the strength, everything you have is like a rootless duckweed, a dream bubble.

After Hyuga Hinata was in place, Hyuga Hizu glanced at Hinata with her eyes, then cleared her throat and said, "I'm very sorry for disturbing everyone's rest at this moment."

No one said a word at the scene, showing the kind of quality that everyone in a big family would have. Hinata wanted to complain: I know, if you want to disturb it, it must be uneasy and kind.

But Hinata naturally wouldn't say it, and Xiaolian also put on a serious gesture and listened quietly.

Hyuga Hizu continued, "But just tonight, something big happened that was enough to shock the ninja world."

He raised his voice slightly and said, "According to the information, the Uchiha family was exterminated tonight, and the culprit was Uchiha Fuyue's son, Uchiha Itachi."

"Not long ago, the three generations of Hokage also sent Anbu to inform me of this news, and the information was further proved."

After this time, the Hinata clansmen couldn't keep quiet anymore, and they started chatting and whispering.

You must know that in Konoha, Uchiha was the one who stably controlled Hyuga on the bright side. Even the most important garrison in the village was the private property of the Uchiha clan.

But who would have thought that such a powerful clan, such a glorious clan, could easily exterminate people in one night without making a sound.

And the people who did it were actually their own clansmen, which is really a blessing in disguise.

At this time, a Hyuga clansman who was forty or fifty years old stood up. It seemed that he was also quite prestigious among the Hyuga clan. When he stood up, the Hyuga clansmen who were still discussing all around became quiet again.

Looking at this person with his eyes, Hinata flashed a message in his heart: Hinata High Book, a rare radical of the Hinata family.

Hinata Gaozan said, "Lord Patriarch, since this has already happened, what should Akatsuki and the Hinata family do next? You must know that Uchiha's annihilation of the clan also represents the village's warning to us, the blood family and the esoteric family."

"Maybe for a long time to come, our families will not be able to lift their heads because of this."

Everyone present was not stupid. Although Uchiha Itachi was the culprit of Uchiha's extermination, but without the assistance of the village ninjas, he wanted to exterminate Uchiha in a very short period of time. Isn't this a joke!

Hyuga Hizu sighed again and said, "I know all of this. Maybe this will cause a gap between the family and the village."

"But Uchiha's performance over such a long period of time has been seen by everyone, with no one in his eyes, and he has acted recklessly. I had expected the result today."

"But the only thing I didn't expect was that the village would let the members of the Uchiha clan do it themselves."

After speaking, the Hyuga clan was completely restless, and suddenly stood up one by one and said, "Lord Patriarch, what should our Hyuga clan do next?"

At this time, whether it is the clan members or the separated family members, they are temporarily united.

Because maybe one of them is not good, the Hyuga clan may be the next example. At this time, they are still struggling with the issue of the clan and the division of the clan. How can the life and death of the whole clan be important.

Hyuga Hizu said: "Everyone be quiet,"

Immediately, the whole room became quiet again, and Hyuga Hizu said, "The three Hokage just now meant that since Uchiha has already exterminated the family."

"But in order to stabilize the relationship between the village and the family, I plan to push the Hyuga clan to be the strongest clan of Konoha, and at the same time, we will also offer a series of preferential treatment for the ninja clan."

"If our Hyuga clan is willing, we can take over the guards again, but I believe that the clansmen will not be like Uchiha, who only care about their immediate interests. You must know that the reason for Uchiha's annihilation is the guards."

"I agreed to the conditions of the three generations of Hokage, but I never mentioned the issue of the guards. In this way, the prestige of our Hyuga clan has reached the peak of the whole ninja world after the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

"Although I have ruled out the biggest calamity, we, the Hyuga clan, are still standing on the cusp of the storm."

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