Volume 1: Chapter 162 Time Converter

The facts presented by the Boggart are terrifying.

Only Draco Malfoy and his accomplices noticed what Nietzsche feared, but no one knew what bad idea he was planning.

It is already mid-October, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is getting deeper. Every time students enter the classroom, they have to be alert and hold their wands in their hands at all times to deal with Boggarts or red hats that come out of nowhere.

Professor Grendel is even better. He even encourages students to try different dark magic to deal with these creatures.

But Professor Lupin is a little opposed....

Granger has been much more low-key since the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He spends a lot of time auditing alchemy and takes Crookshanks to wander around the edge of the Forbidden Forest in his spare time.

When I saw her again, Nietzsche was still picking lavender.

"When you stir the Dreamless Sleeping Potion at the end, add two dried strawberry slices to change the taste." Granger hugged Crookshanks and told him about the improvement plan for potions.

What a good teacher, if her eyes could be less sharp...

"Thank you."

"So, you and her have created so many things?" Granger sighed, stroking the Persian cat with a dull look.

Everything is for the future.

"I say, is it necessary to be so envious? You are no worse than Hermione."

Nietzsche held back his laughter, carefully dug out the valerian root from the soil, opened the small cloth bag tied to his waist, shook off the dirt on it, and put it together with the licorice tablets.

Maybe this Granger doesn't like the strange smell of the potion, there are always various ways to change the taste.

With the passage of time and the peaceful environment, she let down a little caution, her pale skin gradually became flesh-colored, and her short curly hair was not so dry, which was a good start.

"But there are not so many friends." Granger's eyes were complicated, and she pursed her lips tightly, "and I wouldn't expect Weasley and Potter to help me make sleeping water and joy potion... Boy, not all Grangers are so lucky."

She jumped lightly and jumped onto the branch.

How beautiful the castle was in the evening. The golden afterglow and the laughter made her linger. If possible, Granger hoped to die here.

"I'm not trying to discourage you, but you should know... traveling through the past cannot change the future." Nietzsche wiped his hands casually with his school robe, making his body dirty. "You can stay here and start over."

Granger was stunned for a moment, looking at the mud on Nietzsche's face, and couldn't help laughing.

"Does your mouth always attract girls like this?"

"Is it?"

"I don't belong here, Holmes, their admiration, hope, and respect all belong to Hermione... You are a good person, I'll give you a hint---if possible, it's best to kill those people as soon as possible, you know who I'm talking about."

Granger looked at the castle and sniffed nervously.

This is the difference between her and Hermione. This Granger is more decisive and acts very vigorously.

He kept talking about killing people, which really made him feel awkward~

"Dumbledore won't allow me to do this." Nietzsche knew who she was talking about, and both sides were in tacit agreement, "Everything you see and hear now is what I can do within the rules."

She is simply the Slytherin in Gryffindor.

This also led to Granger and Nietzsche's surprisingly consistent views on many things, such as certain means... Many actions that Hermione needs to consider are allowed by Granger.

Of course, everyone's experience is different, which is normal.

"Do you know how the mysterious man won?" Granger felt the warmth of his fingertips and hugged Crookshanks tighter, "Someone informed... The Draco family fell to him at the last minute."

"This is impossible, Malfoy is not yet able to influence a winning trend."

Nietzsche has a clear understanding of Lucius's strength.

In the wizard war, only powerful wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort can turn the tide of the entire war by themselves...

"I don't know how they did it, but after the decisive battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort, the only thing that is certain is that the Malfoys are taking revenge on me... because I did something that forced them to surrender to the mysterious man."

This is very strange.

Except for a few fanatics, most pure-bloods and half-bloods have the attitude of "using living weapons that have lost their humanity" towards Voldemort. Their attitude towards Voldemort is more fearful and disdainful.

After the war, the interests of those people have not been essentially lost, but the magic world has become more closed.

"If it is you, I am not surprised..." Nietzsche whistled.

Hearing the whistle, Crookshanks jumped from the treetops to Nietzsche's head.

Seeing that Crookshanks was quite obedient, he snorted with satisfaction, held the herbal bag tightly, and came to the potions classroom from outside.

Lighting, grinding, and stirring, a large pot of dreamless sleeping potion can keep Hermione drinking until January next year. Granger must admit that she does envy someone who can give her some caring comfort when she is most tired.

Four lavenders were rubbed into powder, and the excess part was put back into the bag by Nietzsche to make a temporary sachet.

"I killed Draco..." Granger hesitated and told his experience, "He put Death Eaters into the school and killed so many people. I couldn't just let him go. go back."

It makes sense that Nietzsche would do the same thing.

As he wiped the glass jar, he thought about Granger's reminder: Obviously Draco is the only child of the Malfoy family, and his life will definitely affect the final decision of the Malfoys.

But death is inevitable, and Nietzsche was just thinking about how the other party would die in advance.

"So you want to go back to before Draco was killed and stop yourself from killing him?" Nietzsche asked doubtfully.

"No, I want to go back to an earlier time and kill his parents so that he has never been born..."

Hiss~ It seems that the Grangers have suffered a lot.

Granger did not regret his decision, but was reflecting on whether he should have done a better job and eliminated all the people at once.

As she spoke, she gradually became crazy, her eyes full of hatred.

This crazy idea made Nietzsche cough. He couldn't imagine how Granger came up with this idea, but since it was her choice, all he could do was 'not object'.

Just because she is Hermione Granger.

"If Draco had no origin, it might directly lead to a new parallel universe where you can't see the future." Nietzsche said.

According to the paradox, Draco never existed, so there would be no reason for Granger to travel to the past, so she would not be standing here talking to him now.


"His death is not the reason for me to travel to the past. It is enough for me to hand over the time turner to my future self after Voldemort's victory." Granger smiled evilly, "You and I will meet again. of."

She took out a stopwatch and placed it on the table.

Nietzsche looked familiar. He seemed to have seen it once.

There is a line written on the cover of the pocket watch:

‘I mark every inch of time, but never beyond the sun. My value to you is measured by your purpose. ’

Nietzsche suddenly realized that this crazy woman planned to treat her life as a story, and then use her identity as God to correct mistakes, to forcibly correct history, and extend a timeline that she made her own decision.

"The reversal spell that was activated has been used up, so I need a replacement for modification."

"Hermione also has one, wait a minute... No wonder she can take three classes at the same time." Nietzsche shook his hand and splashed a small amount of potion onto Snape's podium. "She is actually playing with time in order to attend classes. !”

Well, no wonder Granger dared to play with time, I'm afraid not all Hermiones are like this.

Let's say she is decisive in doing things, but sometimes she hesitates when considering means. Let's say she hesitates in doing things, and dares to play with time... This is Hermione Granger, who easily did what Nietzsche did not dare to do.

"That's why, I can't just go find someone who's going back in time." Granger glanced at him angrily.

Really, isn't it just turning back time? What's all the fuss about.

"What should she do?" Nietzsche's first thought was Hermione.

"She won't last long, and rewinding time frequently is just overdrawing her energy. You can just use my bag while she's on vacation...Hermione will only feel that she has used up all her time."

With Granger's wisdom, it is not difficult to delve a little deeper into alchemy.

The difficulty is that the incantation of the time reversal spell will not be uttered by the Silent Person until her death. This is a rule, so she only needs to improve the existing time turner.

Nietzsche's display of fear in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class reminded her.

"I want to write my own story... Nietzsche, remember, your ideas are not wrong, they cannot stay." Granger said earnestly.

Volume One: Chapter 163 Hermione’s ‘Crisis’

Hermione was unhappy.

Not only because of those endless courses, but also... Ni! Pick!

She always felt that he was avoiding her intentionally or unintentionally, laughing to death, why did she care so much, just because Nietzsche made a large jar of Dreamless Sleeping Potion that even Snape couldn't find a thorn in?

Oh, and it’s strawberry flavored.

"I'm thinking about whether I can bring the children to see the next class..." Hagrid led a hippogriff into the forest and hesitated, "You know, ordinary wizards It’s rare to see the true face of a fire dragon.”

Hermione kicked the iron bucket down hard, causing hundreds of freshwater fish of different sizes to jump around on the grass of the Forbidden Forest.

You must know that she is upset, and there is no room for negotiation with Professor Hagrid's "mad" request. Besides, she doesn't want Malfoy to recall some memories.

"Fire dragons don't just scratch students," Hermione retorted.

"But you can't blame Buckbeak for that. You all saw it - it was Draco himself who wanted to curse him." Hagrid muttered a curse.

Buckbeak, the hippogriff behind him, chirped. He looked at the rich food on the ground and was about to have a feast. But as soon as he bent down, the Norwegian Ridgeback opposite him immediately opened his eyes and stared. it.

It is just an XXX-level magical creature. What can it do against a XXXXX-level behemoth~

"Malfoy deliberately harmed you and wanted you to be expelled..." Neville, who had just washed his face by the stream, interrupted.

Perhaps Hagrid thought of some bad experiences, and his face turned pale immediately.

"His father is already in Azkaban, what can make you resign?" Ron said bluntly, "Don't worry, even if the Ministry of Magic really wants to investigate, we still have Hermione and Nietzsche..."

"Nietzsche doesn't have that much time!"

Hermione heard this name, and she was immediately furious, just like Crookshanks saw the mouse Scabbers.

Perhaps because he heard a familiar name, Smaug immediately raised his head, and dozens of sturgeons slid down from his head, but after looking around for a few times and not seeing the nominal 'master', he was disappointed and started to deal with snacks.

This scared Ron.

He took a few steps back, walked to Harry's side, and whispered: "Did she eat a firework?"

"He is a busy man, and I helped him make so many plans..." Hermione ignored them, put the dragon's tail under her butt, and continued to complain, "In the end, he was rejected when I asked him to go to the library!"

Harry, Ron, Neville, Hagrid.

The four of them stood there like wooden stakes, listening to her complaints, unable to say a word of comfort.

To be honest, because they had never been liked by the opposite sex, nor had this experience, and could not understand the girl's mind, they did not dare to say much... They would rather do nothing than make mistakes.

"But didn't Nietzsche make sleeping water for you?" Harry said cautiously.

"That's the problem!" Hermione took out a small bottle from her arms, opened the cork and smelled it, and then frowned, "I asked Professor Snape, this sleeping water is definitely not Nietzsche's production level."

A qualified dreamless sleeping potion should be a lavender.

But the bottle in her hand was purple-red, without any impurities or sediments. It could let the sunlight penetrate when held high, and it could add flavor to a bottle of potion, which was definitely the level of a potion master.

Harry sniffed, in addition to the scent of lavender, there was also a hint of grass and strawberry.

It was like a lawn that had just been weeded.

"Is there any difference?" he said enviously, "Wormwood will make sleeping water very bitter. I really hope Nietzsche can also change the taste of bone spirit..."

"It's a big difference! In the process of making potions, if you stir less than half a circle or one gram of materials is missing, the potion will fail. His grades in potions are not even as good as mine. He must be hiding something."

Okay, no wonder he didn't go to the library recently when I asked him to. It turns out that he was studying secretly.

Harry thought, although he has no experience in love, at least he has never seen others do homework in the library on a date, right?

"I have reason to suspect that he is studying with others." Hermione's face was very gloomy.

This feeling is like raising a cat for more than a year, and suddenly taking it out for a walk, it ran home with others.

No one feels bad...

She turned around again, stroked the head of the Norwegian Ridgeback, and said with sadness: "Dear Smaug, it seems that you will never see him again."

Smaug cooperated and spit out a ball of fire, making them all feel a little warm in the cold wind of October.

How could this be possible? Although it didn't like Hermione very much, if Hermione could bring Nietzsche back to the Forbidden Forest, it would consider letting her ride on it for fun.

In the following days, Hermione would always pay attention to Nietzsche in Potions class.

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