Finina originally thought that she could forget about her time with Alechino over the past month, and that she could continue to live a heartless and unchanging life like before in order to maintain the majesty of the gods.

However, Finina's heart did not allow her to pretend to know everything.

"I must be sick... I can't forget a bad guy."

Finina sighed softly and looked at herself in the mirror.

Although the makeup on her face concealed her lost expression, the emotions in her eyes could not be concealed.

This is the window of the soul, and a person's thoughts and feelings will be transmitted to the outside world through the eyes.

Finina is very entangled now. She thinks she is sick, otherwise why would she always think of a person who always bullies her?

"I am not normal... That's not right, I am still me, but I can't adapt to a life without anyone to serve me for a while..."

Finina said to herself in the mirror.

"No, that's not right... I used to have people serving me, but I didn't have to live without servants, and I didn't have the feeling of losing and gaining like I do now... So what's wrong with me?"

"I obviously hate Alecino so much, and when I saw her become my maid, I was so happy... So, I'm not obsessed with Alecino, I just want revenge... Yes, that's it!"

"I also bear grudges! Alecino, that bad guy bullied me so many times, I hate her to death, and the reason why I can't forget her is just because I haven't had enough fun, and my revenge has not been completed!"

"I can't let her leave so easily, otherwise where is the dignity of my water god? If the price of offending the water god is just this insignificant punishment, how can I maintain my dignity as a god in the future?"

"I will make that bad woman Alecino pay a heavier price! I can't accept her apology so easily, and I can't forgive her so easily!"

Funina's eyes became firm, and she clenched her fists.

"I'm going to find her! Since she doesn't dare to see me and is hiding from me, I'm going to mess with her. I'm going to prevent her from doing her work! I'm going to make her fail in her diplomatic work in Fontaine and force her to flee back to Winter!"

After two and a half hours of psychological preparation, Finina finally convinced herself.

That's right! She just couldn't stand how easily Alecino escaped the punishment of Fontaine's law... Although she was a Winter, she should abide by the laws of Fontaine in Fontaine!

The punishment for offending the gods must not be so pediatric. Finina has not forgiven Alecino yet, and Alecino's crimes have not been redeemed!


The bedroom door was pushed open by Finina. The sound was so loud that Krevi, who was drinking tea outside the door, trembled. Fortunately, the tea was not full and did not spill.

Krevi remained calm. She took a sip of black tea, then looked at Finina and asked.

"Sister Funina, what's wrong with you?"

"Little Weiwei! Prepare the horses! I want to lead the army in person!"

Funina waved her hand, exuding domineering aura.

"Ah? Sister Funina, what are you talking about?"

Krewei tilted her head, very confused.

"Hehe! I say, from today on, I, Funina, stand up, I will ascend to the throne of God, and become the only king of Fontaine!"

Funina said with her hands on her hips.

Seeing this, Krewei got up from the sofa, walked to Funina, and put her hand on Funina's forehead in front of Funina's puzzled eyes.

"Strange, it's not hot!"


Funina knocked Krewei's hand away, she said dissatisfiedly.

"I think your little head is the one that is overwhelmed. I am very clear-headed, and I have never been clearer. I have understood what I want to do, and I have mastered my heart."

"I want to be the only king of Fontaine!"


Krewei was speechless, but seeing that Funina seemed to have come out of Pepe's matter, in order to prevent Sister Funina from thinking about the sad things again, Krewei had no choice but to cooperate with Funina.

"Okay! Lady Funina! Who are we going to conquer next?"

"Prepare the horses! Go to the Hearth House!"


Krewei collapsed.

Okay, okay, this is how you play, right? It turns out that I am the clown!

Ah ha ha ha ha... I finally fell in love once, but you made me lose so thoroughly, ha ha ha ha!


Krewei thought Funina had come out, but Funina didn't find the runway at all, and didn't fall into it, so how could she come out?

Sister Funina, you are worthy of you, don't you still understand your own feelings?

Sister Funina, you are invincible!

Seeing Krewei standing there in a daze, Fernina frowned in dissatisfaction.

"What are you doing? Go and prepare the horse, little Vivi, I'm going to kill seven in and seven out of the Hearth House today!"

"Hehe... OK, OK..."

Krewei went to work with no desire to live.

What to do? Sister Fernina is so stupid!

How long has it been? It's been two and a half months since Pepe resigned. Did Sister Fernina just think of chasing her wife?

No, it seems to be chasing her husband... Uh, it doesn't seem right... Forget it, let them go.

Krewei is tired, please destroy this world quickly!

So, in Krewei's complicated eyes, she and Fernina got on the carriage to the New Hearth House.

The New Hearth House is located in Fontaine, managed by the Momang Palace and assisted by the Winter Diplomat. Alechino is just a nominal vice dean in the New Hearth House. The real dean is Villette.

In this regard, Alecino could only say that it was cool.

At the gate of the New Hearth House, Fernina got off the carriage with a proud look on her face.

There were four gatekeepers here, all of them were strong young men, but two were from Fontaine and two were from Winter.

When the four saw Fernina, they immediately recognized her identity.

Lady Fernina, the Goddess of Water in Fontaine!

Such a big shot came to the Hearth House, and the two Ferninas hurriedly approached and showed great courtesy.

Such a lackey behavior naturally caused disdain from the other two Winters.

Fernina did not talk much with the two Fontaine gatekeepers, she directly stated her intention of coming here.

She wanted to see Alecino, the vice president of the Hearth House, to check on her work.

In response, one of the Fontaine gatekeepers took over the banner and he would convey the oracle of Fernina's arrival.

When a Winters gatekeeper saw that the Goddess of Water was suspected of coming to make trouble, he immediately retreated behind everyone, quietly left, and went to inform the news.

Then, the following scene happened.

Before Fernina entered the Hearth House, Arlechino, who had received the news, took the initiative to come out to greet her.

"Ms. Fernina, thank you for your visit. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

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