High Priest in Japan

Chapter 80 Response After Excessive Action



Are you sleepy? Qin Heqing sat up from the bed, looked at Yuka Nagao, who was next to him with a flash of confusion in his eyes before fully waking up, that is, the woman who was rescued last night.

Some people didn't react. Yukari Nagao said a little embarrassedly, then sat up as well, and asked What time is it? while reaching for the mobile phone beside the bed.

The quilt slipped off, revealing her white and smooth skin——

It was almost nonexistent!

There is only one fat line left on the whole body, covering the last secret of Nagao Yuka.

It's almost six o'clock. Qin Heqing bent down and grabbed his clothes from the ground, and replied while putting them on.

It turned out to be similar to Nagao Yuka, except for the briefs, there was no other clothes on her body.


The reason starts from last night——

I don't know if Nagao Yuka is really scared, or there is some reason for me to think about it. After tidying up the house and taking a bath, she didn't use a bathrobe or other home clothes to cover her body, but just opened up like that. He said, presenting his own skin and figure to Qin Heqing's eyes, and then got into Qin Heqing's bed, curled up in his arms as if he was so frightened that he didn't dare to sleep alone, which made Qin Heqing feel very uncomfortable. Speechless!

Of course, it also feels very fragrant.

All kinds of welfare contact and viewing made Qin Heqing feel distracted, and even if his will was not strong enough, he didn't want to betray Hui so easily, let himself break through the bottom line and step into the realm of scum, maybe he would turn into a wolf, Even though Nagao Yuka's appearance is not necessarily amazing, she is worthy of the world and belongs to the public's aesthetic preference, and she is directly punished on the spot!

Naturally, there is the current situation.

Why do you wake up so early? Yuka Nagao asked after confirming the time, looking at Qin Heqing who was getting dressed in some doubts.

I'm a student, and I have to go to school later, so I need to go back to the apartment to get my schoolbag. It's no secret, Qin Heqing explained casually.

Then it's too early. The morning bus hasn't left yet. Nagao Yuka reminded. Then he also got out of bed and went to the living room to get his clothes and put them on. You sit for a while, and you are leaving after breakfast.

Alright. Qin Heqing thought about it, nodded and agreed.

Then he walked into the living room, found the remote control of the TV, turned on the TV and browsed the morning news——

Last night, a certain street was severely damaged, and a large number of residents' facilities were damaged...According to the reports of the neighbors, they heard a huge roar and extremely shrill animal screams...The specific cause of the incident is still under investigation.

One dead and three injured in traffic accident on northern street...


Coincidentally, the first article in the news was about the street where Qin Heqing and the wild boar spirit were fighting! It turned out to be lucky, and there was no relevant video evidence left, so there was no need to worry about trouble finding the upper body.

This is also the reason why Qin and Qing dragged Yuka with the long tail to run for the first time after the battle yesterday.

After all, the public facilities and the courtyard walls of residents' houses were seriously damaged, not to mention compensation, but the corresponding legal responsibilities that need to be borne are unavoidable.

The monster is not the natural person responsible, Qin Heqing never told the judge and the police that I caused the damage for the sake of the people, right?

You also need a letter from the judge and the police.


About half an hour later, Nagao Yuka prepared breakfast.

Very Japanese: rice, saury sashimi from spring, plus a miso soup and a pile of pickled radishes. Nagao Yuka was a housewife and brought them to Qin Heqing one by one for him to eat.

Thank you. Qin Heqing thanked politely.

You're welcome, this is what I should do. Try it quickly and see if it suits your taste. Nagao Yuka smiled slightly, looking at Qin Heqing across the coffee table and said.

Then I won't be polite. Qin Heqing muttered in a very Japanese way, picked up the chopsticks and put the fried golden saury meat into his mouth——

It really is a very island-style seasoning. Except for salt, no extra seasoning is added to remove the fishy smell. It completely pursues the natural flavor of the ingredients themselves, so it is full of fishy smell, but fortunately, after more than half a year of adaptation, Qin Heqing has gotten used to it.

What's more, there are potential bonuses from the original body, so it's not that I can't accept it, but I can have the heart to taste the texture and deliciousness of the fish itself.

Not bad, very tender and delicious. Qin Heqing said politely.

Then he took another piece of radish and put it in his mouth.

As long as you like it. Nagao Yuka said with a beautiful smile on her face like an elementary school student who has completed the exam and achieved excellent results.

That's right. After a while, Nagao Yuka stood up as if suddenly remembering something, walked quickly into the inner bedroom, paused for a moment, then returned to the living room with a key, and turned the key Handed it to Qin Heqing.

This is... Qin Heqing vaguely guessed the function of the key, and couldn't help hesitating.

This is the spare key for the apartment. Take it, so that you won't be able to get in when I'm not home when you come back from school. Nagao Yuka didn't give Qin Heqing too many chances to object, and directly stuffed the key in her hand In Qin Heqing's hands, he said seriously.

Isn't that good? I'm under a lot of pressure for what you've done. Qin Heqing looked at the key in his hand and smiled wryly.

It made him look like he was wrapped.

I don't mind, what else do you mind? Nagao Yuka sat down at the coffee table again, looked at Qin Heqing and said solemnly, Besides, if it weren't for you, I might have died in the monster attack last night , how can I sit here and watch you eat like I am now? I have no way to repay your kindness to me. I can only give everything I have to repay you! So let alone the apartment key, even if it is I myself, and you can enjoy it anytime!

You...you don't have to do this. Qin Heqing was speechless, and finally figured out the specific reason for all the abnormal expressions that Nagao Yuka started last night, but the pressure in his heart was even greater——

His will is really not firm, and he really can't stand the temptation of this kind of woman who makes it clear that he can do whatever he wants! !

Especially when the other party is still his favorite sister Yu.

Unless you dislike me! Nagao Yuka said with a solemn expression, unmoved.

What else could Qin Heqing say about this? I had no choice but to put away the key, picked up the bowl and chopsticks again and ate the food in front of me.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Nagao Yuka's face again, and she stared at Qin Heqing in a daze and stopped talking.

It really felt like Stockholm, or other patients with hyperstimulation and overreaction disorder, which made Qin and Qing feel more and more uncomfortable.

So not long after eating, Qin Heqing said goodbye to Nagao Yuka, and took the morning subway back to his rented apartment.

Thanks to Tears in the Blue Sky, Huang Xingche, Rampaged Black Bear and JD for their 100 points rewards.

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