Hero’s Creed

Chapter 230: I want your first level!

In the redwood forest, the militiamen were chased and killed by bear goblins and werewolves, just like sardines that were broken into by sharks. M.

As the 100-person chiefs were captured and taken away by the werewolf with a net-throwing stunt, the unmanned militias were even more chaotic, and some ran to the mountain path, but were killed by the bear gnomes before they climbed, so more and more escape Towards Cerise.

Throughout the battlefield, the only safe place was around the Downton Corps. Walnut and the ghouls guarded Celes, and the abominable soldiers who had no worries were killings.

Although both sides are about the same height, they hate to blast bear goblins in strength. They use huge sapwood as weapons. Each swing will break the bones of the enemy, and the body will twist out irregularly.

"If it is replaced with a steel weapon, there will be more damage. It seems that Giroux should suspend the forging of armor and build some heavy weapons first." Homer observed the battlefield and collected intelligence. As for the militia, it was ignored by it. .

The militiamen were not sheltered at this time because of their previous attitude towards Downton, and the ghouls formed an arc to isolate them from the periphery.

The abomination warriors did not take the initiative to attack the bear goblin who chased after them, but wiped out other natives.

"Let's go in!"

"Downton, what do you mean? Do you want to kill us?"

Under the pressure of death, some militia begged, some hated, and even began to swear, but they were still lucky and did not leave.

The battle formation formed by the hatred of warriors is their only way of life.

Walnut rolled her eyes. She felt that these people were ill. You all scolded the big brother. They actually stayed. It was so shameless.

Downton can no longer take care of these militiamen, facing the indigenous collar, he fires at full power!

"Strong self-healing!"

The bear goblin collar in retreat released his talents, and the small and large wounds on his body radiated a green light, and healed quickly.

Downton waved his sword, bursting out of heaven burst, followed by casting heaven to shine.

Seeing the fierceness of pulling nearly ten meters away, the leader felt pleased, just about to reorganize the offensive, the other party's magic energy blade slammed on the chest, and the shock wave staggered it back again, and then the next second, the abominable human Disappeared in place, appeared in front of him.

Giant Double Slash!

Downton twisted his waist, his two-armed weapon struck two silver lights, and cut it on the chest of the collar. The blood spattered and even splashed on his face.

"You can't let it slow down!" Downton's offensive was more fierce, and then there was some frustration in his heart. Robinson's talent was too good to attack and defend, but he changed to himself. If the other party does not release magic, the fight will shift. It became a decoration.

"Come and help!" The suppressed collars smelled of death, growled loudly, and wanted their support, but they couldn't get close at all.

The bear goblins were killed with a mace, but they were all blocked by hatred, especially Kasimodo, like a **** of war, and they have also smashed the heads of twenty bear goblins with logs, even if they are other parts. When he gets there, he will be seriously injured due to broken bones and damaged organs, and he can no longer climb up.

Without a bear goblin, dare to approach Casimodo anymore. They are not undead fighters who have no wisdom and do not know death. They are only indigenous. For a better life, they do not hesitate to kill and set fire, but it is absolutely impossible to sacrifice their lives. .

"You bastards, I'm going to kill you!" The collar just yelled, and because of the distraction, Downton cut a knife and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"You were abandoned, and if you surrender, I can spare you a life." Downton distracted the leader's attention. The round of the attack in his hand was faster than the round.

A strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The bear goblins were indifferent to the roar of the collar. Some were chasing the militia, while others began to move the truck. They even opened the package and couldn't wait to grab the food and stuff it in their mouths.

"Lead to death, each of you will have the opportunity to take the position of chieftain." Downton stabbed the three stars of heaven and exploded one eye of the collar.

There were more than a dozen loyal guys who heard this and gave up completely and joined the ranks of moving trucks.

"Don't kill, take the truck away first!"

Seeing the compatriots eating and chewing and taking away the truck, other bloodthirsty bear gnomes also reacted.

Human corpses are also dried meat that can be eaten in the stomach. In the past, because they were too poor, the indigenous people developed the habit of not letting go when they saw prey. If they were reminded by their compatriots, they would take all these humans to death.

"Head, what shall we do?"

The werewolf asked Romario that only they are still hacking and killing humans. There is no way. These guys are hawks among orcs, fanatics, and natural enemies of humans.

"Having achieved half of the tactical purpose, burned those trucks and withdrew!"

Romario saw that the bear goblin collar was defeated by Downton, and he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the human being was so strong. He knew that the guy had slaughtered the enemy and it was his turn, so he had to retreat quickly.


The werewolf blew a loud whistle, and ran towards the van. He took out the brimstone and prepared to ignite the van. As a result, the militia were defeated and could not resist. Instead, they were attacked by the bear goblins.

"Are you crazy?"

The werewolf was furious.

"This is our booty!"

The bear goblins were also glaring, they were not a gang, otherwise they would not fight together because the employer paid for it.

"The trucks are so heavy that the captain hasn't died, and you can't take them away."

The werewolf's patient explanation, but the short-sighted eyes of the bear goblins would not listen, letting them give up their loot is harder than killing them.

"Sure enough, someone is behind the scenes!"

When Downton stormed, he glanced at the werewolf conflict. He felt that with Tyson's prestige and wisdom, there was no way to promote the cooperation between werewolves and bear goblins.

"Don't worry about these natives, all retreat." Romario looked at the cottage. It was planned that it should explode, ignite the whole cottage, and burn all the people, but there has been no movement. It is clearly a mistake.

The werewolves banned their actions and retreated into the woods on a Texas Red Wolf mount.

Some bear goblins also started to leave by pulling the truck. The militiamen dare to stop them, wishing they could get out quickly.

Seeing that he was forced to abandon, the collar became more anxious and irritable, so the attack became more and more chaotic, revealing more flaws.

"Are you still thinking about something else?" Downton was reluctant to use bomb gems and scrolls, otherwise he would have won the battle.

The simple-minded, brute-force collar is Downton's opponent. Its body is full of wounds, stained with blood.

After a giant's seal, the collar backed away, trying to escape, but now the three abominations lost by the bear goblin were surrounded and compressed its dodge space.


The collar chose to break through from the right side and threw it up in disgust regardless of life and death. After a hard hammer, he grabbed its arm.

Taking advantage of the struggle between the two sides, the other rushed up and hugged its waist.

Seeing that the grapple tactics were achieved, Downton immediately released the Holy Revenge!

The golden dragon gun suddenly appeared, facing the collar that could not dodge, directly hit its neck and blasted its head down...


In the blood, the collarless headless body fell to the ground.

"Go, hunt down those bear goblins!"

Downton threw away the blood from the blade. He felt that the short-sighted indigenous people were stupidly dead, and how far can they push the truck full of supplies?

Ceres has been casting spells and attacking the natives, who just left and became completely targeted.

"I want to go too!" Walnut pleaded with his face riding a bear.

"Go!" Although knowing the strength of Little Loli, these natives could not hurt her, but Downton sent two haters to follow her.

However, they were quickly thrown away by War Bear, and Little Lolita killed him.

After the crisis was lifted, the militiamen collapsed on the ground one by one, but before catching a breath, they hurried up again.

Several violent explosions suddenly came from the cottage on the hillside of the hill. The impact of the magic energy explosion caused the stone to fall like a raindrop.

Davis rode out of the cottage with a porcupine horse, and rushed down the mountain road.

Downton took out the magic drill, while replenishing the magic energy, while releasing the unicorn to ride up. The gangster was **** and his leather armor was broken. Obviously he was hit hard. He would not miss the opportunity of picking up cheap.

"Do you need magical support?" Ceres wanted to divert her attack fire.

"No!" Downton took a deep breath and rode a unicorn under the mountain road, looking straight at Seves, behind him, Mussel who was chased by soldiers.

"Blink away!" Davis's face changed, no bear gnomes, no werewolves, which was different from what was said! It roared towards the bottom of the mountain, but all the militiamen were dodge, but this young man walked calmly on a white unicorn.

Davis stretched out his hand, but there was no longer a spear in the gun pocket hung by the saddle. There was no way.

"Blink away, or die!" Davies snarled with all his strength, making his expression more grim, trying to frighten Downton.

"Sorry, I have to decide your grade!"

Downton waved his sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~The dragon bomb was fired, and he was greeted with a patting horse.

Davis, who dares to compete, dragged the reins and immediately turned around, and then he saw that the ghoul was dragging the headless body led by the bear goblin to the campfire.

"Actually dead?" Davis sighed in his heart, even more afraid to fight.

"Aren't you a gangster? How do you look like a coward?" Downton mocked, and at the same time his feet slammed the horse's belly, the unicorn lifted instantly, and in a blink of an eye, he narrowed the distance to Davis.

The dragon bomb was fired again with Downton brandishing a saber. The distance between the two sides was less than five meters. Davis was about to dodge. It was already hitting his back.


The huge impact drove Davis off the mount, rolling over the ground in awkwardness.

Downton ran across, riding a saber, leaving a wound on Davis.

"I said, I want your level!" Downton turned an arc and killed him again.

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