Sora couldn't answer Alechino's words.

Because he was indeed the only one who didn't care about Funina and apologize to Funina in time after the Fontaine prophecy ended.

And in the subsequent matter about "Daughter of Water", he couldn't control his mouth and made a little sarcasm to Funina.

Sora felt very sorry for this. He didn't want to do that to Funina, but he was like a demon at that time and couldn't control himself.

Sora was very confused. He was never a mean person. Why did he say such words to Funina?

"Huh? What's wrong? Why don't you answer me?"

Alechino frowned when Sora didn't respond.

"Uh... This, I may not be able to say it..."

Sora looked away guiltily, not daring to look at Alechino.

And seeing Sora's hesitation, Alechino immediately understood.

She only heard the creaking of her fists.

"You...didn't apologize to Fernina? Right?"

Although it was a question, Arachno was sure that Sora didn't apologize to Fernina after the Fontaine prophecy ended.

Now, she was even angrier.

Arachno felt that her lovely Fernina was being targeted.

Why did this traveler do his best to help them solve problems in other countries, but target her Fernina in Fontaine?

Although it was not the traveler's responsibility to solve the Fontaine prophecy, people are always grateful for a little and hate for a little, and she, Arachno, is no exception.

Since you, the traveler, have perfectly solved so many problems along the way, why are you powerless in Fontaine?

Do you have any opinion on my Fernina?

Arachno didn't want to know Sora's difficulties, nor did she want to know the difficulties of others.

She didn't care!

She only cared about her Fernina! Only cared about her best friend Krevi! Only cared about her Hearth House!

Everything else could be discarded.

No matter how complicated Fontaine's situation is, in the future that Alecino knows, Kong is the one who watched Fernina die without saving her and stood on the opposite side of Fernina.

Then, he is the enemy who hurt Fernina!

If Kong hadn't said later that Fernina would be alive and well after the prophecy ended. Otherwise, Alecino would definitely kill Kong regardless of everything.

Even if it would affect the plan of the God of Ice, Alecino doesn't care.

Anyway, the people or things she cares about are just a little bit, and she is the most selfish. She never cares about any world, but only cares whether the people she cares about can live safely.

"Tell me the truth, you have been confronting Fernina in that trial, right?"

Alecino asked again.

"Ahem... How, how is it possible? I'm just a traveler and never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries."

Kong coughed awkwardly and denied it hastily.

Yes, although Sora told Alecino about a lot of things in the future, he tried to minimize his presence and blurred many details.

Sora really didn't lie, he just didn't say it clearly.

"Really? Then why are you so nervous? Traveler, the consequences of lying to me are very serious."

Alecino squinted at Sora and said coldly.

"Ahem! It's not important. Don't you want to know how Fontaine's prophecy was finally resolved?"

Sora saw that the situation was not good and quickly changed the subject.

"...What is it?"

Alecino no longer cared about Sora's concealment of details. As Sora said, she really cared about how Fontaine's prophecy was finally resolved.

"That's right, after the trial..."

Sora saw that Alecino no longer pursued the matter, and quickly told the story of the last place of Fontaine's prophecy.

In the field of vision that no one could see, two rays of light covered the two of them.

The light on Kong's body was twinkling with stars, and it was extremely bright, while the light on Alecino's body was a strange blood red, and it was much dimmer than Kong's light, but it was enough to protect Alecino.

We all know that Kong is not from Teyvat. He is a traveler from outside the world, a legendary adventer, so Kong is not in the record of Teyvat's world tree.

And Alecino is similar to Kong. As a remnant of the Red Moon Dynasty, she has the blood of the Red Moon. This power that has long been unaccepted by the world has given Alecino an identity that does not belong to Teyvat.

That is, Alecino is both a Teyvat person and not a Teyvat person.

The Red Moon Curse in her body puts Alecino between the two worlds. Therefore, the Teyvat World Tree has no power to record her, but it knows that there is a non-existent person walking in the world.

Kong did not expect that what he said was actually a taboo for Teyvat, but both parties involvedIt was not recorded by the World Tree, so what they said was destined not to be known by others.

It was a lucky coincidence.

Soon, Kong told Arachno all about his trip to Fontaine.

Arachno fell into a brief silence after listening, and it was not until a few minutes later that Arachno spoke.

"There are two Fininas?"

As expected of Arachno, her focus is different.

"Not two Fininas, to be precise, one is [Fukalos] as a godhead, and the other is [Finina] as a personality."

"The godhead cut out the personality, and then the personality gave birth to an independent consciousness, and the two have existed in each other since then."

Kong shook his head and replied.

"Hiss... This is a bit difficult... I won't admit my mistake in the future, right?"

Arachno murmured softly.

Heaven and earth are conscientious, she, Arachno, is devoted to Finina.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Kong asked doubtfully.

"Nothing... By the way, there is one more thing I need to know... That is, in the past you have experienced, there should be no conflict between me and Finina, right? As a diplomat of Solstice, I don't want to offend too many people."

Alechino asked seriously.

"Um... you... you scared Finina to tears."

Sora's answer made Alechino feel like the sky was falling.

She scared Finina to tears? Scared Finina to tears? Scared to tears? !

No! This is impossible! She doesn't accept it! This future is absolutely fake! She likes Finina so much, how could she scare Finina?

Noticing that Alechino's expression was not good, Sora quickly added another sentence.

"Well, actually I can't blame you. You were on the mission of Winter, and you just wanted to try to threaten Fernina to see if she was the God of Water."

"Enough, stop talking. I know."

Alechino took a deep breath. Now she has become Fernina's enemy.

"Now, I have one last question. Is it true that only when the throne of the God of Water is destroyed can Fontaine be saved?"

"Well... theoretically, it is like this... Fukaros entered the game with his body, killed himself with Judgment, destroyed the throne of the God of Water, made Villette complete, and then Fontaine was saved."

Sora nodded in reply.

"Okay, I know."

After saying that, Alechino put away his weapon, turned around and left, very decisively.

Poor Sora didn't know that because of his meeting with Alechino, his journey to Inazuma would enter the difficulty of hell.

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