Hero’s Creed

Chapter 231: Wolf King and Storm Bear

Davis, who had fallen off his horse, ran out of his legs and heard the sound of a horseshoe approaching behind him, and immediately changed his direction. Unfortunately, the dragon bomb flew over and hit his back. .

Davis, the **** flesh, fell out, coughing up blood, crawling up, and staggering to escape. Its soul shield was exploded by the two captains in the battle just now, and there was no defense at all.

Downton had wanted to kill Davis before Mussel arrived, but watching his luck, suddenly changed his mind.

"Downton, stop, it's our captive!"

Mussel rushed over with a group of cavalry, and dozens of them intercepted Downton, and the rest was to round up Davis.

"Please stop!"

Downton made a please gesture and turned the horse's head to intercept the bear goblin.

The hatreds have good results. Although the speed is not fast, it is no problem to kill the bear gnomes pushing the truck.

"Stay alive, I want to capture!"

Downton suddenly thought of a problem. These indigenous people are going to die, so if they want to make money, they can only be a slave trader and sell them to subsidize their families.

Casimodo threw a log, knocked over a bear goblin, and rushed out with a heavy punch, hitting one.

Walnut rode a war bear to block, and the Warrior Dragon Gun was like stabbing a grasshopper. It pierced the injured number of the ground. In fact, she didn't need her to shoot at all. Sherman crushed it and solved all the problems.

Davis was desperate, and as a result, he saw Downton leaving, and a group of veterans came, suddenly giving up hope of escape.

After the spear stabs and overturns a cavalry, Davis turns his horse to grab the mount, but other veterans wander around and fight it.

"Take it down!"

Mussel watched his subordinates being picked up frequently, and his forehead jumped straight.

Although Davis was seriously injured, the trapped beast still struggled, and instead a stronger fighting power broke out. Within a minute, more than a dozen veterans had been killed.

"Won't Downton deliberately let us consume its physical strength, and then come to grab people's head?" Mussel glanced down at Downton, regretting it a bit, knowing that he should let them fight, and play with a cardinal. After the trick.

Facing the abhorrent interception, the bear goblins finally realized that nothing could be done, and left the truck to escape, but they all grabbed as many materials as possible, and the greedy surname revealed no doubt.

"Seventh order soul, good strength!" Looking at the translucent orb around Mussel, Downton rushed to the front of Celesce, lowering his voice, "Come on for death, howling and attacking Mussel! "

Davis can't carry it anymore, Downton doesn't shoot it, it will definitely die.

Ceres would never disobey Downton's order, let alone attack humans, even if you let the king kill, the Death Banshee would not hesitate to do it.

The wailing death wailing swept the surroundings. Mussel's head dizzy and almost fell off the mount. Those ordinary cavalry had no such good strength. They fell like dumplings. Several feet stumbled in the stirrups. Frightened horse dragged.

Although Davies didn't face the death wailing directly, it was uncomfortable. He knelt on the ground and gasped, leaving only half of his life.

"You can't fall down, otherwise you will die, this is an opportunity, you must seize it." Davis stumbled towards the nearest horse.

"Stop it!"

Mussel chased, but the next second Davis's spear came, and the dizziness that had not completely subsided made him dodge slowly, and he was shot in the shoulder and fell to the ground.

Davis got on the horse, and before he was stable, he beat it hard, "Run!"

"Selice, hit it down!" Commanded, Downton chased.

Phosphorus rockets began to fire.

"Downton, are you deliberate?" Mussel roared. If it weren't for that sonic magic, he had already won Davis.

"What do you mean?" Downton gave a puzzled expression.

Davis was hit by the rapid fire of the phosphorus rocket, Zema rushed out of 50 meters, and then used it well. He was hit by a lower back with a tear.

Downton did not rush to kill, but followed behind, waiting for Davis to bleed out blood. After all, at the speed of the unicorn, it was already difficult to fly.

"Damn, you **** human."

Davis cursed Downton, suffocating to death, he hated the feeling of cat and mouse, he wanted to dismount Downton and drag Downton to die together, but the slightest luck in his heart and the horror of death, let it Grabbing the reins tightly, whipping the war horse constantly.

"The orc has more blood." Downton teased.

Davis was covered with wounds, and the severe bumps made it bleed all over his body, and he couldn't stop it, not to mention Downton wouldn't give him the opportunity to heal.


After rushing for more than 500 meters, Davis, who was exhausted, finally smashed the horse.

"Should live be more valuable than death?" If he had to deal with Roquel and his party, Downton definitely caught Davis alive. After all, he brought a gangster back and he must be famous.

Downton walked into the gangster nicknamed the Wild Boar, just about to make up the knife, and a bone spear suddenly formed around it and shot at him.

The blue liquid mass appeared on the top of his head, and then moved down, blocking the bone spear, and after swallowing, reflected it.

Sacred Revenge also counterattacked independently, and the dragon lance shot from the sky, and the bone spear was nailed to Davis' chest in tandem.

"It's dangerous, I didn't expect your talent to inspire." Downton secretly luckily, he was a little careless, but Davis can really bear it, and actually left the final attack at the moment of death, if the fight is not the same It’s not good to suffer a loss.

When Downton hurried back, the two captains also wiped out the enemy in the cottage and took a large number of people down the mountain.

Mussel stood beside Roquel, staring down at Downton, apparently suing.

After arranging to clean up the battlefield, Rockell walked to Downton, "Call the wild boar's head!"

"Why?" Downton didn't even get off the horse, let alone salute.

"Because Davis was badly wounded by us, it should be ours." Rockell was hit with a knife, but he got good results and killed the second leader of the Iron Man Bandit Group.

The only pity is that Tyson escaped.

"Yes, if it weren't for your magic advisor to use random magic to interfere with us, we've killed Davis." Mussel gritted his teeth and wanted to eat Downton's meat.

"Have you really lost your face for the sake of loot?" Downton sneered. "If I had two interceptions in time, it would have run away early, and you dare to complain about me?"

"Impossible!" Mussel would never admit it.

"Anyway, the head is in the hands of the master, and the master killed it." Kasimodo and the abominations gathered around him, and there was a big disagreement, and there was a tendency to dry up.

The soldiers were a little scared. The hatred just showed their super attack power. Although they may win, they will have to drop some corpses.

"Downton, you have gained a lot. Give us its head!" Aseko started as a peacemaker. Although they had some successes, they seemed to have too few points.

This time, the biggest gain of the bandit action is Downton, which not only killed the bear goblin leader and Davis, cut off more than 300 heads, but also captured more than 50 bear goblin slaves.

"Nothing, if you want to get the spoils, go kill yourself!" Downton doesn't stop these guys, he guessed that he would kill himself on the way back.

"It's so rampant!"

"You must give him some lessons to make him understand who is the best in the West!"

"Sir, let's do it, I can't bear it anymore."

Seeing Downton's back, several centurions lowered their voices to fight.

"Well, it's time." Rockell spit, and glanced at Rukia. His voice just happened to be heard by the other party, just to see his attitude.

Rukia nodded imperceptibly and made a gesture of five, meaning fifty percent loot.

The soldiers who cleaned the battlefield didn't notice that on a hill thousands of meters away, with the help of dense forest cover, a group of orcs had watched them since they arrived here, and witnessed the whole process of attacking the cottage.

"Wolf King, this is not the same as planned!" A Pear bear sat on the floor, and a dead elk was placed in front of him. He didn't even need a knife. He directly stripped the meat strips with his hands and stuffed them in. Chewing blood dripping from his mouth.

Behind him stood a circle of bearmen, all tall and burly, wearing leather armour and carrying gun pouches, which were stuffed with iron spears.

The original plan was that the gangsters guarded the cottage and resisted a little. After throwing the rolling stones, the border guards invaded, and then detonated the entire cottage, burning them. At the same time, the bear goblins killed and burned the truck supplies. If If it goes smoothly, you can block the mountain roads and wipe out the border guards.

As a result, no one expected that the other party had a powerful magician, and actually used a large range of death ice guns. Those carefully prepared thatched houses were all frozen by the ice layer. After detonating the magic bomb, they could not burn the fire and could not achieve the expected tactics. purpose.

The fighting under the mountainside is even more outrageous~www.wuxiaspot.com~The little family of bear gnomes are not willing to set fire, but want to take away the truck, which is all about, their leader was actually killed, right, And the hapless Davis was also cut off.

"That human teenager is very interesting. There is a group of immortal warriors. By the way, if the magician in the cloak is not accidental, it should be a death banshee."

The young gentleman known as the wolf king, dressed in a decent suit, is observing the battlefield with a Hubble telescope.

"Isn't it possible? When did the undead family have such a good relationship with humans?" Xiong Ren's face was unbelief, but soon became excited, "decided, I want to grab that banshee, I can definitely sell one Big price."

"How many times have I said that slaves are not allowed to sell!" The Wolf King frowned.

"It's okay not to sell. Do you give my tribe winter supplies?" Xiongren scratched his bald head, and he didn't dare to offend the werewolf in front of him.

"Rooney, you are still so greedy." A guard near the wolf king couldn't help but ridicule. He felt that the wolf king cooperated with these thugs, and he was worth it.

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