High Priest in Japan

Chapter 81 Come to Ask for Advice

Why didn't you come back yesterday? Yue'er asked Qin Heqing, who took off his clothes after coming back, and went into the bathroom to wash up.

When I came back, I encountered a bit of an accident. I thought it was a simple hero saving the beauty, but it didn't happen. When the incident came to an end, it turned into slaying demons and demons. So the woman who was rescued was frightened and insisted. Leave me to stay with her at her house... I remember I sent you a message. In the bathroom, Qin Heqing said with a somewhat distorted voice.

You only said that you won't come back at night, but you didn't say that you encountered so many things! Yue'er said.

At the same time, his figure flashed, and he appeared in the bathroom very abruptly.

What are you doing here?! Qin Heqing, who noticed Yue'er's existence, was startled, subconsciously covered his descendants, and asked with a flustered expression.

Don't cover it up, it's not like I haven't seen it before. Yue'er rolled her eyes at Qin Heqing, her expression unchanged, and carefully checked his physical condition.

Don't worry, I'm not hurt. Qin Heqing, who understood Yue'er's purpose, smiled dryly and said hastily.

Did you use your hole cards? Yue'er didn't say anything, but just talked about the facts.

En. Qin Heqing nodded.

Let me just say, otherwise, with your current level, it would be impossible to beat the monster intact to the point where it loses its resistance but still survives. Don't do that in the future. If you really want to kill monsters independently , just practice your sword skills well, and learn some yin and yang techniques for attacking. Yue'er curled her lips, and then charged with a serious face because her existence was neither standing nor standing, and there was nowhere to hide To hide, Qin Heqing could only shrink his body and cover his vitals in embarrassment.

En, I understand. Hearing this, Qin Heqing also responded very seriously. Following the change of expression, he said distressedly, Now, can you go out?

Cut, you treat me as a rarity! Yue'er rolled her eyes at Qin Heqing angrily, her body flashed again, and disappeared into the bathroom.

Qin Heqing took a long breath and took the shower to rinse again.

Tsk, it's nothing special.

However, the next moment, Yue'er's voice reappeared, and at the same time, Yue'er's head protruded from the bathroom door, looking at Qin Heqing's vitals and muttering.

Qin Heqing was speechless, completely speechless about his own Shikigami——

Where did this female hooligan come from! !


After a while, Qin He cleaned up, changed into his school uniform, and reappeared in the room.

Who did you learn from? You're so unladylike. Qin Heqing reached out and touched Xia Yue'er's forehead, and said angrily.

I'm not a woman, what kind of lady am I? Yue'er raised her hand and slapped Qin Heqing's palm off, retorting unhappily.

Then you can't become so rascal, right? Qin Heqing said with a headache.

If you want to have a bear child at home, it must be this feeling, right?

It's not that I'm a hooligan, it's that you made a fuss too much. It's not something weird, you pretend I haven't seen it? Besides, don't forget, when you fell into a coma because of the contract with me, who was it? A handful of piss is taking care of you.

Don't mention it, I seemed to be dying of illness! I just fell asleep for more than a day. Apart from sweat, I didn't have feces or urine for you to help deal with. Qin Heqing slapped his forehead speechlessly, his forehead was black. line argues.

The body always needs to be wiped, right? Yue'er said with a smile on her face.

...Come on, I'm too lazy to discuss this with you. I'm going to school. You can take care of the house yourself. Remember to call me if you have anything to do. Qin Heqing shook his head, picked up the schoolbag beside him and said without looking back.

Got it! Wordy!

Then Qin and Qing went out and left the apartment.


The peaceful campus and peaceful daily life have not changed in any way because of Qin and Qing's special circumstances.

After such a peaceful day, the time came to the afternoon in a blink of an eye. After all the formal courses were over, it was time for departmental activities.

Hui, go back by yourself today, I'm going to visit the Kendo Department. Qin Heqing, who had packed his schoolbag, got up and said to Kato Megumi, who was waiting beside him.

Are you going to join the Kendo Club? Megumi Kato asked with some doubts in his eyes, tilting his head.

Go and see the situation first, and then decide whether to join the Kendo club. Thinking of the feeling of wearing the protective armor used by the Kendo club, and the smell of glue after a lot of exercise, Qin Heqing instinctively didn't want to put that Wearing something on the body, and then joining the Kendo club that needs to wear that thing on the body for a long time.

What? You ask how he knows so clearly?

It's not because he was a member of the Kendo Club when he was in junior high school.

A year as a rookie, a year as an old man, and a year as a general, until he was defeated by Kiryu Cang in the Yulong Banner Kendo Competition.

Anyway, I'm fine, so I'll go take a look with you. Megumi Kato paused and replied.

As long as you don't feel bored. Qin Heqing said indifferently.

Then the two left the classroom together and walked towards the gymnasium used by the Kendo Club.

Private schools are good at this point. Because of the money, all kinds of sports facilities and sports venues are relatively complete, even rich, and can be used by any sports club without worrying about venue conflicts.

Ten minutes later, Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi came to the activity place of the Kendo Club.

What's the matter with you? A member of the Kendo Club came over and asked.

I'm looking for your minister. Qin Heqing replied.

Minister? What's the matter? The member frowned and asked again.

You just need to tell her that Qin Heqing can find her. Qin Heqing didn't say anything, but pointed out his name directly, expressing that he was an acquaintance with the Minister of Kendo, and told him to call for someone quickly, and don't ask people here. annoying.

Wait a minute. The members of the Kendo Club looked at him, but didn't ask any more questions. They greeted politely, turned and went back to the activity room. Beside the minister who was exercising together, he pointed out the figures of Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi to her.

Then the Minister of Kendo asked someone to continue to direct the members to exercise instead of him, and walked over alone.

And it is none other than Qin Heqing's old enemy in kendo, Tongsheng Cang!

What's the matter. Tong Shengcang glanced at Kato Megumi beside Qin Heqing, then looked at Qin Heqing in front of him and said indifferently.

I want to compete with you. Qin Heqing replied straight to the point without being pretentious or talking nonsense.

You want to compete with me? Kiryu Soo unexpectedly asked the answer.

Yes. Qin Heqing nodded.

It seems that I haven't seen you for a while, and you have regained your previous confidence. That's okay, I just want to see how your strength has improved after more than a year. Kiryu Cang's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of Staring at Qin Heqing with fighting intent, he said in a deep voice.

Then he turned his head and shouted to the members of the department, Everyone stop, retreat to the edge of the dojo and sit upright! Uehara, go to the props room and find a set of armor that no one is using and use it for him!

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