High Priest in Japan

Chapter 250 Possibility?

Why is this happening!? Kurosawa Fengshi looked at the face in the water mirror that was half the same as before, and murmured in disbelief.

This is inconsistent with her existing cognition!

Because whether it was the teachings of her elders when she was a witch, or her personal experience since she became a Dazhu, they all clearly told her that when she was about to collapse, her image became the worst.

In other words, her original image of a wrinkled mummy is normal!

That's why she didn't dare to look in the mirror at first.

But now it's good, my image has changed, and I have made some progress towards the good side, how is this possible? !

Is it possible that the limit I feel is false?

Kurosawa Eise could not help feeling his mental state again——

That's right, it's still on the brink of collapse!

And it's still the kind of time that doesn't have much time limit.

After all, Shenyu and Mihua who were Xinzhu were rescued, and Shenhong, who was the daughter of a bandit, was also brought out. She couldn't hold on for long, and her situation became even worse after losing three shunts one after another. It was the result of her best effort to maintain that she didn't immediately collapse and merge into Yequan.

But now that it's better, I have recovered a little bit, what is the reason for this?

Subconsciously, Kurosawa Fengshi set his sights on Qin Heqing and Yue'er who were the only ones who were not in her plan.

Don't look at me like that, we don't know what's going on. Qin Heqing smiled wryly, and denied it with spread hands.

If she knew that there was a way to make her better, why was she so distressed and entangled in what to do?

Seeing that Kurosawa was silent, the little hope that had risen in his heart once again lurked.

If possible, she didn't want to take those innocent women as sacrifices to help her suppress Yequan.

But unfortunately...

Then at this moment, Yue'er's voice suddenly sounded.

You said, is it possible that it was because of the last talk?

For a moment, Qin Heqing and Kuizei Fengshi's eyes moved at the same time, looking at Yue'er beside him.

Yue'er didn't panic when she arrived, and still expressed her doubts calmly and calmly.

Look, you Rishangshan has always had a tradition of helping the deceased see and inherit the emotions of the deceased, so that the soul of the deceased can go to death peacefully. Although you are not completely dead, but your current state is also It's not much different from a dead person, except that you have stronger power and clear consciousness... Then, can you also use this custom to transfer your own pain and obtain a new peace?

That being said, it's not impossible!

The evidence is that Kurosawa Fengshi has shown subtle changes in his body now.

As for why it didn't become more thorough...

This is probably because there is still a big difference between the memory being taken away and the owner of the memory telling it himself.

After all, one side is passive and the other side is active. There are differences in the release of emotions and the transmission of feelings. Perhaps this difference is the reason why Kurosawa Fengshi's changes are not thorough enough and he is still in a state of collapse.

Afterwards, Qin Heqing and Kurosawa Fengshi looked at each other, and then took the initiative to ask, Do you have the ability to convey your own memories and emotions to each other instead of reading memories?

You mean... Kurosawa Fengshi hesitated.

Since you have any doubts, try it! What if it succeeds? Then you can recover and continue to suppress Yequan, and you won't try to trick my friends, and I don't have to keep an eye on you. Time and energy are wasted on Rishang Mountain. Qin Heqing replied frankly without hiding his thoughts.

Sorry, I haven't been taught about this. After a pause, Kurosawa Fengshi continued, And according to what I know, the kind of inheritance you mentioned doesn't exist in the mountains, so...

So I can only find someone to come and pick you up... Qin Heqing looked at her for a while, then sighed in a low voice, Okay, I'll go back and ask them, and then try to bring someone up to come and pick you up, and see if there is any It doesn't work. If it doesn't work, I guess we have to find another way.

Then please move faster. Although I look a little better, the situation in the mountains really can't last much longer... Kurosawa Fengshi said.

Understood. I'll go down and make arrangements. Qin Heqing said.

Then he glanced at Kurosawa Fengshi again, and called Yue'er to leave Kurozawa, return to the Water Palace, return to the pier to find the boat, paddle back to Yuzhi Palace, and then return to the ground, take the tram back to the foot of the mountain .

Not long after, Qin and Qing returned to the antique cafe again.

Only at this time, the atmosphere in the cafe has become quite different from when they left——

Fang Xili stayed aside without saying a word, carefully watching Hinasaki Fukaha and Ayukawa Akane who were confronting each other. Kurosawa Mika next to her was in the same state as before, her eyes were closed tightly, and she still had no intention of waking up.

Ayukawa was guarding near the door, full of motivation, blocking Hinasaki Fukaha who was about to leave the room with an angry face.

Only the absence of Hina Saki's crimson figure made Qin Heqing and Yue'er understand what happened.

But just in case something else happened, Qin Heqing took the initiative to ask, What's wrong?

Miss Scarlet is gone. Akane Ayukawa, who also understood what should have happened, glanced at Qin Heqing, and said in a way that Hinasaki Fukaha could accept.

It disappeared? Why didn't it disappear? Qin Heqing asked curiously.

He knows that the guy who was marked by Sadako is not something you can run if you want to.

I don't know, it disappeared from my perception suddenly, without any clue. Ayukawa shook his head.

In other words, even Akane Ayukawa's Sadako mark cannot be tracked by those who have entered the hidden world!

It can be seen how serious the gap between the hidden world and reality is.

Even in a place like Rishang Mountain, where the boundary between the hidden world and the real world is blurred, this situation cannot be changed.

Then Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at Hinasaki Fukaha, who was a little quieter after he came back.

And the latter's reaction was also very straightforward, and directly said to Qin Heqing coldly, I want to go up the mountain.

What are you doing up the mountain? Qin Heqing asked casually.

You know. Hinasaki Fukaha responded with a bad attitude.

...Yes. Qin Heqing looked at her, nodded and agreed.

For this, Hinasaki Fukaha expressed surprise, looked at her in surprise, and restrained her aura with a little embarrassment.

Then Qin Heqing turned his head again and looked at Fang Xili, who was not coming, You should follow along. Take Miss Mihua with you. If everything goes well, maybe today we can completely solve the problem of Rishangshan.

Ah? Fang Xili was stunned, and subconsciously looked up at her.

Get ready, I'll wait for you below.

After finishing speaking, Qin Heqing ignored Fang Xili and returned to the first floor of the cafe.

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