The so-called misfortune is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the angle of the setting sun is just at the same angle as the rising sun when the mountain sings. There is no special meaning or effect, but because of too much coincidence, it was misunderstood by the residents of the ancient Rishangshanxia, ​​thinking that Shanming and Huojinyang are common phenomena.

So the duration is not long. Basically, when the sun goes down, the phenomenon of misfortune, Jinyang and Yang will end.

What disappeared at the same time were the mist and the ghosts in the mist that permeated the village when the misfortune occurred. Except for those suppressed by Qin Heqing, Yueer, and Akane Ayukawa, all of them disappeared. It's as if the existence of Huo Jinyang really has some special effect...

Actually not. The resentful spirit still exists, but with the cessation of the mountain's singing, the enchantment resumed its function again, turning back into a hermit and melting into the water.

On the other hand, at sunset, even if it is not a disaster, it is also a period of high incidence of demons and ghosts.


Because according to the legend of the island country, dusk is the moment when yin and yang alternate, and it is also the moment when yin is most active, which is very conducive to the activities of ghosts and ghosts. Therefore, whenever this time comes, the ghosts and ghosts who have been holding back for a day will collectively appear to vent themselves. Emotions.

Therefore, the time of dusk has another name in the spiritual industry of the island country-the time of encountering the devil.

It is easy to encounter demons and ghosts.

Even in terms of probability, it is much higher than when there is no one in the middle of the night.

After all, except for a small number of high-end goods, most of the demons and ghosts still need the fear and fear of human beings, so when there are many people, they can gain more, and when there are few people, they have to try their luck and work harder.

Even, the period after dusk is the most vigilant time for the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Bureau.

But what Qin Heqing still pays more attention to is that when Shanming, that is, disaster Jinyang, happened, no matter it was Shen Yu's mother and daughter, or the owner of the house where they settled down, there was an inexplicable and strange sleeping phenomenon, even until Even now that the calamity Jinyang is over, Qin Heqing understands why there is no living person in the village except the resentful spirit when the calamity Jinyang happened——

Presumably, like Fukaba and the others, they all fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Qin Heqing thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Yue'er——

Don't come back yet.

? Yue'er asked with an expression.

I will go there with Ayukawa and Fukaba's mother and daughter later.

What are you doing?

Central care.

Then Qin Heqing put away his mobile phone and greeted Akane Ayukawa. The two of them, one by one, left the temporary residence with Fukaba's mother and daughter, and entered the antique cafe opened by Mika Kurosawa. Two people were placed in the room.

Ayukawa, I'll leave them to you. Then Qin Heqing turned to look at Akane Akane beside him, and begged.

I knew it. Ayukawa secretly sighed, nodded and agreed.

No way, who called her a newcomer.

In addition to her single means and lack of knowledge of the spiritual industry, if she were Qin Heqing, she would definitely choose to take Yue'er out for adventure and leave her at home to watch the house.

Yue'er, let's go.


After that, Qin Heqing and Yue'er didn't talk too much, and quickly left the Antique Cafe and headed for Rishang Mountain.

Take the tram, go up the mountain, get off at the station in front of Youzhigong, then run to Yougong, go down to the underground palace, find the small broken boat, and use the wave method to reach the water palace again...

As for why it is the Water Palace instead of the other shore lake?

That is naturally because Qin and Qing have already grasped sufficient information, knowing that the back of the Water Palace is the source of everything, the place where Dazhu died, and the core of Dazhu's suppression of Yequan in the past dynasties - the Heizhize Sacrifice!

(Thanks to the old lady in black for the kindness provided by her mother-in-law)

Therefore, the two of them had a clear goal, and they were not at all afraid of finding Kurosawa Fengshi's whereabouts.

As for the danger?

Qin Heqing, who has God to support him, said, who is afraid of whom!


So it didn't take long for Qin Heqing and Yue'er to return to the palace where Kurosawa Mihua was rescued. Bypassing the coffin cage placed in the center of the palace, he came to another double wooden door that was directly opposite the door when he came, unblocked the door, and stepped into the Black Marsh.

In an instant, a cleaner and more elegant lake beach came into Qin Heqing's eyes.

In front of it is a crystal clear lake, with mountains on both sides. A strange rock like a fallen crescent moon stands in the far center of the lake, with sharp corners on both sides, tied with ropes, forming a simple but beautiful landscape. sacred place of worship.

The night spring fills the center of the lake, like yin and yang, dividing the general lake water and the lake water affected by the night spring into two pieces, so that people can easily distinguish which water area is safe, even if the water area is dangerous.

Qin Heqing and Yue'er looked at each other, and walked into the clear lake water until they stopped at the edge of the lake affected by Yequan.

Then a strange breath blew, and Kuishawa Fengshi, dressed in a white body that had been infiltrated by the night spring into a pitch black, appeared on the lake, raised his head slightly, and looked at Qin Heqing and Qin Heqing again with red eyes. Moon.

Eh? Inexplicably, Yue'er groaned in surprise.

What's wrong? Qin Heqing stared at Kuisawa Fengshi and asked.

She seems to have become different. Yue'er said with a strange expression.

It's different? Qin Heqing blinked his eyes, let alone, if you look carefully, it seems that it is indeed different from the first time we met—at least the Yequan liquid stained on the face seems to have lightened a little, and even Seeing that she gave people a little better feeling, at least not so hard to look at directly.

That's probably because I'm closer to the collapse. Because he didn't lower his voice, Kurosawa Eisei, who also heard the conversation between the two, turned his head slightly, pretending to be inferior, and said softly.

The sadness contained in his words can't be stopped no matter what.

No, no, you don't look like you're going to collapse. Qin Heqing waved his hands repeatedly. Then he signaled to Yue'er, and the latter used yin and yang magic to create a water mirror out of thin air, and pushed it in front of Kurosawa Fengshi.

If you don't believe me, see for yourself.

Kurosawa Fengshi hesitated for a moment, then as if he was afraid of seeing people, he turned his head three times and carefully set his gaze on the water mirror made by Yue'er, then paused and froze.


Why, why did this happen? Kurosawa Fengshi covered his cheeks with slightly trembling hands, and murmured incredulously as he looked at his own words presented in the water mirror.

How can this be!?

Then Kurosawa Fengshi violently broke up the water mirror that Yue'er made, and he made another one with some unknown method, floating in front of him.

Thanks to book friend 150809095721281 for the reward of 100 points.

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