Early in the morning, Fernina woke up from her bed.

Today was the same as usual, washing, eating breakfast, reading gossip newspapers, and bullying her new maid.

"Alechino! Come in and put on my shoes!"

Lord Fernina, the water god, sat by the bed, shaking her snow-white jade feet, and her toes were as transparent and attractive as round grapes.

In the past, Fernina only needed to shout, and Alechino, who was dressed in black and white maid costumes, would push open the door obediently, then lower her head, bend her waist and come in, put on socks and shoes for Fernina.

However, today, Fernina did not see Alechino for a long time.

Seeing this, Fernina frowned slightly, and she raised her voice and shouted.

"Where are you? Alechino! Don't you want to do it? Come in and put on shoes for Lord Fernina, the water god!"

However, there was still no movement outside the door.

Fernina immediately felt unhappy. Damn Alechino, you have only been a maid for a few days, and you dare to disobey your master. I will definitely tease you and make things difficult for you!

The happiest thing for Fernina now is to bully Alechino. Seeing Alechino being reluctant but having to obey her orders, Fernina likes her aggrieved look.

Who made this damn woman tease her first?

She threatened her on the day when Fontaine and Solitary Winter established diplomatic relations, and she took advantage of her in the mine. It was magnanimous of her not to send her to court for a severe trial.

Alechino, tremble!

The days when you were so proud of yourself and bullied me, the God of Water, are gone! Now it's my turn!

But, come in! Damn Alechino!

The evil mushroom monster! Solitary Winter is really a terrible place! There are even bad guys like Alechino.

After waiting for a while, the pride and impatience on Funina's face were gradually replaced by worry.

What's going on? Why hasn't Alecino come in to put on my shoes?

In the past, I only needed to shout and she would come in obediently. Why didn't she come in for so long today?

Did she encounter an emergency on the way to the Momang Palace? Or did something go wrong with the work of the Dongdong Embassy?

"Hey! Alecino, if you don't come in to put on my shoes, I will deduct your salary!"

Funina shouted again without giving up.

This time, there was finally movement outside the door, but it was not the sound Funina wanted to hear.

The door was pushed open, and a pink-haired head appeared.

It was Krevy!

"Sister Funina. Alecino handed in her resignation letter yesterday afternoon, and she has left the Momang Palace."

Krevy poked her head out from the door, and a trace of entanglement flashed in her eyes.

My best friend Pepe! What on earth are you doing?

Sister Funina has obviously been moved by you. You two are in love, and you are interesting. You both like each other, but why don't you say it?

Don't worry about the shocking love between man and god. How can you know it won't work if you don't try it?

Krevy was so disappointed in her!

In the past month, she has been the first person to eat melons, taking in the performance of Funina and Alechino, and she has a general understanding of their feelings.

As the saying goes! Those who are involved are confused, while those who are on the sidelines can see clearly.

Krevy also guessed about Alechino's hesitation and concerns. It's nothing more than the gap between humans and gods. Humans only live for a hundred years, while gods are immortal.

And the political stance and identity gap between the diplomat of winter and the god of Fontaine, these worldly things are what Alechino is concerned about.

After all, Alecino could not completely get rid of the constraints of the secular world. She seemed crazy and unscrupulous, but in fact, she cared more about the world's views than anyone else.

Of course, this care was not for herself, but for the people she loved.

Alecino was the kind of person who would rather bear all the infamy than let the people she loved get hurt.

She could be cold-blooded, cruel and bloodthirsty, and profit-seeking... In the eyes of others, she could be a devil, a madman, and the embodiment of evil, but Alecino did not want her friends, children, and the people she loved... These people who were very important to her to be hurt by the malice of the world.

Alecino's gentleness was always hidden deep in her heart. She was like a hedgehog, always showing outsiders her carefully disguised sharp shell full of spikes, and only close people could touch her soft belly.

Regarding Alecino's secret love for Fernina, Krevy could not help, she could only worry.

If she took the initiative to expose this, it would only make things awkward between Alechino and Fernina. This kind of thing would only work if the person involved said it out loud.

However, although I can't helpAlechino, but it doesn't mean that Krevi can't instigate Fernina to take the initiative.

After all, Sister Fernina is so good at fooling people... Ahem! Sister Fernina is so wise that she can easily control Pepe.

"She resigned? Is the one-month period up?"

Fernina frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart.

It's been a month, time has passed so quickly... It feels like I just came into contact with Alechino, but the time is up in a blink of an eye. Now, Alechino is "released from prison", and I can no longer use Alechino legitimately.

Alas... What's wrong with me?

Why do I still miss a bad woman who bullied me? She is so bad, threatening me, snatching my cake, and taking advantage of me. She is also reluctant to obey my orders. Obviously, any maid can do better than her and be more respectful than her... But why do I miss her so much?

Finnina was silent for a moment, she didn't know what was wrong with her.

She obviously hated Alecino, but she just wanted Alecino in front of her, just wanted to see Alecino, just wanted to order her around.

This was very abnormal, she shouldn't be like this.

"Sister Finnina, how about I invite her over?"

Krevy asked tentatively. Seeing Finnina's tangled expression, she decided to speak up and match the two of them.

"Okay... no, no need. Let her resign. She came to apologize in the first place, and now that the stipulated time has come, it's normal for her to leave."

Finnina was about to agree, but immediately changed her tone, she waved her hand and said.

"As a diplomat of Zhidong, she also has her own things to do. Asking her to come to Momang Palace as a maid for a month was a bit too much for us. She should have a lot of work backlog in the past month, so we shouldn't bother her."

Looking at Finnina's lost look, Krevy smiled helplessly.

Before they even confirmed their relationship, Sister Funina's elbow had already turned outward.

Love makes people stupid!

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