"I... I'm fine! Look, look! My hand is still there, I haven't been dissolved..."

"Now you believe it, right? I'm really a god, not an ordinary human who will be dissolved, really..."

"Listen to me, listen to me! Stop looking at me with that cold look, that doesn't count..."

"Look, you have no way to prove that gods will not be affected by the water of the original fetal sea..."

"And... if I were really a human, how could I dare to put my hand into the water of the original fetal sea..."

"Listen to me! Please... listen to me! I'm really a god..."

"In the name of the Supreme Judge, I declare that Funina is guilty of disguising herself as a god and deceiving the people as a human... According to the result given by the [Cardinal of the Oracle], I sentence... the water god to death."


A loud noise interrupted Kong's narration. Alechino's face was gloomy, and she didn't know when she took out the sharp blood-red sickle again.


Alechino growled, her eyes were filled with unprecedented anger and murderous intent.

"Uh... what's wrong?"

Sora scratched his head, not understanding why Alechino was suddenly angry. Logically, he was about to talk about how the other party got the Heart of God, and Alechino should be looking forward to it.

"Judge the gods? How stupid! You yourself said that during the five hundred years that Funina was in office, she had been looking for a way to crack the Fontaine prophecy, but look at what the Fontaine people did themselves?"

"The kingdom of justice used despicable means and the so-called judgment to tear open the wounds of the benefactor who protected them for five hundred years. It really makes me sick!"

"Five hundred years, even if Funina is a human, so what? Has she ever done anything to harm Fontaine? You Fontaine people, and you, the traveler, where is the courage you used to help other countries solve disasters?"

"You solved the Mond dragon disaster and pacified the Liyue demon disaster Where did the courage and wisdom go? A group of people actually coerced and bribed a girl who had been holding on alone for five hundred years! Who do you think you are! ? "

"Funina has been in that position for five hundred years. According to what you said, she pretended to be a god for five hundred years, just to bring a judgment when the prophecy came, and wash away the sins of the Fontaine people?"

"Why? Why should she bear the sins of the Fontaine people alone? Are all of you just eating for free? A country with millions of people, but throws all the heavy responsibilities to a girl who knows nothing?"

"Fontaine is really corrupt to the core!"

This is the third time that Alecino has been so angry.

The first time was the night when she witnessed Sofia's death, and she was so angry that she completely awakened the blood moon curse.

The second time was the night when she killed Kugavina, who defiled her best friend.

And this time, it was because of Finina.

Alecino didn't understand, she really didn't understand! Why are there so many people in Fontaine? Why are they so disappointed after Funina's identity was confirmed to be not a god?

Do you think Funina deceived them? But hasn't she been trying to be a god for five hundred years?

Why do you, a group of adults, blame all the mistakes on a girl like her? What qualifications do you have?

Navia of the Thorn Rose Society, the duel agent beside Funina, and the Supreme Judge Navrette... What qualifications do you have to judge Funina?

One is the largest civil organization in Fontaine, one is Funina's bodyguard and defender of Fontaine's laws, and one is a person that Funina trusts very much.

Instead of helping Funina to find a way to solve Fontaine's prophecy, you held a ridiculous trial and forced Funina to explain where the real water god is?

What a group of idiots who can't tell the difference between the important and the urgent!

The experience of Fontaine described by Kong almost pissed off Alecino to death, but Alecino couldn't treat it as false.

She has always kept her emotional perception on to prevent Sora from lying.

But now, Alecino would rather not have this ability, and would rather Sora lie to her.

She cherished Fernina like a treasure, she held it in her hands for fear of dropping it, she held it in her mouth for fear of melting it, she loved Fernina so much, but in the hands of this group of people, they set up a plan to deceive Fernina, pushed Fernina to the court, and made Fernina be condemned by the people of Fontaine.

Alecino absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing!

Prophecy? She doesn't accept it!

She doesn't accept this method of breaking the prophecy!

If it really doesn't work, then let Fontaine be submerged. Even if Fernina will hate her for the rest of her life, she will take Fernina away from Fontaine!

Looking at Alecino's loss of composure, Sora realizedThe Arlecino in this second round is different from the profit-seeking Arlecino in the first round.

In the first round, Arlecino only cared about her Hearth House in Fontaine, but in the second round, Arlecino was different. She seemed to care about Funina in particular.

Are these two people related? Is Arlecino actually Funina's long-lost daughter?

That's not right. Funina was just a girl after the prophecy was lifted... Strange, very strange!

"Well, calm down. In fact, Funina is not dead. The Fontaine prophecy was successfully lifted, and Funina is still herself. This is just a necessary means to break the prophecy."

Sora tried to explain, but it would have been better if he didn't speak. At this time, Arlecino was angry. When she heard Kong's righteous words, she actually laughed.

"Haha... necessary means."

Arlecino was so angry that she laughed.

In fact, she also knew that it couldn't be blamed on Sora and the others. After all, everyone was working hard to lift the Fontaine prophecy.

However, although Alecino knew the purpose of the other party doing this, it did not mean that she could accept it.

Because Alecino stood on the side of Fernina, the so-called trial was a betrayal of Fernina in Alecino's eyes! Even if Fernina was not a god, so what?

And in Alecino's eyes, Kong and his group were traitors who rebelled against their superiors.

Yes, Alecino was so hypocritical, and she defended Fernina so mindlessly.

What a joke, if she didn't defend her lover, would she help those stupid Fontaine people?

If Fontaine was flooded, it would be flooded. At worst, Linni and the others would all move to Solstice. If Fernina dared to refuse, she would be kidnapped!

"I'm just curious, you treated Funina like this... Did you care about Funina's life after the prophecy was resolved? Have you ever thought about how Funina would face the Fontaine people after the trial, and how she would live."

"Your trial took away everything from her. For five hundred years, she tried her best to pretend to be a god. Have any of you ever thought about what she would do to survive if she was not a god?"

"Have any of you really cared about Funina sincerely?"

Sora was sweating profusely.

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