After returning from the mine, Fernina locked herself in the room, and no matter how Krewe tried to coax her, it was useless.

Even when it was time to eat, Fernina did not come out, but just asked Krewe to put the food at the door and she would eat it herself.

Although Krewe had a good relationship with Fernina, as Fernina's assistant, and Fernina's status was used to pressure her, Krewe was worried that Fernina's fragile heart would be stimulated again, so Krewe had to obey.

However, Krewe was still very worried about Fernina.

Krewe couldn't help but feel ashamed when she thought of Alechino's bold behavior.

Pepe, Pepe, you are so brave... Sister Fernina is a god after all, and you dare to attack a god and plot against a god...

If Mr. Villette knew that the Fatui executive from Solstice had his eyes on his own water god, Mr. Villette would probably throw you into the sea, right?

Although Mr. Villette looks cold, he actually cares about Sister Funina.

Well... at least that's what I think.

Krewei sat outside the door of the room on the top floor of the Momang Palace. There was a comfortable big sofa here, which Funina specially equipped for Krewei to prevent her from getting tired.

The sofa was very soft and big, even if Krewei lay on it for a nap, it didn't matter.

Originally, Funina was going to arrange a big bed for Krewei, but Krewei felt that putting a bed outside the water god's boudoir was too inelegant. After several discussions, Funina replaced the big bed with the second best sofa in Fontaine.

As for where the best sofa is?

Of course it's in Funina's room~

The things used by the water god must be the best!

"My dear friend, what are you thinking about?"

Krewei sighed softly, staring blankly at the luxuriously decorated ceiling.

In the room, Fininna lay on the bed, her mind always replaying the scene of Arlecino attacking her.

There seemed to be a lingering feeling of being touched by Arlecino on her chest.


Fininna hugged the pillow, her face flushed with shame.

“Arlecino… Hate, hate, so hate! I hate you the most!”

“The Fatui are all bad guys, especially you Arlecino, you are the worst one!”

When Fininna thought of Arlecino attacking her, she wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in because of shame.

“Damn Arlecino! Didn’t I just not give you a small cake? Do you have to take advantage of me?”

“The Fatui are really hateful… Fortunately, we are both girls, otherwise I would have suffered a great loss!”

Fininna pouted her lips, looking for a place to comfort herself in shame.

However, no matter how she thought about it, Fininna still couldn’t convince herself.

She was originally a little afraid and hated Alecino. She had only gone to the mine to ridicule Alecino every day just to show off, just like punching in at work. She wanted to save some face for herself, but Finina never expected that Alecino would attack her!

And he attacked her in broad daylight, in front of everyone!

"Wait! I seem to have seen this situation somewhere..."

Finina's expression suddenly changed, and she looked worried and scared.

Thinking of this, Finina suddenly sat up, threw the pillow aside, got off the bed, and stepped on the carpet barefoot.

Finina walked to the bookshelf, stepped on the small stool skillfully, and then took a book from the bookshelf.

The book was written in Fontaine text: "My best friend who has been together for five hundred years suddenly revealed her true nature to me."

This is a light novel from Inazuma Yaedo, which is said to be a love novel suitable for girls certified by the famous Yaedongji.

The publication date is... three hundred years ago!

This light novel was also read by Fenina, and it had a huge impact on her worldview.

At that time, Fenina realized that girls could also be together.

Recalling Alechino's behavior that day, Fenina's face changed like a neon light, which was amazing.

Don't... don't be what I thought! She is the Fatui executive, a bad guy, the most evil person in Teyvat!

Fenina's fingers trembled, and she slowly opened the light novel.

Her eyes quickly browsed the introduction, and then Fenina began to read ten lines at a glance, trying to review the novel in the shortest time.

After about a few Teyvat system hours.

Fenina closed the novel with a pale face, she staggered, and sat down on the carpet with a plop.

She murmured in the air.

"No, no, no no no no no no no! This is impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible... I have only met her a few times, it is impossibleHow could it develop into this..."

"Is it because my charm is too great? After all, I am the water god, and all mortals will love me... But I don't want the love of that bad woman! I must be overthinking, it must be!"

"Who is she, Alechino? Rumor has it that she committed the evil act of [matricide], a madman who is cold-blooded, cruel, bloodthirsty, hypocritical and lying..."

"Even if I saw her helping the children who lost their parents, it doesn't mean that she is kind. Those may be her deliberate performances to let me relax my vigilance... That bad guy must have been eyeing me for a long time, otherwise why would she deliberately approach me?"

"Maybe, when she first arrived in Fontaine, she had already planned it... Damn Alechino, the evil mushroom spirit! ”


Funina kept hypnotizing herself, trying to convince herself that she was just overthinking, but the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt, and she even cried later.

Funina slowly got up, walked to the floor-length mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and reached out to touch it.

The cold feeling was transmitted back to her brain, and the grievance in Funina’s heart became more difficult to control.

“Wuwuwuwuwu! I… Why am I so unlucky? !”

“Hey! Another [me]… Can you show up soon?”

“It’s so painful, so uncomfortable… Have you found a way? I... I can't hold on any longer..."

"For hundreds of years, I have also been looking for a way to save Fontaine, but I have no clues. I can only watch the sea level rise day by day..."

"Originally... I was already very tired. In order to prevent people from doubting me, I tried my best to perform according to people's fantasy of God. I was so scared, afraid of failure..."

"I am so tired... Now I have encountered a super evil pervert, and that pervert is actually plotting against me... I am so scared, what should I do?"

"Another [me], please come out and help me?"

Two strings of tears flowed from the corners of Funina's eyes, and she cried softly.

Alechino, I hate you the most!

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