"Boggart ran away? He hasn't done anything yet!" Draco slapped the wooden table hard and said to Professor Lupin in dissatisfaction.

"Boggart won't run away before being expelled by a spell." Lupin looked at the empty podium and added, "Unless Mr. Holmes used silent and wandless magic or brain occlusion."

It's hard to say, after all, this is a genius recognized by countless professors.

Then he dispelled his concerns because the wardrobe began to shake violently again.

"Don't be nervous, Boggart is a non-existent creature, it is a conceptual creature itself, and it will not cause harm to us." Lupin held the wand and prepared to take action.

Unless he was scared to death, there would be no way.

He was worried that the students would be scared and planned to expel the Boggart, but Draco stopped him.

"Hey! He hasn't cast a spell yet." A book flew up from behind for no reason and hit the back of his head, "Who threw it! Who?!"

Suddenly, the two doors of the wardrobe were opened, and a large number of corpses poured out of the wardrobe with flies.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath, but later found that there was no smell, and the fear of the people made the Boggart feast, causing the impact to continue to expand. Fortunately, the lights were not blown out.

Although prepared, looking at the pile of corpses like a small mountain, my heart still twitched.

The Grangers, the Watsons, Hermione, Harry, Warrington...whether wizards or ordinary people who had met once, all turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

"The winner is me, Voldemort."

When I came to my senses, a figure appeared unknowingly on the pile of people.

He was wearing a black robe, his muscles were full, and his facial features were like snakes. Although the man's scarlet eyes only stared at Nietzsche, the other students sat on the chairs and dared not move.

"This is your end, Nietzsche." He walked down the pile of corpses barefoot, "Everyone related to you will die, and even if you only meet once, you will be tortured and become a slave of the old world..."

Voldemort's morbid pride was fully displayed.

And something even more terrifying happened. Voldemort seemed to have discovered the group of little wizards behind Nietzsche. He pinched his wand with his orchid fingers and bypassed him, occasionally looking at the corpses on the ground and laughing.

"You are also his friend? What about you?"

The Slytherins who were stared at by that look were suddenly horrified, their legs softened, and they just kept repeating in their hearts: This is a Boggart, this is a Boggart.

Numbers are no longer an advantage for this Boggart.

"This doesn't make sense. Boggarts shouldn't be able to tell what they are afraid of..." Lupin also began to breathe heavily.

"Relax, it is obvious that Nietzsche's fear is more terrifying than those ghouls and ghosts. It has temporarily changed the hearts of wizards. They have temporarily developed the same degree of fear of that person."

Only Grindelwald still acted very relaxed, stepped over the corpses, and walked to Lupin.

The closed classroom door was suddenly opened, and this movement could not escape Grindelwald. He first looked at the empty seat next to Nietzsche, and then fell into deep thought.

"Tell me, who am I?" Voldemort took out his wand and pointed at one of the Slytherins frivolously.

"God... You-Know-Who..."

"No, that's not my name, Cruciatus--"

Only Nietzsche had seen what Voldemort looked like, so only Boggart could interpret the demeanor and personality of 'Voldemort' through him.

In front of such a real Dark Lord, everyone's fear was unified, and Boggart could scare everyone at once... This gave them the feeling that Voldemort was really threatening.

"Funny!" Nietzsche came back to his senses.

When Voldemort was reciting the Cruciatus Curse, he suddenly sneezed, causing the wand to tilt and point at himself.

Then he suddenly fell to the ground, as if he was electrocuted, holding the desk of the Slytherin student and twitching, his hands bent, the whole palm rolled inward, his facial features twisted, and his tongue stuck out.

This made his face, which had no bridge of the nose, look even more funny.

"Ah~~" Voldemort's scream was different from the hoarse voice just now, more like the scream of a girl.

Then it disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Uh... very... a good show, facing the Boggart should be as calm as Mr. Holmes." Lupin didn't dare to let others show, so he could only seal the wardrobe with the locking spell again.

Hiss~ If he had known that the Boggart would become Voldemort, he would have jumped over!

Now, if the next student came up, the 'mysterious man' might have to go again.

Lupin looked at the student with a complicated look, and his heart was full of curiosity: how could this person's fear show that person like this? The fact that the Boggart could transform meant that Nietzsche had a complete template of the mysterious man in his mind.

And Nietzsche could only sit back by the window in silence.

What he feared was not Voldemort, but the failure of everything, just as 'Voldemort' said: everything returned to the old world, humans failed, and only lambs and shepherds were left.

"Okay, Boggart, I will stay in the classroom... and I will randomly check your ability to control your emotions." Grindelwald told him his next plan.

Then he dragged the shaking wardrobe out in front of the students.

Now, when they come to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they have to worry about whether the Boggart will jump out of their drawers or cabinets.

Love, hardcore teaching from Grindelwald.

Lupin was not so happy, his heart was never relaxed. According to the Boggart Expelling Spell, wizards need to imagine funny and happy things in their minds, but the mysterious man just now...

If he is not mistaken, the mysterious man was tortured by his own Cruciatus Curse just now!

‘So, this student is happy to torture people? ! ’

Volume 1: Chapter 161: Choose to rise or fall

“Have you heard that Nietzsche feared ‘that person’...”

“Who is that person?”

“Not anyone, but ‘that person’, the one who cannot be mentioned. This is true. I was there and saw his face! I almost got the Cruciatus Curse!”

“Boggart has no magic power and can’t hurt you. If you ask me, it’s not as good as Harry Potter’s.”

“What does Potter fear?”

“He fears ‘fear’ itself, that is, Dementors...”

Wednesday is Slytherin’s special show, and Thursday is Gryffindor’s performance show. In just two or three days, there is one more thing worth discussing in Hogwarts: Nietzsche’s and Harry’s fear, whose is more terrifying.

George and Fred said that Harry Potter must be more terrible.

They think that the man who cannot even be named has been defeated by Harry Potter once, and the defeated dark wizard is not worthy of being feared, so the concept of ‘fear’ is more embodied.

But this idea was immediately rejected by Ravenclaw.

Hermione and Nietzsche, who were doing homework in the library on the weekend, could hear the discussion of the little eagle and the little badger.

"Isn't the You-Know-Who dead?" Hannah asked first. "Logically, when the You-Know-Who died, Nietzsche was not born yet... There is nothing to be afraid of a dead person even if he becomes a ghost."

She has always had a good relationship with Hermione, especially when she learned that many wizards were working for the two little ones, she admired them even more.

Although Hannah knew that her spells were not ideal, as the only heir to the Leaky Cauldron, she was still very clear about the benefits that Nietzsche and Hermione brought to the Leaky Cauldron.

She and Hermione have long been a community of interests.

"This is the terrifying part that is worth thinking about, Abbot... Boggart can only transform things that we understand and fear." Anthony from Ravenclaw said in a low voice while guiding her to do her homework.

Hermione sat in front of the long table, and her hand suddenly stopped writing.

Obviously, some things cannot be hidden, as Anthony said---this means that Nietzsche must have seen the You-Know-Who with his own eyes.

"You mean..." Hannah concentrated on one of the words in the paper, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Either the mysterious man was resurrected, or he is not dead... or Nietzsche just has his photos and stories." Anthony noticed the sudden chill in the atmosphere, and hurriedly braked, and finally found a reasonable excuse to cover his mouth.

There are only these possibilities.

But there is no need for Anthony to explain the follow-up, they can only try to deceive themselves with lies.

Nietzsche was concentrating on his homework, and suddenly Hermione hit his right hand with her elbow, and wrote 'I' as 'L', which gave him a headache. He was upset when he thought that a wrong word would appear on the perfect paper.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And Hermione was just concentrating on the homework on the table, and had no time to talk.

"What's wrong..." Nietzsche just raised his head and saw many people looking at him.

There were freshmen, classmates and friends who went from the initial 'tutoring group' to the 'duel club' with him, and they all stared at him because of this incident.

The outer layer of the truth has been punctured by Ravenclaw, but some people still hold a glimmer of hope.

"Don't treat us as fools, Nietzsche." Hannah pushed the textbook and said seriously, "You want us to learn practical skills to protect ourselves, and you are doing all kinds of business outside, don't say it's just for fun."

Anyone who knows a little bit can see what Nietzsche and Hermione want to do.

As the Ministry of Magic gradually abolished the control of wizards on the research of Muggle items, Diagon Alley, which was only separated from the Muggle world by a bar, gradually became lively... Coupled with Lockhart's novels, wizards actually began to yearn for the life of Muggles.

They are curious about how Muggles without magic can do all this.

In a sense, it also promoted Muggle Studies and Alchemy.

"What do you want to ask?" Nietzsche said.

In fact, his heart is not as calm as it seems. He often thinks about the meaning of Boggart and Granger who has returned to silence.

History is spiraling upward, which is a universal law of Muggles.

But what if wizards intervene?

Of course, wizards can't kill tens of thousands of people at once, but they can turn around and run to any corner of the world, even to the presidential palaces of countries around the world.

He blinked slightly, and every subtle ambient sound that entered his ears began to distort: ​​What if history could go backwards?

"You've known about this for a long time...right? You're preparing." Anthony glanced around and finally decided to stand up, "Now the wizarding world has a new view of Slytherin, and everyone has a new choice."

Sometimes, Nietzsche doesn't know what the future will be like.

In order to tilt the scale to his side, he would rather push something that can cause riots.

But the problem is that detonating a neutron is enough to cause the fission of other atomic nuclei, and the resulting chain reaction may never stop. He is not a mathematician and cannot calculate the probability.

"Yeah." Nietzsche nodded.

The reply was short and sounded perfunctory, but it was enough for the thoughtful Ravenclaws to confirm their conjecture.

"Let me be frank, I need you..."

"Wait, I don't understand." Hannah shook her head, breaking the solemn atmosphere.

"Hannah, once wizards flood into the Muggle world in large numbers, the Ministry of Magic will not sit idly by." Nietzsche turned his head and said calmly, "They will find ways to stop them, so I need you to withstand the pressure."

Just think of it as your own Leaky Cauldron... he thought to himself.

When wizards enter the Muggle world, this will cause discussions like the American Civil War - whether wizards have obligations, whether wizards belong to the people of the local country.

Once there is a disagreement on the right to belong to a group, then the government issue will follow. He has met with the top leaders of the Ministry of Magic several times, and it is easy to infer the thoughts of that group of people. They always keep a sideline.

Nietzsche did not deny whether Voldemort is still alive, which is the best answer.

"Great, this is your responsibility." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and took out a large stack of forms from the repaired schoolbag.

"You have a plan for a long time?" Nietzsche said in surprise.

"Of course... I have been waiting for the opportunity." She smiled awkwardly and handed out the forms she had prepared early. She seemed to have expected this to happen today and brought these things with her.

The heavy dark circles under her eyes made Nietzsche start to admire her.

Hermione suddenly took out a pocket watch from her pocket, checked the time, and hurried out.

There was no way, she was really hard-working. Nietzsche looked at the girl's back who was under pressure and wanted to remind her something, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it---Hermione was busy enough, and he should do something too.

Nietzsche thought: 'Help her make some strawberry-flavored dreamless sleeping potion...'

"But do we really want to do this? If the Ministry of Magic finds out, as long as one of us secretly goes to the secret, we will be in trouble and will be caught between the Muggles and the Ministry of Magic." Padma said.

Her responsibility is to assist Lockhart.

After all, Padma is a loyal fan of Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Do you believe in Superman?

I admire wizards who dare to criticize the Statute of Secrecy, because they might be arrested and thrown into Azkaban.

Ladies and gentlemen, our era is about to begin.

Some people are born after death.

But history will eventually spiral upward.

I'll say it again... wizards are by no means ignorant."

Nietzsche said so.

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